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Everything posted by MrSkyrimBro

  1. http://devnull.sweetdanger.com/convergence.html This one seems to be the official FCOM installation guide.
  2. My specs are: GTX EVGA Superclocked 1060 6GB (Slightly overclocked) i5 -4440s 3.2 Ghz 8 GB DDR3 I more than enough horse power to run this game. My frames drop for 1-2 seconds then back up to constant 60 fps (I belive I would get more fps than 60 if I would uncap).
  3. Your load order seems to be fine, but can't say for sure. You do use a lot of script heavy mods and HDT mods usally are a resource hog. Get rid of the "Highres DLCs" and use instead "Optimized Vanilla Textures" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57353/?). Just as good as the Highres but with much much greater optimization. I usally don't recommend messing around with Papyrus (Skyrim's scripting engine) but as last resort change iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 to iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=2457600. This tweak will allow the scripting engine to use more memory. Use this tweak at your own risk, don't take it lightly.
  4. Hello everybody, I need some assistance with my modded Oblivion. I use FCOM 1.0, Oblivion Sutter Remover (OSR), Oblivion Reloaded (OR), ENBoost and the Unofficial Patches (I got Deluxe Edition). I used BethINI for sorting my ini files and applied the ini tweaks other mods required/recommened. My problem is: I run Oblivion at 60 FPS constantly but when loading a new area (exterior) it drops down to around 15-20 FPS. I do use the framerate manager from OR but it still causes me horrible FPS. My second problem is bad FPS in the Imperial city (IC) market district. I do use "Better Cities" but NOT the market district addon because it drops my FPS completely unplayable. Does anyone know any "fix" for these problems? Best wishes, MrSkyrimBro
  5. I know this post is old but does anyone have the "Valeria Voice Fix mod" for 1.6? I currently have 1.5 AND 1.6. I have tried moving around with the files from both and was able to get Valeria vocied in 1.6 but with one or two side effects (wrong voice actor for X NPC).
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