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Posts posted by Vagrant0

  1. To be as basic as I can about this old and exhausted topic:


    All engines have bugs and limitations. Changing the engine doesn't mean that these will be solved, we will just have a different bunch. Take a look around at other 'openworld' games, most these games also have rather severe performance issues, collision bugs, pathing bugs, ai bugs. Even your beloved Witcher 3. The reality is that there really aren't any engines around which can handle the scale of a world that you have with Skyrim or similar games, meanwhile no matter what engine they do use, there will be problems simply because you're trying to do so much. Neither Unity or Unreal allow for background simulation without actively loading areas, which is why the NPC behavior in these games is usually VERY limited. It's not a problem for most games since they have a very static world or just respawn whatever is supposed to appear somewhere... Meanwhile in FO4 you have caravans and settlers who actually move through the map on their routes instead of just randomly blinking into existence.


    Bethesda owns the engine. They are able to code and update the engine however they want. When Ron Howard talks about how "the technology just isn't there yet" in regards to a TES: VI, he's talking about the engine not being able to do what they want to do yet. Skyrim SE was a half-step towards getting there. It is creating a situation where they are able to bring an older game up to use a more recent version of the engine while getting feedback about how it performs in a wide variety of systems, while also funding the project through new sales. If we consider that the engine used in Oblivion was a step further than Morrowind, and the engine used in Skyrim is a step further than Oblivion, and the engine that was used in Fallout 4 a step further than Skyrim, it's very clear that they are developing and improving not only on its functionality in terms of game systems, but also bringing it in line with modern hardware and software requirements.


    And remember, the internet is full of idiots that make clickbait "check out this glitch" videos who like to call attention to what are usually uncommon bugs as if it was a systemic problem.

  2. Good luck with this.


    Interesting that you are saying that you don't want to have a sandbox, but are wanting an AI that is pretty much designed for it (open input, adjusts based on player actions, ect). Generally speaking, the more ability you give the player or NPCs to jump off script (the narrative kind), the more you start going down the path of a sandbox instead of a story-driven experience. Assets and quests which can be pulled apart and recombined also leans strongly toward a creating a sandbox environment. I understand that you want to make an RPG where the player isn't just a pile of statistics, but the actual gameplay systems you describe are typically elements of a sandbox RPG instead of a linear story-based RPG. Just wondering how you intend to mitigate between the two.


    As for text input... It's really great in theory, can sometimes be nice in a limited context... But becomes sheer hell when it comes to anything of substantial size or complexity. The main problem is the fact that a lot of this text input ends up being a game of "guess the verb" and requiring extensive use of a thesaurus to struggle through certain events. This was very much the case back in the days of the old Kings Quest games, and is still a valid case for many of the independent text-based games out there. There is a reason why Sierra went to a graphical interface for their games back in the 90's almost as soon as mouse support became more common. There is a reason why many of these text-based games have been trying to hack in ways to add clickable links or interfaces. Not only does this make it more accessible for the average player who doesn't have the word "quaff" in their vocabulary, but it also makes it easier for the programmer who doesn't have to code in thousands of additional words to use as synonyms for basic actions. There's a reason why most of the iconic CRPGs of the 90's tried to switch to a system of selecting from a list of dialogue options instead of trying to coax the player into manually asking these questions. There's a reason why the original Everquest moved away from their hailing and dialogue input system to clickable links and then pre-formatted dialogue choices. It all goes back to accessibility and ease of implementation. You can still do a great deal of depth with a pre-formatted dialogue system, but it ends up being far more approachable. One compromise I was toying with in my own planning dealt with using a sort of ad libs style of creating messages and commands to NPCs that would be context driven instead of being completely open, but even that felt very problematic from the standpoint of establishing syntax without just forcing the player to say certain things at certain times.


    Afterall, the point of having any dialogue system is to have the player interact with the environment, but also to have the player being able to meet whatever criteria is needed to progress without prolonged exhaustive effort. This is not to say that the player should be guided on rails through everything, but there is a distinctive difference between a player struggling with a game like Darksouls where most of the challenge comes from timing and coordination of inputs, and a player who is sitting at a text input box trying to figure out what magic grouping of words is needed to do a thing they already know what they need to do. Eg:

    The door to the north is locked.
    use key
    You cannot use this item.
    unlock door
    You do not see that here.
    look north
    The door to the north is locked.
    use key in door
    You do not have a key in door.
    examine door
    You do not see that here.
    ... Some hours later followed by searching Google...
    put key in lock
    The key slides effortlessly into the lock.
    turn key
    I do not understand.
    rotate key
    With a click the key turns in the lock.
    The door to the north is locked.
    open door
    You do not see that here.

    And other similarly frustrating scenarios. Even the best programmer cannot account for everything, and when it comes to text interfaces you've personally made, it becomes very difficult to see it with the eyes of someone fresh to the project to know what they will or will not try.


    If it wasn't for Bot Colony being discontinued I could have suggested taking a look at it just to understand some of the difficulties you might be facing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bot_Colony


    As for Python, I havn't personally worked with it or seen it used outside of simple applications or ren'py stuff, but the language itself might not have the flexibility and support that you might need for a project as large as what you are talking about. Foreseeably, you will need to either make or use an engine that allows for live editing and utilizing data in a persistent 'hard' format instead of just being present in temporary memory. You'll also need an engine which can read and write this information quickly and seamlessly so that you can adjust NPC behaviors, affiliations, ect on the fly based on player interactions and keep those changes without bloating the main character save or requiring large portions of the game to be retained in memory (where glitches can occur due to memory loss or garbage collection, or just simply bleeding like an open wound). You'll also probably want something that can be compiled and packaged in a format that is easy for the end-user. In my own research, C++ and C# were the better candidates for this primarily because of their widespread use and ability to just use an existing engine (Unreal, Unity, ect) instead of having to build your own. But also because this language seemed to support these kinds of operations more readily.

  3. All I can suggest is to double or triple check that no extra standoffs in the case are shorting the motherboard.

    Case has built-in standoffs that are designed for that size of motherboard. The case was previously used with a motherboard with the same size for years without issue. In the case of a short, it would have been fairly obvious in most cases due to hearing sparking, seeing sparks, or the board becoming physically damaged. My effort to breadboard the motherboard was really just my effort to try and solve for all other reasonable explanations. If the case were the source of a short, it shouldn't have booted originally while the second motherboard was DOA.

  4. Hi,

    i build PC since 1998, i've seen thousands of compatibility problems between motherboards, RAMs and videocards, most of them using VIA or AMD chipset, and this is why i use Intel for my PCs.

    But also Intel have had issues in the past, and still have some ..... i can remember of boot problems with AGP videocard and with DDR2 memory on old boards with Intel chipset


    It isn't an incompatibility issue. The board worked properly for the first day. Booted it, entered bios, everything looked right. Shut down the PC, unplugged it, connected harddrives and put in windows install disc. Plugged it back in, booted from DVD drive, windows installed without a hitch. Memory detected, videocard detected. Rebooted a few times after windows was installed as was needed to setup initial software. No problems. Unplugged the PC, left it for the weekend. Monday, plugged it back in. Black screen. No error messages. No beeps. No unusual smells or sounds. Started troubleshooting. Swapped out power supply. No change. Disconnected everything but processor. None of the usual warning beeps. Unmounted motherboard from case in order to isolate for possible short (breadboarding), no change. Sent back for replacement. Got replacement, hooked everything back up. Did not boot, black screen. No post, no warnings. Pulled everything but processor. Black screen, no post, no warning beeps or lights of any kind.


    The motherboard is a very recent model, enough that I could not find any meaningful reviews or mentions of it. The newness of it makes me question if some idiot in the designing process decided that there was no need to include components to signal an error... Just because a slow pulsing LED feature in the board that serves no function is so much "cooler". But that isn't exactly the sort of thing they notate or indicate in the specification booklets.

  5. Over a month ago I ordered some computer parts with intention of building a new PC for my parents. The first time I assembled it, it worked fine for the first day then failed to post. Complete blackscreen, no bios, no beeps, no hums, no sparks, no burning. The board has a LED element, but it looks to be entirely aesthetic (because for some reason people have tuner cars and PCs confused). I switched out power supply, same thing. I removed the memory and videocard thinking that it was just a display issue, board issued no beeps, no warning lights to suggest that it even went as far as detecting that memory was missing. Sent the board and processor in for RMA.


    About a dozen days later I got a replacement motherboard and processor. Hooked up everything again, same problem. No post, no bios, but the LED on the board works so it is still getting power (not useful for determining error code however). RMA'ed again. The motherboard doesn't appear to have many reviews online, not when I originally bought it, nor since then. It was however not a cheepo motherboard, so I shouldn't have expected this to be a common problem.


    Another dozen days later I'm now sitting with another motherboard and processor of the same make and model. Should I take the risk of the motherboard damaging the processor or other components (now that everything else is past the return period) in hopes that what I have will actually work? Or should I just get a refund for the Motherboard and go with a different manufacturer?


    I've lost a month on this, will probably have to buy a new copy of Windows no matter what (was installed with the first board that only worked for a day). So no matter what I am looking at lost time and lost money.


    Just trying to get a second opinion and see if there is anything obvious that I somehow messed up on.

  6. well if people are using them why haven't I seen anything on bethesda mods or falloutnexus? i mean i check often but if people really do use it I'm not seeing it


    is the SecondLife on here or is that a seperate webiste?

    Second Life is a virtual world platform that is not affiliated with this site. When it introduced the ability to import 3d models into the world it enabled a wider range of creation within this platform, but with this also came people who uploaded ripped assets from other games, models from free graphics sites, and pretty much everywhere else including mod hosting sites. Under the terms of use for this platform uploaders are required to obtain permission for the assets, but the system is poorly enforced since only the original author of those assets can make a claim. Things like weapon models seem more likely to be used in this way just because of how plentiful they are and how there is a desire for these kinds of things within that platform.


    This was mentioned not to state that it is likely that your assets will be used in this way, but rather that it has happened in the past and that if people are worried about their assets being misused, they should probably look into the matter.


    The most likely event is one closer to what Lisn and I have suggested; that assets are being downloaded by either people who are curious about what resources are out there, or who have intentions of making their own mod and are essentially shopping for a desired look. There is also that portion of people who download based on screenshots (sometimes dozens of mods at once) and fail to realize that some of these mods are just resources without any of the glue that might attach them to the actual game world.

  7. I went and looked at your mod list and you do have lots of downloads. However those downloads are primarily spread across like 50 files or so. Some only have maybe 20 DL while one had over 800. Some people just like to check things out, play with them..sit on them a while then will use it in something. Some people won't. Some just will use it for their own self. With the amount of DL you have per mod you may not see the results immediately or maybe at all.


    Elaborating on this further. In my own experience working on a mod project (in the distant past) I had downloaded dozens of mod assets, bookmarked others. What would happen is that while in the planning phase I would look at what sorts of assets were available for a given type of addition, look at how well the assets function, how I like their appearance, if their appearance matches what I'm planning on, ect. Even then, I might not actually use what I found, either in finding something better, realizing that I would have to make similar assets myself, or changing my plans completely. That said, if the project never reaches a point where it is in a released and playable state, there really isn't indication to the person who has created those assets that they have been used. There are also people who are not actually working on mods, but who entertain the idea of starting a mod project, spend hours collecting assets, realize they don't have what they need, and drop the idea.


    In addition to looking at other mod hosting sites, I would still suggest looking at the Second Life marketplace (especially if you don't use the service). Unfortunately a large number of 3d assets seem to find themselves there, uploaded by people who then convert and try to sell them for profit. As the author of these assets you can file a DMCA takedown request against the uploader who has taken your assets and both distributed and attempted to sell them. Similar to other sites which has a sales aspect and a 3d model basis, it is often only the original author of these assets who can file this request with it accomplishing anything. It's unfortunate, and can really be upsetting, but it is a fact of how the digital medium works.

  8. Just going to close this thread. Not really a matter open for debate as doing so ventures into territory related to how this site is operated and this is not a good venue for such a discussion. Mod authors have every right to deny access to their content for whatever reason they wish, subjectively justified or not. They made the content, they spent the effort putting that content out there for others to use, most people would not then go individually preventing access to that content unless they felt they had a good reason. It doesn't even have to be something you posted to a thread they are related to, but could have just been a comment you left somewhere that they disliked enough to go through the trouble of adding you to a blocklist. Sorry, this is just how it is, and has to be in order to give people the ability to block others for the myriad of other reasons out there.

  9. I've noticed the opposite. Several times now I've gone out for one reason or another and overheard people having discussions about politics, not heated discussions, but more even keeled ones where they share information and discuss the travesty of the American system, where we are essentially voting for which criminal we want in office. I've even heard people mention Johnson in serious tones as a viable way to show protest. These have also been more mundane locations, such as waiting in line to checkout at the store, sitting down to a meal, ect. Maybe I just happen to live in an area with less extreme views on the matter, with people who are more interested in having a discussion instead of trying to prove themselves right. But maybe this is just my own wishful thinking on the matter and is just an oddity.

  10. First thing I would do is try running it without any mods present. Make sure that it actually is a full version of the game. The shareware only allowed access to one area from the initial hub with the other areas blocked off. The full version however allowed you to start in any episode (if I remember correctly) but would not unlock the last portion until you cleared the others and obtained the runes. It is possible that the version you have either isn't the full version, or that it was not "installed" correctly to register itself as a full version of the game.


    As for mods, sadly my experience on that end is very limited since the only mods I used were ones which were related to servers (on Gamespy, or some other game matching service who's name escapes me (had little info cards in the shape of a buzzsaw that were packaged with some games)), or were things that were initiated by using the ingame console. Unfortunately it's getting on almost 20 years since then, so memory is not that good.


    My guess:


    BS have some fantasies about oculus rift etc.pp

    Which means only rich and upper class people who can afford that kind of stuff can play - which is total bull.


    Which is why the statement was that TES:VI was a long way off, and that "the technology isn't there yet".


    That said, I doubt it will be exclusive to VR systems, but more designed to work with them natively. This will still have hardware requirements above what currently exists within the budget range of PC hardware ($1,000-2,000 system), but probably still within range of the new model PS4 with the VR headset. If they even try to push it out in this generation.


    If it's the next generation, it becomes a much more questionable story. First, VR is likely, but at that point the price of the hardware will probably be more reasonable for the average consumer ($100-300). Second, the more concerning part is that both consoles as well as Windows applications will probably move toward distributed processing or deferred processing (game display data is transmitted to you from a server similar to how Playstation Now service works currently). With this later point, hardware stops being any kind of limiting factor, while things like connection, security, and unlikelihood of modding become the more serious concerns. Moving games from a software platform to a service platform is something that a large number of AAA developers are in favor of since it exists as their "solution" to piracy, while also ensuring that they can continually get income from people who pay for access to the games on that service. It is also an eventual expansion of already present services like Origin, U-play, The Microsoft App Store, and even Steam, but we likely have a few years before they start rolling this out in force.

  12. And some people need to cool down and take a breather here. The point of my last post was to encourage you to accept that some people will have opinions that you do not agree with. Opinions that you may feel very strongly against. But that does not mean you should take leave of your senses and continue endlessly insulting eachother while dragging what is meant to be a fun topic into the mud. Don't need to kiss, don't need to make up, just respect eachothers corners or find somewhere else (than this site) to fight it out.


    I dislike the fact I watched the movie M. A. S. H. after I got out of the military. Imo now appears to be a protest movie disguised as a Comedy declaring just how in reality people were in the Vietnam field of policing the area



    Now I dislike myself for watching it twice, buying it for my video collection and watching the Television version of M. A. S. H. too!


    M.A.S.H. was framed against the Korean war, not Vietnam. The M.A.S.H. style of show regarding the Vietnam war was China Beach, and it wasn't particularly popular (probably because it wasn't relevant in the late 80's). Regardless, the underlying criticism (shown in M.A.S.H) was still relevant, and still relevant in relation to our current practices in the Middle East; a situation where many are against continued operation, but where the government agenda and laws of unintended consequence requires our participation. Meanwhile, actors don't have to be smart, don't have to be right, don't even have to care about how people will like them afterwards. Jane Fonda isn't the first dumb *censored* in the world, isn't the last. The purpose of the arts is to say the sorts of things which are not being said by the dominant media, to provide contrast to the rhetoric, to spur discussion instead of parrot the sentiments of political figures. It's understandable you have this mistaken, they've been failing in their role in recent years, somewhat because the common person has become too dim to tell the difference between fact and opinion. The nice thing about an opinion is that you don't have to agree with it or accept it as truth, meanwhile facts (as long as they're supported by evidence) are not something you have to agree with or like for them to be true... Something forgotten these days. We've become too quick to argue against fact just because we don't like it being said, too quick to accept opinions as absolutes just because we agree with them.

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