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Deutschland Atombombe

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Everything posted by Deutschland Atombombe

  1. I do not view Adolf Hitler in such an ignorant way to were i would want to murder him 100's of time's
  2. okay i spawn her but she just stands there and does nothing and i still remain locked in cintamatic mode odd enableplayercontrols always works did you type it in? my apologise, i infact did not type enableplayercontrols, ill try that now, thanks it worked! thankyou for your help i appreciate it
  3. okay i spawn her but she just stands there and does nothing and i still remain locked in cintamatic mode odd enableplayercontrols always works did you type it in? my apologise, i infact did not type enableplayercontrols, ill try that now, thanks
  4. okay i spawn her but she just stands there and does nothing and i still remain locked in cintamatic mode
  5. When i go to the Alein Crash site to begin the mothership Zeta quest everything goes accordingly the blue light comes down and i get beemed up into the Zeta ship, the Aleins do the operation on me and the screen goes white i then wake up in the cell the aleins put me in but the strange thing is that i am still locked in this cintamatic mode unable to move and that women is not there that usually talks to you and makes the plan to fight so you can get the aleins attention so you can escape, has anybody else have this problem, does anybody have a solution? :confused:
  6. i hope that some mods in fallout 3 will be compatable with New Vegas :thumbsup:
  7. So i am playing the main Broken Steel quest and i go through the presidential metro to go to adams airforce base. I find the Metro car that takes me to Adams airforce base and activate it and i see a spark flash and i hear the metro car start up and it sounds like it is moving but its not, it's staying in the same place and my character is unable to move, does anybody have a solution or a suggestion on how to fix this issue? Any help would be very much appreciated :biggrin:
  8. no, it's like just about everything i try to do that invloves a scripted moment refuses to work, like i tried doing broken steel and i went on the presidential metro and started the metro car up, a spark flashes and i hear the noise of the metro car moving but it's not it's just sitting in the same place it started and my character is unable to move
  9. Hmm perhaps i can reinstall it and see what happens, thanks
  10. I go on the riverboat and purchase my ticket then i sleep on the naval caught, the screen slowly turns black and then i wake up instantly and i am still in the dc wasteland and unable to move does anybody have a suggestion of why this is happening, or a solution?
  11. I don't know what the game does in this situation exactly, it's possible it just doesn't allow it, but even if it does, you would probably have some extremely strange behavior and probably crash a lot. The point is, even if the game starts, it won't work correctly, so just don't go over 255 mods. okay, i think i already have to many mods, the languages are changing to russian and objects start disapearing, ill have to remove some perhaps
  12. Does anybody know if there is a certain amount of mods you can put into fallout before it would stop working?
  13. This should fix it- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6240 thankyou so much, deeply appreciated
  14. Okay so i installed the game of the year edition disc 1 and 2 succesfully but in the last mission when i activate the purifier the usual thing happens i get poisend from lethal amounts of radiation then fall to the floor and then the ending comes up, well after the ending broken steel should be activating and i should be waking up in the citidal but instead I am on the floor of the purifier not able to do anything,so please can some one be kindest to help?
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