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About E3245

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  1. Hello everyone, If you are trying to get answers to your modding questions or requests, you'll won't find them here. This place is not active as it once was. You should go here instead: https://www.reddit.com/r/xcom2mods/ It's a lot more active and you might find help there instead. We also have a discord too (check the sidebar)!
  2. Both Jagged Alliance 1 & 2 voicepack mods were done a long time ago: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=268500&searchtext=Jagged+Alliance&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=textsearch&section=home
  3. I studied the Obj_Fortress.umap, somewhat. You probably need to find the Manitee(s) node, somewhere after it does the avatar check. Not in the beginning (around MissionStart (Blocking) Node).
  4. I figured out why it wasn't lining up correctly, I had to set the timeframe to 2:64 in Frames:Ticks and add keys at the beginning and end of the timeline for each bone. I did that and it imported with the time I wanted (.08 seconds). I've set durations for each AnimNotify in FF_FireA, for the muzzle PS and SoundCue, at max, just to see what would happen. It didn't change anything. I've tried putting the AnimNotify_Sound on the soldier animation before, but I still had the same problem. I might try that again just to see if it changes anything. EDIT: I figured out that it wasn't applying my changes because I was subscribed to my mod, causing it not to load my changes. It now works, but now everytime I fire the SVD, the mag and other parts move several feet away from the weapon. I don't know what causes it.
  5. Okay, I followed Amineri's suggestions, and here's what happened after a couple of hours of testing. I made sure the SoundNodeWave, and SoundCue works. Also tested the animation to make sure that it works. I imported the sniper animation in 3ds max, fixed the position of the bones for FF_FireA, FF_FireWeaponA, and HL_ReloadA, and increased the FF_FireA animation to 4 frames (0.0917 seconds). I tested this with minimal settings, the the AnimNotify for the sounds and particle systems seem to play just fine, with an average of 40 - 60 frames per second. Then I tested the SVD with the absolute maximum settings, the AnimNotify for the sound and particle systems fail to play, with an average of 15 - 20 frames per second, without using the slomo command. I not sure what's going on. I can't seem to get a perfect .08 seconds in 3ds max when I adjusted the timeline. I also tried using 370 ticks to reach .08, but I instead get .0802 seconds when I imported the animation into Unreal.
  6. I think the best way to do this is to remove the weapons from the HQ inventory on loading the game/starting a new campaign, and add your own weapons in the process. That way, the models never show up, and the game doesn't break somewhere.
  7. The time on the Sniper Firing Animation for the weapon is .44 seconds, I think. would extending it to .60 work? EDIT: Actually it's way less than that: .033 seconds. The Assault rifle FF_Fire animation is about .01 seconds. LWS Laser Sniper animation is .08 seconds. I might export the FF_FireA animation of the default sniper and extend it.
  8. I've already done that and it still does the same thing. I'm not sure what else to try, since we've gone through every possible solution without success.
  9. Someone already has done a skin replacement system for X2's weapons: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=707548632
  10. I wonder if it is possible to override X2UnifiedProjectile and X2UnifiedProjectileElement so that I can play SoundCues as an additional option, and leave the AKEvents alone so that existing XCOM 2 weapons would still work under the new archetype if I were to override it. It's probably difficult but not impossible if I can find the right person who knows UnrealScript better than I. It would finally fix this bug once and for all.
  11. It requires an AkEvent, which we don't have the means to do (requires WWise Authoring Tools) and the projectile archetype doesn't like SoundCues.
  12. I figured it out after an hour of searching. It seems to be a lot faster doing this, since now I don't have to wait for the mod to rebuild again after building.
  13. I didn't know Glidor's tool worked with the DLCs. I though that it wasn't possible, well definitely the animations for one. I'll have to check it out myself.
  14. Okay, after testing both suggestions, the problem still persists. I've tried moving the AnimNotify to the soldier animations, and setting the AnimNotify close to the part where the weapon fires, still does it. Not sure what else to try.
  15. Does anyone else have any problems launching the debugger? I keep getting an error from Steam: Application load error V:0000065432, and I can't figure out why. I tried verifying both XCOM 2 and the SDK. No dice. I also restarted steam and that didn't work either.
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