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About gastovski

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  1. Hello guys I'm having a strange issue atm. Started a new game with clean Fallout install and all DLCs. But in Sanctuary i can't move or select random objects at all, only scrap is available. Like chairs, tool racks, rubbers and many others. I don't know what to do really. Disabled all mods one by one and all at once but still couldn't fix. This is my load order. I fixed the issue but what did it's unknown to me. Only i put bcombinedobjects=0 in f4.ini and reinstalled place everywhere mod, all works fine now.
  2. Like i said, i see a lot of npc names are missing. It happens after using ASIS/Dual Sheath Patches. It must be ASIS problem but no idea how to fix it, can you help?.
  3. I already redid bashed patch then asis and dual sheath proccers. Still the same, so basically gave up.
  4. Yeah, for me it's impossible to find. I'm playing the game right now with temporary solution. Load the save, "player.kill" then load the same save again and play like 1-2 hours with maximum 10 manual saves. Then restarting the process everytime. I hope i don't have complete corruption in future.
  5. Thanks for the answers. I'm gonna try everything you posted after coming from work.
  6. Sorry, no idea really. I have absolutely zero conflict, zero dirty edits. Everything "looks" okay until 17+ mb. All mods have been adjusted manually and they are working as intended.
  7. My save doesn't have any orphan scripts and i never had. Already using crash fixes and all related stuff but i wish i could at least knew if a mod problem or anything else. Here it is my papyrus log.
  8. Same load order with usleep above.
  9. Tried everything i could, still crash happens. I wish someone would have a knowlegde.
  10. Thanks for the comments but i did exactly what you suggested. And using LOOT messes everything badly really. Everything is fine until 17mb (some expected crashes while crafting at smith or upgrading my armors), i absolutely have no slighest idea what could cause this.
  11. My game crashes when it reaches certain file size (17mb). I don't use auto or quick too. All manual but it happens everytime when i start a new game. Doesn't matter which level i'm at or location. This is my loadorder
  12. I did try to exclude one mod at a time in leveled list while doing bashed patch. It crashed everytime though. So excluding them altogether works only. So, to fix the problem should i update every mod up to date that affects leveled lists or else?. What if they were all up to date but still crashes, i'm hoping we can fix this colossal problem. Thanks for answers by the way.
  13. I really don't know what leveled lists does but about five or six mods included in bashed patch. The thing is disabling them wouldn't make the game messed up or something?. I heard we are supposed to enable it to get items properly but you would know better. I was really hoping this fix issue not finding out.
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