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Everything posted by Talonvarr

  1. LOL! For years I have compared Nvidia to Radeon and the results are always the same. Nvidia has the faster framerate and pixel pumping engine, while Radeon has the better picture quality (sharpness and color palette, imho) with respectable speed. But Radeon drivers can be such a bee-otch the reinstall because so many old files are left on the HDD even after using AMD's own uninstall program. And of course both manufacturers are still including multi-monitor support, SLI, CD and DVD playback, on-board sound (on a video card?? Sacrilege!!) etc...etc... to sweeten the deal. At one point back in the 90's there was a third party software developer claiming that their product would allow ANY two (or more) video cards to work in tandem by using a series of caches to leverage the various combined clock and processing elements. But sadly the firm went under and the project withered and died. Damn. THAT would have been a dream come true for us gamers (and work stations.) Would be funny to see my current HD6850 linked up to several cards and ending with my old STB/Tseng card. <sigh> Sooo, I will likely take the plunge some time in the next few days and battle with the new Radeon drivers. Wish me luck and send cookies please. Talonvarr
  2. I am still using the Radeon 14.4 driver suite (Radeon HD6850 video card) but now I see that the 14.9 drivers were recently released. Has anyone tried the new driver package yet? Any bugs or quirks while playing Skyrim?
  3. Now that I have your attention, I am looking for answers to a few basic questions. 1. CBBE, UNP/UNPB, Dream Girl, SeveNBase, Dimonize, etc... Are any one of these body models really better than the other? I have downloaded many mods each specifying a particular body model and the results of having so many different types in the Skyrim/Data folder often creates poor results. They will overwrite each other so elements of one model winds up on the body of another. 2. How do you tame these body morphs to work together? 3. Does using NMM, SteamWorkshop and Mod Organizer together cause problems? 4. Am I looking at the old "Uninstall/reinstall Skyrim, repatch, reinstall all mods" slog again? I have seen some amazing work being done by the Skyrim modding community and I would like to take advantage of the diversity. Regards, Talonvarr
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