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  1. I will gladly second that Raspberry. Best thing in my current Skyrim is "the old people race" mod. I can finally play as the old man that I am. Seems more natural that way. Cheers
  2. I normally rise before dawn and turn on the coffee maker, the computer and the TV. I am an inveterate news junkie. Of late however, I can stand but 15 minutes of the dreary parade of madness in this "real" world of CNN. The TV goes off and soon I am ambling towards Riften the full glory of an autumn morning. Skyrim has dark elements, yes. But at least, there, I have some fair bit of control. I can live with that. Cheers
  3. If the follower is "stand alone", the body type should not matter. Most likely, you are overwhelming your computer's ability to render the textures. This is especially if the location is crowded which is so often the case with the inns in Riverwood, Whiterun and Solitude as well as the temple in Whiterun. Try disabling a few followers which are found in those locations. Cheers
  4. I really enjoy the wooded areas surrounding Riften. Dawn is misty and muted but by mid-morning on a sunny day, there is a crispness and clarity in the lighting. By late afternoon, the fall colors of the aspens (?) give a warm glow and softness. The back lighting is excellent. Cheers
  5. Amen! :laugh: I think that that would be the same preacher that declared fornication a sin because it could lead to dancing. One could argue clothing styles all day without any real resolve. Personally, when I see modern males dressed in huuuuuge and low-slung shorts I think it looks ridiculous... so I don't wear them. I remember that, in the 1960s, folks of my generation wore bell bottom trousers and some other folks ridiculed them. I wore them. In fact I was required by law to wear them..... I had no choice. CCheers
  6. In the first instance, the artist was told to design a "Crock" pot.... but someone sneezed on the blueprints. I agree with Lordkoz, after all, where would we all be without the Venus figurines of 40,000 years ago? They be mere reminders to "Get thee forth and fu.... um, multiply! CCheers
  7. My player character, a lady Breton Archer, usually travels with a fair sized squad. Sophia is there of course (I know that she is about half a bubble out of plumb... but so am I), Selene Kate is next because she is an excellent healer and she can dance, then comes Hikari because she is so dang cute and does mind her own business in a very quiet way and she has a crossbow (I threw away her gigantic two handed axe) and Arissa because she is also quiet and is efficient... plus she reminds me, in her looks, manner and comportment of someone I knew fifty years ago. Vilja often comes with and I am at the point where I do not mind her chatter (well.... since I finally got her damned flute from the Kadjit in Riften so she would stop nagging me about it). I have as yet not explored all of Vilja's potential but I will get around to it. She normally stays at Proudspire and keeps company with Ben Doon. Two other two handed warriors, Vera and Eleanore, stay at Breezehome and keep Lydia from doing anything stupid. Only drawback to such a large party comes when I target a baddie in meelee only to loose an arrow past Sophia's ear (or Vilja's or Selene Kate's) because they are so eager to fight. There was a time, with other PCs, that I did travel with Ceridwen. She was pleasant if a bit enigmatic. She declines to follow my current PC, perhaps I will reinstall her. I try to keep combat to a blades and bolts only but Sophie (of course) and Selene will use some noisy magic blast at times despite my MCM instructions to the contrary. Interesting topic, Thank You. Cheers
  8. I stand corrected. My apologies. Germany was intact after "the War to end all Wars". Cheers
  9. I believe that Russian forces penetrated Germany as far as Berlin.... and, after having witnessed a score million deaths in their own homeland, did a great deal of raping and pillaging. Bit of a payback. Cheers
  10. Post-WW2, who was it that was busily tracking down Nazis throughout Germany and Austria? It wasn't the German government. "To the victors goes the spoils." By the terms of the WGC, Talos worship is forbidden. It doesn't specify who was supposed to conduct the actual policing. The Empire had been giving that part of the treaty lip service. But then the Markarth Incident occurred and the Thalmor saw that lip service for what it was. So, "If you won't uphold that part of the treaty, then we will have to do it!" To which the Empire agreed. (Better to have Talos worshipers hating the Thalmor for hunting them down then for them to be hating the Empire for having done it. Cheaper for the Empire too.) Moreover there are still US troops in Germany, although these days mostly to watch the Russians... True enough..... although the folks being hunted in Germany had committed atrocities prior to the occupation and were NOT being hunted because they were Catholics or Lutherans. Might be a difference there. Cheers
  11. I have multiple characters of both sexes. My play style is very slow; no fast travel, no running and is best described as sedate. It is natural, I think that, at this slow pace, it is more pleasant to follow a female form. The main male character is an old man, a Redguard with white beard and thin hair and tattoos. I figure that this is natural because I am 70. Just doesn't seem right to play as a young man. Only problem is, even with weight set to zero and face aged a bit, my Redguard character has a youngish body. Someday, I must ask the creator of Prof Ben Doon how he fashioned that body. I hope that the answer is a simple one. In the meantime, Hannibal (named after the Carthegian General) will continue his slow plod through Skyrim. Cheers
  12. Have you tried increasing the size of the memory blocks by changing the values in the INI? Gopher has an excellent video which will help you do this. It is a problem within Skyrim. Your computer certainly looks capable. Cheers
  13. I assume that you have used "LOOT" to organize your mods. There are, however, problems that "LOOT" may not catch. I had a problem with CTDs whenever I talked to the Jarl in Dragonsreach and did track it to the overlap of two estate mods slightly overlapping. Do any of your save games work? Perhaps try removing the last mod you installed. Can you be more specific about the conditions? Luck
  14. I apologize I forgot to mention, female only. Ostagar is a sexually charged place for the women, with all its pre battle, women only, orgies and dalliances, even Sir Cauthrien gets a little nasty. I believe the "ZDF" and "Origins 9.2" mods helps in this area also. There's about 1.01gb (22,850 files, 824 folders) of mods dedicated to sex in DAO, it's hard to keep track of what each one does. And I'm fairly certain that IA adds to that total. The Ostagar encounters that you describe are the result of "Sappho's Daughters". If one must really "do" Wynne (or any other person or critter except children) the ability to do so is In "Siramodz Special Talents" mod. Cheers
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