So, we all probably know about the Amazing World of Bikini Armor- an armor mod developed for Bodyslide. 15 armor slots and eyecandy, etc., etc. It also stopped active development (which is why I'm asking here and not bugging the creator/current steward of it). One of the things that bugged me about it is the lack of support for Argonian and Khajit characters, in terms of the headgear. The meshes used were designed for human/elf, and it stopped there. So, wearing any of that headgear causes severe clipping. Yeah, I know, could use the regular helmet from the vanilla armors, but it just doesn't feel right, y'know? So, anyone familiar with meshes feel like altering the headgear meshes used in AWBA? Under normal circumstances, I'd do something like this myself, but I don't have the tools/programs to work with meshes, and Bodyslide feels fairly blunt for this sort of work (I've made the attempt. It wasn't pretty.) I don't want/need a compiled .esp (I can patch it into an .esp myself)- all I'd like is the mesh work done.