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Everything posted by FrozenORB

  1. Check this out modsbylaz.hugelaser.com/
  2. Seems, very promising; always wanted to play a sensible hybrid.
  3. Ok, thank you. I think that just saved me from forgetting things and thinking "wtf?".
  4. I think that's kinda like what I wrote... Thanks anyway.
  5. So i want to reinstall windows and don't want to go through the long process of installing all the mods that I have and made to work near perfectly. So if I backup Program files/Oblivion and My documents/My games/Oblivion and then overwrite the clean install, will it work the same way as my current install?
  6. I liked The heart of the dead and Daggerfall memories - Liberation of Cybiades (or Cyiabides, don't remember), but the formes is quite short.
  7. A stupid question: How do I download? I don't understand German.
  8. Hello, i can't find a mod that adds some random misc items to the game, that "you need to find out what they do" (a part that i remember from the description). Those items are added to vanilla dungeons (as I recall) and are hidden, a treasure hunt of sorts. The items are not skulls.
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