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Everything posted by UFlow22

  1. Hi everyone :blush: I'm new here! And I have a little problem... Let me start off by saying that I run Skyrim on a 13" Macbook, successfully installed trough a Cider wrapper - but that's not a problem, it always worked well, although my lil' boy is not a speed monster. After about a hundred hours of gaming I recently decided to enter the magic world of mods; I tried installing some, nothing exaggerated (Realistic Ragdolls, Dead Body Collision, Marry Me, Green Water Fix, RND, Craftable Arrows, Left Hand Rings, Drinking Fountains and Sit Anywhere - can't run SKSE, but that's ok). Everything was fine, until I decided to install Frostfall. As soon as I started the mod I began to notice some random occasional lags I've never had before, sometimes with screen freezing for several seconds; when I also noticed that load screens were really much longer than usual, I did some searching and I came across things such as script mods and save files increasing. So I looked at my saves and... gosh. At the point where I installed Frostfall it went from 18 to 36 MB, only to keep increasing until reaching, in just 2 more saves, 46 MB. What's happening? :pinch: I tried to disable auto-saves and load screens are now incredibly fast, but the last time I saved the game manually it took many seconds (never happened) and my save file was... as I said, BIG. I found no one on the internet who had such problems just with Frostfall... Someone can help me pleeez? :|
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