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About Orion665

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    United States
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    Fallout 3, Reach
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    Battlestations: Pacific, Halo Reach, Bioshock, fallout, Elder Scrolls

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  1. Can anybody help me with this mod? Im not a good modder i can barely build stuff in GECK so i need a lot of help. Mainly i just need a exterior of the sub in the pictures. Would be nice if it was in scale but if this helps from measuring in-game and outside the game if concluded that its about as long as the unbroken part of rivet city (the side pinkerton dosent live on)Or as they sat in The movie hunt for Red October its about as long as a WWII aircraft carrier which is a little shorter than Rivet city. Also might need a bit of help with the interior but not much.
  2. Well i like submarines and the bigger the better but i dont like the same submarine from point lookout in EVERY submarine mod because the sub from point lookout is small and wimpy THERE ARE NOT EVEN TORPEDO TUBES! and i just got the idea of if it would be possible to make a Typhoon Class or "Akula" Class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (Like the one from "The Hunt for Red October") . So if you are interested and will make this mod for me and/or help me with it please PM me. Thanks! (AND ALSO IF YOU MAKE IT NAME IT "Russian submarine TK-208 Dmitri Donskoi") (Here are some pics of the sub just zoom in until you see them they are not too hard to miss though lol :)) http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=64.5751,39.7701&spn=0.01,0.01&t=h&q=64.5751,39.7701 http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=64.58,39.8065&spn=0.01,0.01&t=h&q=64.58,39.8065 http://community.livejournal.com/ru_submarine/17486.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6EX9Ef4x6A (Here is a description of the sub from Wikipedia) The project 941 or Akula, Russian "Акула" ("Shark") class submarine (NATO reporting name: Typhoon) is a type of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine deployed by the Soviet Navy in the 1980s. With a maximum displacement of 33,800 tons, the Typhoons are the largest class of submarine ever built, large enough to accommodate decent living facilities for the crew, when the submarine remained submerged for months on end. The source of the NATO reporting name remains unclear, although it is often claimed to be related to the use of the word "Typhoon" ("Тайфун") by Leonid Brezhnev in a 1974 speech while describing a new type of nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Soviet doctrine for these vessels was to have them launch SLBMs while submerged under the arctic ice, avoiding the traversal of the GIUK gap to remain safe from the enemy attack submarines and anti-submarine forces. Technically Typhoons were also able to successfully deploy their long-range nuclear missiles while moored at their docks. (And the Specs of the sub) Type: Ballistic missile submarine Displacement: 23,20024,500 t (22,83024,110 long tons) surfaced 33,80048,000 t (33,27047,240 long tons) submerged Length: 175 m (574 ft 2 in) Beam: 23 m (75 ft 6 in) Draught: 12 m (39 ft 4 in) Propulsion: 2 × OK-650 pressurized-water nuclear reactors, 190 MW (254,800 hp) each 2 × VV-type steam turbines, 37 MW (49,600 hp) each 2 shafts 7 bladed shrouded screws Speed: 22.22 knots (41.15 km/h; 25.57 mph) surfaced 27 knots (50 km/h; 31 mph) submerged Endurance: 180 days submerged Test depth: 400 m (1,300 ft) Complement: 163 Armament: 1 × 9K38 Igla SAM 2 × 650 mm (26 in) torpedo tubes RPK-7 Vodopad AShMs Type 65K torpedoes 4 × 533 mm (21 in) torpedo tubes RPK-2 Viyuga cruise missiles Type 53 torpedoes[1] D-19 launch system 20 × RSM-52 SLBMs
  3. well im Oblivion i have a mod running that has a different intro to the game which starts you off as an assassin on the run from Morrowwind and his name is kota. but one problem is i have no real Assassin weapons to start the game with so this is a mod request for me. i want a knife that looks like a trench knife (from fallout 3 Operation anchorage DLC) that has 7 tally marks on the side (each one stands for a person ive killed) and if possible make it a bit bloody not too much just like it would look like if i had stabbed somebody with the tip. please and thank you. :thanks: :biggrin:
  4. i downloaded fallout3 from steam.com and cant figure out how to put mods on the steam version of fallout3 can someone please help me
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