Hello everybody, I need some assistance with my modded Oblivion. I use FCOM 1.0, Oblivion Sutter Remover (OSR), Oblivion Reloaded (OR), ENBoost and the Unofficial Patches (I got Deluxe Edition). I used BethINI for sorting my ini files and applied the ini tweaks other mods required/recommened. My problem is: I run Oblivion at 60 FPS constantly but when loading a new area (exterior) it drops down to around 15-20 FPS. I do use the framerate manager from OR but it still causes me horrible FPS. My second problem is bad FPS in the Imperial city (IC) market district. I do use "Better Cities" but NOT the market district addon because it drops my FPS completely unplayable. Does anyone know any "fix" for these problems? Best wishes, MrSkyrimBro