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Everything posted by lorelai2009

  1. They were playing with a controller. I play on pc, but use a controller because I really liked the nice flowing transition walk-run-walk.(even though I am horrible at aiming) You have a lot of control regarding the movement speed with a controller, you can walk in real slow-motion or as fast as some NPCs do, and you can run as slow as some NPCs.
  2. I would like to know this too. Please, if anybody knows this, write here. I think it is possible since I saw some characters with some poses in the images section. Especially one pose is used. And on the Beth forum I saw a character in a praying-on the knees pose. All I know is that in the ID's there are "Idle Markers" like: StudyMarker, WarmHandsCrouchIdleMarker, PrayerIdleMarker, TavernDrinkingMarker and so on...maybe these are just markers to tell NPC's where to go to perform that action, but it's clear that they are tied into some animation.
  3. Thank you for the reply! I know about the naming and all that. The thing is I believe there are some meshes(vanilla) that share the same normal map even though the textures are named differently. And it really bugs me why that rug fringe has 2 NiSourceTextures, the second being for the normal map. hmmm...
  4. Hi guys and gals! Hope this is the right place to post this... OK, I know how to make normal maps and whatnot, this is not about that. My questions are: 1. If I simply put the "_n" at the end of the texture name after making it a normal map, the game automatically knows where to look for it? 2. I have seen meshes with different named textures that share the same normal map, how does that work? 3. This bugs me a lot. I was retexturing the rugs and I have found that the RUG FRINGE(part of the rug mesh) has 2 NiSourceTextures in the texturing property, 1 for the texture and one for the normal map (I have attached a screenshot) :unsure: The thing is, I have tried to add another NiSourceTexture in one of my tests but it didn't show up in the menu... SO, the question is(or more like 2 questions) why does this particular rug fringe need 2 source textures and do I have to add this additional NiSourceTexture for the normal map to all of my retextures? I didn't see the need for this as my normal maps were present on the mesh in my tests. Thank you all for putting up with what is probably a series of extremely noobish questions!
  5. Oh by Azura, by Azura, by Azura! :biggrin: Thank you! A million times thank you! You made my life SO much easier! The scripts are amazing, you are very kind for taking the time to write them! And the idea for copying an Oblivion plane is also amazing!
  6. First, sorry for my spelling/grammar mistakes, English is not my native language. Second, sorry if my questions were answered before but I searched like a gazillion times on the forums and I get a lot of results and none match. OK, I started making my first mod which was only going to be a small house but then I started expanding because I was so enthralled by what I could do with the CS. Now my little house is turning into a farm. On with the questions. 1. Can I give other creatures(like dog or deer) the AI package of the sheep? I want a dog wandering at my farm and some deers close by that will stay there(around my farm not inside the fence) 2.Can I make a script to activate a dog to go like this: activating the dog, if I have some meat in the inventory it will be removed and the dog will bark(maybe even play an animation)? Similarly, can I activate a horse to give apples/carrots(I assume that for this I would have to give up riding that horse since activation means mounting) 3.I have a creature spawning point near my house, can I move it a little further so that it won't wander in my farm and kill my poor sheep? 4.How do I make a new world that is small (mostly 6x6)? Whenever I create a new world it's always 15x15 and I cant use the WorldHeightmap because the CS always crashes after about 2 seconds(I assume it's because I don't have enough memory) Thank you in advance!
  7. Umm, I know this might be silly of me because I'm sure you're very familiar with the tactics, but did you check your character's behavior in the tactics menu? The one that says agressive, ranged, passive...I sometimes forget that. I also found this on the wiki "Click the disable tactics button on all characters then select the entire group press hold position, then move freely and then select only your main character again. Thanks CBZ" I think it's more for the ENTIRE party not attacking, but it's worth a shot.
  8. First time I played(HFN, relationship with Alistair), I didn't do the DR. I felt so betrayed and used! To know that was Flemeth's plan all along and Morrigan hid that from me despite the fact that we were friends and also because I kinda thought that Morrigan having an Old God baby is not such a great idea...and then what happened to Lawlder, happened to me too...Alibear took the final blow, so to speak. Then, I said, ok-ok-ok I'm going to do this, what's one night? I'll pretend it never happened, Yes I was very stupid and was in love with Alistair again and was friends with Morrigan AGAIN, I'm crazy like that. And then something happened that broke my heart: "Belive me when I say this Alistair, you will not hate this quite as much as you think" :blink: uhh...hello, I'm right here, and I can HEAR you, and you're my friend, and what you say is wrong in more ways than I can imagine.... Don't jump on me and say 'well, if you don't want to share than why do you do it' this is not about that, this is about she saying something that a friend in this position would never say, it's hard enough already! She could at least have the courtesy to say it to him in private. I would see it very normal if Morrigan was at hostile approval with the Warden, but IMHO, she saying this while being friends with the Warden is just....ugh :wacko:
  9. Yes, you are right, this turned into another Loghain thread, uhh I guess that's the risk. So, to be on topic, who would make a good candidate for the Wardens? Assuming that at least your companions are already infected(which seems very likely and it's not stated that they have some sort of protection) IMHO, a good candidate would be someone who understands the duty to the Wardens and can cut their ties to the former life they had, that for me is very important, because if they cannot, it could cause some serious problems later on. These are my personal thoughts, please, do not be offended :tongue: Morrigan-I guess we all know the answer to that...Leliana? Maybe, if she can let go of her past with Marjolaine or Marjolaine kicks the bucket. Sten? I don't think he'll even want that, he wants to return to his people which come first for him, his own quest coincided with the Warden's. Wynne? Well...she is going to kick the bucket anyhow, so unless she goes mental on me and tries to take control of the Wardens because she knows better, why not?....Zevran?...hmm, this one is tricky, I guess it depends on how your relationship with him develops, but it's too much to write about that. Oghren? Well, some despise him, but you know what? He was 'lost' and had no meaning, this fight and the Warden gave him purpose and made him feel important and needed when everything in his life was a mess. So he drinks, but I guess there are far worse things in the DA world that drunken people. As for the other characters...hmm, they are too many...but I must say something about Zathrian. Hell no! Not for me, someone who is SO bent on revenge that he would ignore all the suffering he causes to his kin, who is so deceitful and sees only his personal interests has no place among my wardens, compared to him, Avernus would be a baby.
  10. @RustyBlade, I know exactly what you mean :devil: especially when I decided to have a romance with Morrigan and she had the oh so nice discussion with me about how it's unhealthy to have a romance and I saw that whatever I said she disapproved(which she did not when I was in a romance with another companion) and then, oh the HORROR, when I returned at Ostagar and she made a pass at MY Alicorn! Oh, hell no woman! @ell46, well, about Loghain and Awakening...It's not such a huge thing as in content-wise, but I do find it very ironic! Let's just say that sometimes it can be worse to be left alive among people that...don't necessary love you(to put it very lightly) :devil: :devil: I don't want to say more here because it's just spoilers for Origins.
  11. I see. Am I to assume that you harbor these dark thoughts for Wynne too then? :teehee: @Thandal, you make a very good point, metagaming aside and especially if you're friends/lovers with Alistair it would be pretty stupid to spare Loghain, like I said, I NEVER do that under those circumstances because it's simply idiotic to lose someone that I know for certain would have my back over someone that maybe, given the chance, will consort with the Archdemon himself :laugh: ) If I would spare him however, I would make sure he would never get into a position as Sophia. I learned from the past mistakes of the other wardens. But you must admit, one doesn't need to be a warden to do what Sophia did, so that risk always exists. Sure, she had the advantage of having such great warriors at her side...but let's say that (as a mage warden) you choose to give freedom to the Circle--there is the potential for another 'Sophia' history repeating, maybe even worse...so yes, there are risks, but there will always be.
  12. Yes, I remember the prisoner at Ostagar, and I would have helped him if his cause was just, and I always feel bad when I return to Ostagar :sad: and you know...maybe for him would have been more merciful to be beheaded... :sad: RustyBlade if you ever spare Loghain and play Awakening...well you'll see what that 'nice' thing is...I won't spoil the fun, trust me, it's very ironic... and I understand what you mean, and from a point of view, killing Loghain does seem practical(especially if you're friends with Alistair, i would NEVER risk loosing a good friend over someone like Loghain) so if we totally ignore the fact about the Archdemon slaying, it is practical...BUT it is also practical to kill Connor for example, instead of going all the way back to the Circle(not knowing if the mages will/can help you<--no metagaming) and considering how long the journey will take and not knowing if the demon won't go berserk on the people remaining. So, my question is this: do your characters kill Loghain out of revenge or because it's the smart and practical thing to do?
  13. Yes, and if only your character knew about the Archdemon slaying thing at the Landsmeet it would be easier to persuade Alistair that Loghain is needed, but alas, Riordan likes soap operas :tongue: kidding, the idea of the choice between the 2 is good, the way it's written...well....I know I would poke Riordan-'tell us, tell us, what are those compelling reasons, hmmmm?' and if he would say that it's a secret, I would say "BS, Riordan, the Joining is apparently a big secret too, but Anora knows it's deadly and says so in front of all the Landsmeet, so don't give me that and tell us already!" And more important, sparing him DOES NOT equal liking him or agreeing to his actions! The world is not so black and white, those that spare him, love him-those that kill him, hate him...
  14. I'm not a Loghain apologist(my city elf, for example would slit his throat the moment she set eyes on him at the Landsmeet) and his execution IS just, but I'm not talking about him, for him it's easy, he dies and that's that, it's hard for the ones that love him and remain behind to mourn him. However sly and Anora is, if I could offer her the comfort that her father had a fair trial, I would do that, or at least give her a day to say her goodbyes to him. No child deserves that, it saddens me that she had mere minutes...I know that his acts are beyond what words can describe, but bowing down to his level of cruelty would not make me a better person. And if you say that I would risk them turning on me AGAIN, I say that they had support of some nobles, the army loyal to them and they were considered innocent by most and they couldn't succeed so what chance would they have now? *possible spoilers* or something like that... And for those who really hate him, well....let's just say that if you spare him ...something 'nice' could occur later on...something that I find is worse than death mwahahaha!
  15. Yes, Loghain is a respected war hero, I even had characters who spared him because I imagined they grew up with the stories of Loghain and saw him as a role model. But he is also feared, I don't know if you read the book, so I won't spoil anything....And I believe some of the banns, for example, will very quickly turn their back on him and resent him as soon as they realize that he doesn't have the power in his hands anymore(some may even be resentful for things that happened waaayyy back). I also don't agree with his pathetic execution, especially in front of his daughter like that...whatever he did, however despicable, he is a war hero, and it is true, without him maybe there would be no Ferelden to save...he would at least deserve a fair trial. I'm not saying it's a wrong move to conscript him, it would be even more smart if Riordan would have a meeting with the Warden, Alistair and Loghain to explain why we need more grey wardens instead of saying that there are..."compelling reasons", I mean, before the final battle when he tells you and Alistair/Loghain why the Gray Wardens are needed to kill the Archdemon, I wished I had a dialogue option to tell him "why didn't you tell us this at the Landsmeet you...you...!!!"
  16. Well, from this point of view(that is Loghain being well known) it could be a double edged blade for the Wardens. Sure, he is known and respected by some but remember that many hate him also, at least the many families that lost loved ones at Ostagar...it's really tricky. And the Grey Wardens are supposed to be neutral...and I think they are superstars because of what they do, not because of the fame-status certain individuals among their ranks have or had before becoming Gray Wardens.
  17. Well, I managed to add some armor without the addItem script. For example, the Underworld and Phoenix armors have runscripts to add them, they are not 'runscript additem(item name)' they are just 'runscript Underworld_Armory' (or something like that). So maybe the mods he downloaded have those and he wouldn't need the addItem script.
  18. I didn't mean to imply that Teagan would not be a good Warden or that he is not a good warrior already, I just thought that would be funny :biggrin: you have to admit, Isolde would send the darkspawn running mwahahaha! It was a joke :blush:
  19. You could check the mod's description or the ReadMe that came with it and see if it has an add item script attached to it, some mods do(I think most) it should start with runscript .
  20. Well, if this happened with a new character, I know that some item adding mods require that you disable them before you start a new character, making a save, enabling them and loading the save and then they appear. Is this the problem, they don't appear on a new character or they don't appear on an already existing one?
  21. Well, to answer your question about forming a connection with the male LIs(as a woman :biggrin: ) I honestly formed a deeper connection with Zevran. Maybe some view him as superficial and easy and all that, but if you get close to him you realize that his life was not a rose garden and that maybe his acts and attitude are a defense mechanism. It's really interesting if you get close to him and he tells you about his regrets and when I got him to love me I really felt special(well my character felt special-the second time he gives his earring). I also felt like he would protect me and offer good advice and comfort. I liked Alistair too, don't get me wrong, but he has little(or none whatsoever) experience with relationships and the responsibilities they come with. I really don't think a relationship with him will last forever(and really I don't think that would be fair to him either) sooner or later he will want to experience new thing(and it should be so, I don't blame him for that). That's the direction of my connections, oh I could go on forever about them :tongue: As for the DLC, well the Witch Hunt was interesting for both female AND male wardens, we all wanted to know what Morrigan was up to, what's the deal with the God baby and get their questions answered(even though they were not, even more were added, but that's for another discussion) so that's why it had/has it's appeal. Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes, English is not my native language. eh, I'm going to much off topic....
  22. Well...I don't think it's all bad writing...I mean, sure the fact that you can't scream in Riordan's face 'helloooo, I've got some infected buddies here, we could ask them' is the bad thing 'if you asked me, which you didn't, but I said it anyhow' :biggrin: BUT if we could conscript Loghain and Alistair would be happy about it and everybody would get tea and cookies, we would cry out that there are no hard choices and consequences, soooo it's silly and not silly at the same time...I mean, some people don't choose Loghain at all but for the ones that want to conscript him, it's a very hard and heartbreaking decision, especially if you're friends with Alistair(I for one NEVER conscript him when I'm friends/in love, I can't do that to Alicorn :tongue: ) I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too....the cake is a lie :tongue: Anyhow, I wish also that there was a choice to present your companions the option of joining the Wardens, and they could accept it or not depending on the approval you have with them or the friendship status.
  23. Oh, Teagan would be a very powerful Warden! He would unleash his super-uber power "the lady Isolde shriek" Teeeeegannn- ha! take THAT dire bunny! the Archdemon will stand no chance, I even feel sorry for him! On the other hand, about making companions Wardens...well that's not so crazy IMHO, I mean, they do get exposed to the darkspawn blood all the time(at least the melee ones) so that would mean they are infected,no?
  24. @ell46, yes, you can have Alistair marry Anora and spare Loghain(he will join the Wardens and your party in Alistair's place) you have to: 1. Harden Alistair after his personal quest 2. Propose to Anora that she marry Alistair(when in Arl of Redcliffe's estate) and persuade Alistair to do it. 3. Remind them again at the Landsmeet(when you choose to conscript Loghain) that they are supposed to get married.
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