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Status Updates posted by Vagrant0

  1. Hatemail means you're doing it right.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. olha2


      hey vagrant0

      i'm really sorry to bother you but i've just dis covert i've been kickt from chat

      i have no idea why? could u tell me why? (i mean if there was a reasen for it i don't deserve to be allowed in chat) but i would really like to know why i was kickt what was the reasen


      wel sorry to bother you and have a nice day

    3. SilverDNA


      Vargant0, above sentence this is valid!
    4. Symbiote4


      Either that, or it means you are stupid.
  2. @hells

    It's not my project, I don't know anything further than what you do. I thought it was opened up again, or was last I checked. At any rate, have not heard anything.

  3. You were likely reinstated because I had mentioned about sending you a warning, with the implication that you would listen to the warning and be more careful of the content you upload.
  4. I've tried to PM you a few times, but it was always full. If there is anything I can do to facilitate your mod in regards to its hosting, feel free to contact me. I would rather see it distributed through proper means instead of people sneaking behind your back.
  5. @GodKingVivec

    Yeah... The hitlists part should make sense... Still not sure on the whole "debt records" bit, but what else would you call it when you owe people money?

  6. When you're dealing with that many for the same reason, you can only just shake your head, issue C&P messages, and hope that at least some of them have the sense to use the contact form to explain their case.
  7. Doing stuff.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. myrmaad


      You're always doing stuff.
    3. NexusRanger


      Well, his profile icon is Capt. What's-His-Name from Bleach, so *I'M* not gonna be the one who calls him on it. [steps behind Myrmaad] You do it. ;-)
    4. SillyKristy


      "Moderator: Banning Is Magic" I love it :D
  8. what did I do where?
  9. It's for today only...
  10. Not if I have anything to say about it... Oh wait...
  11. The avatar I have loaded now is my usual avatar. I have a special one I use before Christmas, so maybe you're suffering a memory loss?
  12. @overlord1977 you misunderstand. The strike was given simply because the nature and content of the posts was hard to read and often insulting. The issue has been resolved for now though.
  13. 4-star rating... So much for that. Serves me right for mentioning it.
  14. Yay, 5-star rating. I feel so appreciated. :)
  15. Why would I want to do a silly thing like that?
  16. What is there to update?
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