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  1. EDIT: Nevermind, managed to fix this. No need to respond. So I've been modding the patio of Fizztop Grille in Nuka-World and it's a part of Nuka-Town cells 06 and 07. Now I've precombined the geometry for those two cells and then precombined visibility for them. As they are a part of a cluster including cells 02,03,04,05,06 and 07, these are marked as being edited. The problem I ran into was that for some reason the two cells that make the Nuka-World Main Gate have the sprinting, object occlusion etc. bugs. No idea why that is considering I haven't touched those cells, so any help with that if possible would be appreciated. I decided to go ahead with precombining visibility in the main gate cells as well, but I still run into those bugs, now also in the Nuka-Town cells. I've tried precombine geometry in all cells with an asterix attached to them, then visibility, but still run into those bugs and cannot for the life of me figure out what else I can do or if I'm doing something wrong. So with that said, can anyone give me a hand with this? I've tried looking for information elsewhere and watched/read some tutorials, but all they cover is what I've already done.
  2. Thanks a lot RedRocketTV, I'll give it a whirl later and see what happens.
  3. Hello all, So, I'm starting to get back into modding and thought I'd give a bit of scripting another go, but it fails to be interesting for me and I just cannot get my head around it. Basically, I'm creating an interior workshop, but I want some lights and other objects to be toggled on or off via a terminal. Now I could just create a bunch of sub menus and use a simple enable script, but I'd rather have a list of options and the ability to just select one and toggle an item on or off. I've tried compiling something like this together in the terminal's papyrus section: Event OnMenuItemRun(int auiMenuItemID, ObjectReference akTarget) If (WorkshopIntOilLanternsREF.IsEnable()) WorkshopIntOilLanternsREF.disable() Else WorkshopIntOilLanternsREF.enable() EndIf endEvent but as some might be able to tell, it doesn't work. What I get is: TERM_InteriorWorkshopTermin_02005C2A_1.psc(7,0): no viable alternative at input 'Event' No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_InteriorWorkshopTermin_02005C2A_1, compilation failed. And that's my issue. So any help with this would be appreciated, whether that be giving me a script o copy and paste or just some pointers. Thanks.
  4. In response to post #56103671. #56104066, #56106576, #56118241, #56119161 are all replies on the same post. Unfortunately, as has always been the case, nothing in this world is free. Everything comes at a price and time is the most valuable thing in life; but as Etheron put it, people always care about what's theirs, it's how we are at the end of it all. I don't make things necessarily for others, I make things for me and because I find enjoyment in the creation of certain things (stories, videos etc.). I just happen to share that with others because I care little for egocentrism, vanity and to some extent selfishness. Maybe I share things to get something such as recognition or some other form of reward. People say they look for things other than money, well rewards don't have to be materialistic and it's looking for a reward nonetheless.
  5. Ahh, yes, of course, I remember learning about the Precombined Meshes a while back, but never really paid much attention to it. Think I've sorted it now, but not entirely sure yet. At least I have somewhere to start, so thank you for that! Rebuilt the Precombineds and looks good so far.
  6. Hello everyone, have an issue that's driving me nuts and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong, so any help is appreciated. I'm making a mod that adds a workbench to both the interior and exterior of Fizztop Grille (I know there are mods for this, but I'm doing something a bit different), and for some reason the scrap mods or my own created scrap recipes don't work on almost all of the objects found inside/outside Fizztop Grille. Even things that the vanilla game lets you pick up and scrap won't actually be highlighted. Is anyone able to explain what's the situation here? I'm taking a guess, that it may be something to do with the fact that the interior wasn't designed for the workshop mode.
  7. Thanks a lot for the help guys, got this working finally! :D I used what you have said and managed to use the note script that is explained the Bethesda first vault tutorial. Used Begin OnTriggerEnter seemed to work and set stage rather than start quest. So anyways thanks again!
  8. Ok great thanks, I've gone with what you said SHO1, but no luck I can't get the script to save. I know theres been problems with this over years etc. But maybe you can shed some light on it: scn MHomeScript Begin OnTrigger Player IfPlayer.GetHasNote NVDLC02MobileHomeNote StartQuest MobileHomeQuestDLC Endif End Any idea whats wrong?
  9. Anybody help me by posting a script I can use for getting a quest to appear upon picking up a note? Help appreciated, as this has bugged me all day. :)
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