EDIT: Nevermind, managed to fix this. No need to respond. So I've been modding the patio of Fizztop Grille in Nuka-World and it's a part of Nuka-Town cells 06 and 07. Now I've precombined the geometry for those two cells and then precombined visibility for them. As they are a part of a cluster including cells 02,03,04,05,06 and 07, these are marked as being edited. The problem I ran into was that for some reason the two cells that make the Nuka-World Main Gate have the sprinting, object occlusion etc. bugs. No idea why that is considering I haven't touched those cells, so any help with that if possible would be appreciated. I decided to go ahead with precombining visibility in the main gate cells as well, but I still run into those bugs, now also in the Nuka-Town cells. I've tried precombine geometry in all cells with an asterix attached to them, then visibility, but still run into those bugs and cannot for the life of me figure out what else I can do or if I'm doing something wrong. So with that said, can anyone give me a hand with this? I've tried looking for information elsewhere and watched/read some tutorials, but all they cover is what I've already done.