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  1. The order of download on the wiki is the order they should be installed.
  2. See my post above yours for link to all required downloads.
  3. It doesn't have the latest official recommended dependencies. For latest recommended versions see - niftools.sf.net/wiki/Blender
  4. Actually bar the last bit about the collision generation, all the rest is completely unnecessary. The Maya plugin is by far the most functional of all the plugins for Skyrim import/export. What you mention are 3ds max plugin specific implementation issues. Collision generation is done by the underlying niflib library, which was updated when Skyfox was building NifUtils Suite but dont think the Maya plugin was updated, though I could be wrong on that side too.
  5. Have you tried the Maya nif plugin - https://twitter.com/niftools/status/509264411794890752
  6. The above are not correct. For the latest stable recommended downloads see - niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/Blender For in-dev versions see the forums - niftools.sourceforge.net/forum
  7. Use the latest version - https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases
  8. You are very lucky as recently had a Maya user who is competent at coding update the project to use more recent build libraries Again this is also a dev build, but any feedback is welcome and I will forward it onto the developer. The more people that use it, it should ensure the project warrants the effort to maintain it. You can find the dev builds here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r4995rhvzemdk5v/AABzlmjxlxKcbF8OtGms8VA4a?dl=0
  9. In the second part, it states that you need to select the export option to export the SkinInstances as Dismember types rather than NiSkinInstances. The other thing would be to ensure the armature is parented to the Mesh object, but if you have weight groups assigned then that should already be done, Maybe you should share the blend file for people to take a look at if the above doesn't help.
  10. You should probably read part 2.....http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_2
  11. You will need to add a second plane to represent the inside of the coat. I would suggest duplicating the coat and scaling it so it isn't clipping the "outside" mesh. Then just model the inside. You will have to remove and areas which a are generally not going to be seen, but also take into the account this if this is going to be the world model or just the wearable version as 90% of the coat will be occluded by the npc. I would suggest looking at other people's mods to see how they have modelled their stuff and see what the general way of doing it. Not to say their way is more correct than another but good to see things you might not have thought about.
  12. Its old :P Dunno why you can't find a "reliable" download. I would suggest using this - https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases/tag/v1.2.0-alpha.2
  13. Here is the thing, the code has always been open source so anyone could, but nobody has. Our devs are working on updates, when/if they can, but their time is limited. The fact they still continue to make updates over the long-term, given their constraints is more of a "buckling down" than anyone else does. @BlazeLeeDragon - Some good stuff. You can definitely optimise your workflow by using one formation, .3ds would be preferential. Also the flower icon beside the texture path, its opens a file selector *don't ask me why its a flower, before my time*. I would suggest checking out the NIftools 1.2 alpha build, much better than the version you are currently using. https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases/tag/v1.2.0-alpha.2
  14. @BCofer - Think that is what he said, I wouldn't take that monkeys word for it though. - niftools.sf.net/wiki/Blender Same with anything said on the Nexus, wouldn't believe much either, best place for official updates at the moment is the forums and our twitter feed. Never had time to play with Bodyslide 2/Outfit Studio something. Officially its not that its something Niftools could endorse, as it technically a content porting, even if that is not its purpose, we understand it fills a much needed workflow gap. That said, the guys who do development on it pop in for a chat every now and then. @Nivea,- Thanks, exactly what we needed for skin partitions support, just right now, should be......er.....nothing to see here, keep moving along. :D **steals link**
  15. No problem, teaching people to fish; better than me telling people the solution to one use case, understanding what it means is more beneficial.
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