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Everything posted by Kaerar

  1. Hope the fix the anorexic proportions of all the females, and even the males by comparison (bar the dwarf who's drunk too much). I dislike such stupidly thin imagery...
  2. True there have been some odd female models, but the base one looks way too manly, well technically it's just a female sexualised male mesh as the designers admitted... I don't think the models that make them anorexic are very good, but there are some that get the female shape a lot better. However most of the height and shape issues should be fixed for DA2. Unfortunately that doesn't quite fix DAO in the meantime ;) The Massive Armour doesn't look too bad proportionally, though I do think they forgot to add in comfort bumps for the ladies, as I explained earlier :)
  3. Yeah there is a new engine for DA2. It's not limited by the same issues that plagued NWN and DAO. We'll see what features it offers soon, though I think they should have spoken to Crytek about CryEngine 3 ;)
  4. Modmanager ignores Override only mods. They are not selectable and not removable with the Modmanager's or the ingame DLC management. Placing most stuff in core\override is recommended. Certain mods need to be put in single player\override as they are Origins only and not intended for any addon DLC. Placing files in both folders doesn't necessarily cause issues unless the mod is not intended for expansions like Leliana's Song or Awakenings for instance. Not advisable to put in both though as you may forget what's been put where...
  5. Err aren't there item's that buff just blood magic already?
  6. Did you check the alpha channel? Also check the diffuse for an alpha... The other thing is it could be the model.
  7. X-bow's would suit a Warrior archer much more than a Rogue archer. X-bow's shouls also have the ability to get repeater version which allow for 3 or 5 bolts before needing reloading as they existed IRL too. That would increase the damage output to be on par with the Longbow's. Another thing that's not taken into account is Armour penetration of Crossbow compared to a Longbow. Crossbow bolts are a lot heavier and transfer a ton more power to their tips than normal arrows. So technically if you are targetting a heavy armoured foe a Crossbow should be the weapon of choice. Medium and light armour would cave to a Longbow or Shortbow, and they would inflict more serious wounds too. The Crossbow has more chance of breaking bones though much harder to target. So taking those factors into account a couple of legendary X-bows wouldn't be a bad idea, one possibly being a repeater and another with better armour penetration. I think that Longbows and Shortbows should get a penalty to chance to wound (hit?) for Heavy and Massive armoured enemies. Makes more sense...
  8. Thanks Chimaru, at least someone has some sense! However for comfort (paramount for someone wearing that much metal) there would probably be some effort to accommodate the shape of boobs. But if the artisan was clever there would be a compression layer between the bra and the plate. That would prevent shock from getting hit on the plate reaching the more sensitive parts of the body. Taking into account 21st century tech and applying it to 12th century armour ;) Thing is I bet there were some very clever artisans about then who could indeed develop something like that, but just not widely shouted about... Taking it to another level what about Carbon Fibre Armour? Extremely light weight, great shock transfer and similar attributes to Samurai multi-plate armour. Depending on the process used it could be infinitely better than metal based armour :D
  9. You have to edit the normal map (texturename_n.dds) in photoshop or GIMP and change the alpha layer as well as the RGB layers. For the recolouring you need to edit the tint map (texturename_t.dds) unless you did a manual recolour using the diffuse map (texturename_d.dds), where you'll just have to make sure you got all the right parts re-coloured right. Does look a bit odd in the pic above which leads me to think tint map.
  10. It was a good idea, however BioWare had an issue with moveable textures. Notice how there are no flags that wave in the wind, or hair that moves? That is the problem with the cape, it just hangs and doesn't react to bone movements of the wearer.
  11. What would people think to combining this concept with an ultra slow function instead of pause? I find that pause interrupts the flow of battle a lot, whereas if it slowed as you were making tactical decisions it would also prevent the activate single ability problem. As for Archers, their damage function needs an overhaul. On a fully plate armoured warrior it would be hard to land any dangerous hits. However the flatter the trajectory the more energy transfer you would get so the piercing ability would get stronger the closer to the archer the warrior got. Maybe add in an animation for the arrows to hit but get deflected to signify a no damage hit due to armour protection instead of play the miss animation? Damage wise on the higher armours they would receive damage from the piercing attacks if they passed the defense AND armour rolls. However the damage receives a bonus much like a critical. This would mean that, as in real life, lightly armoured foes would be the preference for the archer while the swordsmen would take on the heavy armour.
  12. It is a good point. Why does she roar like an idiot, instead of start a Sea Shanty or something? Wouldn't be hard to change the voice file for that...
  13. Actually it's totally possible to do that. But all Longswords would need their hilt's lengthened or the grip co-ords changed to allow for 2H usage. I think a quick way to do it would be to have a stance change that switches between sword and shield and 2H skills. A bit like how Shale's skills work.
  14. Thandal summed it up pretty concisely, plus there's no reason to not have a 5850 or 57xx card in your system with how little they cost now. Game on console or PC? I thought consoles were only for Beat 'em Ups, Racing Games and Final Fantasy (for lack of the superior PC platform!). But hey each to their own ;)
  15. There is a hidden inventory slot specifically for the cape. However due to a problem with the engine and static textures, it cannot render movement of the cape, so it was cut. Hence no capes. People have made them but they look awkward and very very odd.
  16. Simple solution is to either use the Contraband mod or deactivate before starting a Dwarf Noble. I know it's not ideal, but until a proper fix comes out, it'll still happen.
  17. Here's a mod that speeds up the swing. Seeing as most of the Greatswords are really just 2 handed swords not Greatswords anyway. The gfx nature of DAO is a little OTT. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=348
  18. There is always the Possibility to have 4 forms rather than 3. Can keep the Spider, and when upgrade to Master SS you get the Drake Form allowing you to have Spider as first form again. Though I would probably move it to second and have Wolf as first.
  19. Interesting concept :) I like it but it would need a separate Stamina bar, meaning Warriors and Rogues need to have a second one or their primary one renamed.
  20. Need to scale it in the .mao file to about .265 of the original scale ;) Ignore that file I got the wrong one. My bad :wallbash:
  21. Damn you are a bloodhound once you get a whiff of a scent! Good work mate :)
  22. Might see what I can do regarding SS as I really want to keep Morrigan as a SS/Bloodmage. There are a few forms that are set for SS, and most aren't. Going to see why that is, and whether I can add forms. If I do I'll ditch the Swarm, and probably Spider. Go with Wolf, Bear and Drake. With upgraded versions of each available, and certain spells usable in each form that match it's fighting patterns.
  23. Shapeshifting never got the love it deserved. I think the swarm choice was a bit of a cop out and all the specialisations were too bland. Need more options and abilities for them all, but Shapeshifting especially. The only mods out there that expand SS are usually only effective on the main character which kinda leaves Morrigan out in the cold. Pity as it could have been really powerful to be a SS rather than respec her to Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage combo that is the common trend.
  24. That's not what I am talking about. They are all dialogue choices, whereas I think the large party with limited numbers usable is actually flawed. In combat there should be situations you can lose party members instead of them being totally fine every time they get killed in combat. It's not that the party is wrong, more the mechanic behind it is wrong. It's like a copied version of Final Fantasy rather than a proper party system.
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