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Everything posted by MDC519

  1. Just checkin in to make sure you're not dead. :) I put my head down and don't look up often enough some times to see the world go by.
  2. Just peekin.......hope the new comp is comin together.....need my Pheonix fix soon or I'll waste away to nada.
  3. Sorry to hear about the comp, Bud. Hope the desktop works out...just glad you were able to salvage your HD and didn't loose all that hard work you put in!
  4. Knock..knock.......hinges squeal loudly as I crack open door---(dude, get some WD40!)----I stand lurking in doorway..............;)
  5. I changed to chrome and the double posting has stopped! :) Thanks much for the help...that's why I love this site so much is all the helpful staff and people!
  6. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!...it works! :)
  7. Double posting test!!!!!...changed my browser and using you as a guinea pig to see if it is still doing it!....tag...you're it!
  8. LOL....just tried posting on your profile and it's still double posting....guess I'll try chrome since I am already set with google stuff anyway...thanks :facepalm: Feel free to delete my posts... :whistling: Update: just posted a comment using google chrome and no double post! :thumbsup: Bye-bye IE9....hello new browser! Thanks all for the input.....it's the little things that drive you crazy...one less little thing in my life now! :laugh:
  9. guess i'll try one of the other browsers....still double posting for me
  10. you're right...no double post.....let me try on yours...
  11. Thanks for the info...since I just upgraded to IE9 that is probably the reason. I've looked thru the tools section of the browser, but can't see anything in the settings, etc....any idea where I need to be looking to see if it is the browser doing it? I am definitely just 1-clicking.
  12. Don't mean to sound like a dummy, but what is IE9 and Safari?. I have made tons of comment posts before with no double posts. Nothing else double posts like this stuff in the forums, etc. I just upgraded to the new windows explorer---8 is it? Maybe that has something to do with it?
  13. The last few times I have posted a comment on some of my friends profiles, it has double-posted---even though I have only hit the post button once. This has happened for every post for the last 4 times I have posted. Is there a setting I need to change or...?????
  14. What is with this double post crap...anyone else having this problem?
  15. Great start!!!!.....have me on the edge of my computer chair waiting for the next episode.
  16. now how in the hell did that double post?????...sheez...sorry!
  17. LOL....night owl....! Just as I like constructive criticism, I know you want it too. Your standards are just as high as mine...it's just a case of learning as we go, right? I would LOVE! it if you did a vid of Bella and the bunker. Glad you had a great va-ca...:)
  18. Mirelurking back at ya bud! :P
  19. How have you been?...haven't seen you around much lately. Hope all is well. I'm still taking a hiatus from modding and playing Rift....needed a big break I guess.:)
  20. Excellent...the journey begins......(pulls up chair and plops down with bowl of popcorn---the screen goes dark then a soft glow begins to emmanate...) :O
  21. It's a self portrait i snapped with my webcam....:P Sorry I have been MIA as well....real life keeps interrupting things. Don't beat me...I'll behave :)
  22. ROFL!....no, but since I helped him with a bunch of scripting stuff and he used Vic as a base model, I check in on her regular to see how she is doing......kinda like lurker Druuler :)
  23. Thanx, bud...it's a self portrai! :)...love the new images by the way...sorry I didn't endorse each one, but been real short on time lately. Great job!
  24. Thanx!---It's pretty much a self portrait of me when I'm modding! :)...oh, and Victoria is tagged Big Guns/Energy Weapons/Melee which would make her act as a tank---saw your comment on Jasmine's (keldable) page...:)
  25. K...just for you I have an avatar...but it's supposed to be animated but it's not showing one here like all you bouncy ones!!!???.........sheez :)
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