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Posts posted by Voivre

  1. Once the laser ceased blasting the cave through, she looked up and saw the night sky and the Yao Guai noticed her, she began to frantically scale the hole to the surface. She climbed until she felt grass and then she felt someone grab her arms and pull her up, she was also thrown to the ground where she saw the barrel of many guns and heard their metallic clicks of chambering rounds. It appeared her light show attracted many things.. above all her captors. They chained her so much she could not move a finger and could barely breathe.
  2. Ever since the missile mishap, Matoaka had been meditating in her cave, when she was disturbed by a wild yao guai, whose home she apparently was trespassing in. She decided she needed to leave the cave that instant, or evict the current resident; but how, she had no weapon beside her missiles in orbit, but that would kill her too. She had no time to waste, she began searching ulterior functions of the Military Satellite and found a small self defense laser for shooting down enemy missiles. Matoaka began to quickly reconfigure it to operate on only 10% power, as it might be just enough not to kill herself and drill a hole out of the cave. Her only issue is the laser leaving a giant light leading right to her, but she feared the Yao guai more at this moment than slavers. Moments later the satellite was reconfigured and the laser began slowly drilling at the surface above her, leaving an incandescent luminance, which lit up the sky and turned it a bright red.
  3. Matoaka stared at the screen as whatever fired touched the ground.. and she could feel the tremor it had caused in her cave. She found alternate camera settings, and changed it to thermal.. The mass of men were now a crater, and only one man was left, he appeared to be severely wounded, and just lay on the ground with a small object, a weapon perhaps..
  4. Matoaka finally got the computer to work, she input an algorithm to seek out other computers capable of high transfer operations. She detected a very strong but offline matrix, which appeared to be moving, and fast at approximately 17,000 miles per hour, at an altitude of approximately 400 miles above the earth. It would take some working, but she might even be able to re-activate it, depending on the power source; she hopeful it was not a standard solar cell battery backup at only 520 watts, that would be insufficient. She made it run a self diagnostic to analyze the systems, so she had an idea of what she was working with. It appeared to have limited data, but it contained some specs, she found it ran off a much more powerful micro fission reactor, and was offline during the nuclear holocaust meaning it might be fully functional, and not damaged from the large scales of Electromagnetic Radiation given off from the detonation of large amounts of nuclear explosions. Several minutes later she found that it had an on-board camera, and she began to stream the live feed, the quality of the image was great, and she looked around her local area and saw a man about to be finished off by a gang of who she could only guess to be slavers. Matoaka zoomed in, but doing so inadvertently triggered something, as it began to initiate launch sequence. This caught her by surprise, she tried to shut it down, but no effect.. Then it dawned on her, that the satellite must be some sort of pre-war defense satellite, that could only explain some of the specs.
  5. soldering the last components in, she noticed she would require an additional transistor to get the up-link component to function. Matoaka dug around the parts and found what might make a barely suitable transistor, or quite possibly short out the whole computer, but the benefits outweighed the risks, so she began work. It took what seemed like a half hour to make, but the extra precaution was necessary to increase her chances of a positive outcome. She carefully placed the transistor in, and began cautiously soldering it in place, only moments later did she click the casing back together. She reached around to locate her Micro-cell she salvaged from an old laser pistol, hoping it would be sufficient to power the crude device. She began to program the device, but this would take time, and as the time passed through the daylight hours, it seemed to be growing darker, and the light from the screen could possibly attract the attention of wildlife, or worst; Those who would do harm to her, she could only hope nobody, or no animal saw the light from her cave.
  6. Matoaka grabbed the components and clenched them closer to her chest as the man took a step forward, she darted out of the building. She ran for a good few minutes before tripping over a stump on the outskirts of town. Matoaka needed several rare components to build a moderately powered computer, capable of connecting to any satellites still up in orbit, at least the ones that still worked. She looked around for shelter so she could begin her work, she found a cave that appeared to be deserted, and entered it, immediately setting up work.
  7. Matoaka had accompanied the men from the ally, she didn't understand why, but she decided it might be in her best interest for her own survival. The two men were off at a bar arguing over something arbitrary, so she decided to wander off to a pile of broken components, and began selecting parts. A disgruntled man came up behind her and startled her by his loud abrasive voice.


    "What are you doing! Get away from that!" He shouted


    Matoaka jumped from being shocked, and gave a short, but very quiet response.


    "I need materials." She replied


    By now half the place was watching this unintended transgression, the other half didn't seem to care, and went about their business.

  8. Matoaka began woke up when she felt fingers running through her hair, Much the same way her captors did, This alarmed her greatly. She began to look around, When she noticed two men, Both giving off an ill feeling. One man, Who was sitting against the wall proximately to her left, Who had his fingers in her hair, And was peering at her, With apparent desire for her, But He, Nor the man standing noticed she was awake. Matoaka was frightened, And was in denial, Jumped up and backed into a corner. From the look on her face, She obviously was not fully aware of her situation, And quite oblivious to the 'de facto' world. She was obviously frightened, And vehemently shook, Her eye movement rapid, And a pale complexion about her, No doubt from a mixture of Starvation, Sleep deprivation, Dehydration, And Exsanguination.
  9. Matoaka came back around to consciousness what seemed like hours later, When the sky was darker, Night must be falling was her first thought, But she soon realized she was not alone, There was a man she vaguely remembered seeing before blacking out. She could not figure out why she was trembling so badly. Her eyes shifted around rapidly, As if in shock; The man gave her an odd look, As she began mumbling things he clearly did not understand, To which she began to faintly laugh at her bemusement. She continued to mumble endlessly, With an exhausted smile adorning her face, But the words fell on deaf ears, As the man either did not hear her, Did not understand her, Or simply did not care. He looked to be the mercenary type, Perhaps her captor did hire someone, And she were now caught..


    "So long as laws shall exist that create hells midst civilization, So long as men degraded, Women ruined, And children afraid. So long as ignorance, Poverty, And wretchedness be on this Earth..." She said, Shortly before succumbing to being sleep deprived, And fell asleep, Just as several mercenary types entered the city, Obviously looking for someone, Or something, And nothing good about them.

  10. Matoaka was blindfolded, And only heard what sounded like a group of people, And they were arguing over money. She could not move her hands, They appear to be bound. She suddenly felt a hand grab hold of her arm, And pull her.


    "Such a rare specimen, Do I hear 1000 Caps?" The voice of the person that was still holding her arm proclaimed.


    "Here!" Someone replied


    And so the bidding went on, Until someone bid 10000 caps for her. She was tied to a line along with several others, And walked to wherever her captor was taking her. After nearly an hour she could smell something in the air, It smelled like civilization, Or at least someone cooking. She could not walk much further, Her feet felt like they were soaked in blood, And covered in blisters. She began to pull her hand restraints back, But only managed to cut herself, And lose much more energy. Desperately, She pulled again, And with determination, Popped one hand free, And used her free hand to pull the other by grabbing hold of her already bloody wrist. Matoaka pulled the other hand free as well, And took off her blindfold. She immediately made a dash toward the emanation of the food. About a half hour later, She reached a small village, And she walked through looking for food handouts, Hoping someone would pity her enough to give her the slightest morsel of food. No real clothes, No shoes on her beaten feet, No money, No weapons.. Nothing.. She knew her existence might be over soon, As the captors would soon be on her trail, With hired help. She pleaded with people, But they ignored her, She made it up to a man in armor, With a Rifle, But collapsed before she could say anything...

  11. Alrighty, I have made some progress, Only after re-installing the game many times, I have the dragonskin body armour mod in game functioning perfectly, Now I need to get FOSE, And get the woodland colour kit to work.
  12. Okay, I Completely eradicated any existence of FO3, Re-Installed it, Added FOMM, Downloaded FOSE file, Put it in Data, And tried the FOMM file for the PDA pipboy.. I attempted to play without the FOSE file in place, And received an error about the pipboy. When I get to the main menu of FO3, I click new game, I hit yes, And it just stays on the Main Menu, It won't work.. What am I doing wrong???? Please help, I urgently need assistance, I will even give you my MSN so you can help.. I need this resolved ASAP!
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