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Everything posted by Gonzoguns

  1. Keelo6969 Starfield HD Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/5124 Takes a long time to download all the BA2 Textures, but worth it when you're done. The Game looks really amazing...on a beach at Sunset...you want to walk into your monitor and chill on the beach
  2. I like making my own little Beach Resorts on Planets with Clean Water and White Sand Beaches, makes a good pit stop between Bad Guy Exterminations...I've been using the REV 8 as a boat in Coastal areas and Lakes... But while I was out looking for Ideal locations cruising with Adreja, the thought came to me...Why not make a small Cigarette Boat based on the REV 8...all the stuff is there already...just make the Rev 8 a real Boat. If you could build a Dock and Boat...keeping it separate from the REV 8...that would be some pretty cool fun. I an old Modder and my skills and Knowledge now are as old as I am...but this would be a pretty good project to work on for somebody that likes hanging out on at Beach...and loves water like do. Just an Idea...that I would love to see happen Gonzo
  3. I found the Fix and the culprit, I was running the HD Textures mod, I found an update he had posted for the .70 Update...It takes a while to download all the Textures he added, but it was worth the time invested, the Updated Textures worked perfect, all my Vender Machine and Mission Board screens came back to normal and function again. I didn't try another solution that probably would have worked, uninstall the HD Textures for .61 Version...but I got lucky and invested the time to download the new updated HD Textures. They do make the Game look amazing...it's worth it.
  4. This a a weird issue that just showed up...I love the game...I'm level 249...the long way...many hours without any hiccups I couldn't solve myself...a perfect running game until the Update and Shattered Space All my mods are working fine...just not the Displays on Mission Boards or Vending Machines...has me baffled Tried different quick remedies...copying the V Texture Files and overwriting the V update...that just made the Game not start up...weird result...so it's a mystery to me Until the update the Game had no issues at all...after... just this new issue And...the Mission Boards and Vending Machines work fine...but there is a noticeable delay opening the Boards...maybe 2-3 second delay...but they work fine I have a Custom Upgraded Omen Gaming System...built new...and never any issue running Starfield with a full mod loadout...over 80 mods on average...Zero Issues But this weird little bug is driving me Batshit...LOL Any Ideas?
  5. Curious if anybody is working on a Player boat you can use to travel anywhere there's water, oceans and rivers, looking at the animations and the boat for the Far Harbor trip seems to be something that could be made with some scripting and duplicate model of the boat, steering could be keyboard like walking control, water animations are already made for the boat wake and water splash. I have a sailboat in Oblivion that works great and can hold 3 companions with the player standing on the deck, the NPC's and player are locked to the deck while traveling, the boat is easy to use, moves forward and backwards at different speeds using multiple forward or backwards key strokes, and can be docked anywhere. Ever since I took my 1st ride on that boat to Far Harbor I wanted it for my own use. I could probably make it but with work don't have the time to invest, anybody else working on an idea like this?
  6. Glad your looking at the problem, just last week I was on the site and a bad flash ad tried to infect my system with a drive locking and encryption malware for ransom, because it locked my Chrome Browser and my layered security stopped the attack, luckily my system stopped the attack, but somebody not so computer savy would have their computer held for ransom. I have Flash disabled in Chome just for this reason, no idea what advertising strated the attack because the browser locked up
  7. Gonzoguns here.... I have just about all the best map upgrade mods.....I think.. But I've often thought while following the numerous trails in Oblivion....that it's a shame that all those small branch trails never show up on your main map. You can see where you have cleared the fog on the alternative view......but the trails you discover always fade away in the mist of your memory.... I've been thinking about how this could be accomplished....and may have an idea that could work...Custom Icons can already be placed and removed with some mods....the locations of them are recorded seperately and can be modified. What if a toggle on/off could be created.....when toggled on, as you follow a new trail.....you actually record very small dots or dashes as you move....these would show on the main map as a trail path because they would be small and placed close together.....in essence very small Icons. When toggled off.....the recording would stop..... This might be a possible way to actually map all the small trails as you discover them. I have never seen a map that actually had all the small trails on the map.....if one does exist.....I'd love to find it. But the Interactive idea would actually add a little fun on the exploration side....you could actually see all the trails you have discovered verses just having them on a map.....and it would be replayable. I have gotten pretty good with some aspects of the CS.....but the scripting is still a mystery to me except very simple things that I can copy or modify. So after this long winded wish I could make this......The real question.... is this even possible.....if so....would it garner enough interest that someone with advanced scripting skills would want to tackle it. Just an Idea that I wish was already done...... Gonzoguns
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