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Everything posted by VirgilPerrin

  1. Exactly. I thought this would be a relatively simple mod to put together that would add the option of variety for those who like to personalize things a bit more. Asking for large mods at this point is a bit premature so start small, I say.
  2. I'd really like to be able to place merchants in areas where the large stalls won't fit, like in the lower floor of Starlight Drive in or similar locations. They should have animations to suit (so they're not leaning on thin air), perhaps even give them the freedom to wander short distances around their designated stall so they're not totally stationary. Just a thought.
  3. This is something that's relatively minor but sits at the back of my mind bugging me, so I thought I'd post this. You've probably noticed that there's very little variation in buildings/towns outside of the major cities like Solitudeand Markarth. An example of this would be Inns which are literally the same building every time with (usually) some minor changes in furniture inside. The same goes for the Longhouses of minor Jarls and, to a lesser extent, Blacksmiths and Traders. I've found the most unique aspect to these places is the layout of the town itself. Basically I'd like to see some uniqueness to each of these building types to give the different holds a little more flavour befitting of its location, maybe even change the material of the buildings themselves based on climate and terrain. For instance, Falkreath might have more wooden buildings compared to Dragonbridge and Old Hroldan which might use stone. Just a thought.
  4. Thanks guys, some great mods there. Looks like I'm off to install a lot of them. D:
  5. I'd like to play through Oblivion once again, only with mods this time. I have a few things I'd like to change and I was hoping you guys would know if what I'm looking for is out there. Firstly, I'd like to tweak the combat system to something a bit closer to that of Skyrim, or at least make it feel a bit more up-to-date. Ideally I'd like to add dual wielding of weapons and spells. Next, I'd like to update the inventory and UI a bit, if that's possible, as it always felt a bit cluttered to me. And finally, some graphical improvement mods to make it shine, textures, meshes, all that stuff and anything you'd care to recommend. And if there's anything you'd say is too good to ignore, like optimization mods or unofficial bugfixes, I'll take those too. Thanks!
  6. I know Smithing is supposed to be for the "Warrior" types but it is a sandbox after all.. There's not really much sneaky type armour that you can craft, the Dark Brotherhood armour and Thieves Guild armour are nice but they already come with enchantments which limits your options a bit. Of course I could use the armours that are already in the crafting menu but they don't look like something a thief or assassin would use. I'd settle for being able to craft Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild armour, even if it had lesser armour rating than normal. Not really a request I guess, more of a suggestion. Thanks for reading.
  7. Hi! I showed New Vegas to my brother the other day and he commented on the number of games available in the casinos, two, three if you count slots. It's somewhat disillusioning when all you have to do in a casino is play blackjack or roulette, so is there any chance of getting poker in Vegas? Or even any other game for that matter.. bingo anyone? D: And what's with the strip itself? It's barren, you'd think there'd be a few hundred people wandering around, not just some NCR jerks and the occasional gambler. Oh! And loan sharks! They could come break your legs if you don't pay them back within three days! :D
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