My opinion is that modders who sell their work, should no longer calling themself as a Modder. If Mods going to sold -> nothing other as free subcontractors for the big companys for their games. For sure its hard working and hobby, both... for the most. Many people won't donate, others do but ask everyone for yourself as Modder, why doing this? As favourite hobby, for the communitys, cause you like games from a specific company? To earn money? But everyone is free to go his/her own way. For myself i've no problem to do something, maybe its not much like like others do, only translate some english Mods or donate few next time too... For nexus and other many other people goes wrong now but ill appreciate this site here and hope after a time a solution will found for all. I don't like valve with their "eat and die" politism. But its a huge topic like how to pay the webserver and infrastructure, develop new features, difference between work and hobby, do for free or earn money and so on.... Beware that too much capitalism prevents innovation, ideas and communication. As example books and music with strange laws and copyrights. And if i got no wrong information first Dmca trouble's on the way... English is not my native one, sorry ~