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Status Updates posted by AshSparkle

  1. Yay for the lighter teaching load :) I tried playing FONV but somehow I just got bored after a few days. (And I've been play FO3 a lot in the past) I don't know. Maybe the wasteland just got a tad too boring for me. Maybe I will play FONV again some day, but at the moment, Tamriel beckons me!
  2. Hello! Haven't been around lately! How have you been? I am back playing Oblivion again after my study load decreased and determined to finish it!
  3. Thank you! =D Hope you are in good health now
  4. hey there! Just dropping by to say hi. Been busy with college and life =P Still playing Oblivion, trying to finish up The Lost Spire.

    Hope you are doing good. I like the display pic!

  5. GOsh! Now I can't get Bad Romance out of my head and it keeps looping at 'Ra ra a a aa" xD
  6. waiting for the video to stream :)

    Btw, I used BOSS to sort out my mods recently..and now I can't load my old save games anymore because the load order is different 9same mods) >.< Guess I am probably going to start all over yet again

  7. Yep, very good schronization too! I have no idea how you did it, but it's amazing :D
  8. I never could finish playing Oblivion XD Keep finding new mods to add and it would screw up my old game and I have to start all over again from the beginning = Omg 4 comments! Sorry! this is the last one >.< Well, just a few more days then you can slow down abit :P
  9. conflicting issues because of the difference in eye meshes. Got them to work together so now I started a new journey with Integration, Fearsome Magicka and a few other mods. Fearsome Magicka looks neat, though I never tried it yet, have no access to my computer until my holidays are over :( Chilling back home while my computer sits in my dorm.
  10. Thank goodness I was able to finish it in time, and my computer is better than ever too! i could play Oblivion on high graphic settings with acceptable framerate though it gets unplayable if I am around huge body of water. :P I finally got around making Integration: The Stranded Light playable. I used Beautiful People 2ch and Integration needed Race Rebalancing mod, both BP and RP had major
  11. wow online classes, now that's cool. So that means you lecture from home or something? Glad that I still have some free time in uni XD Oblivion has been entertaining as usual, deleted lots of unused mods. My computer died some time ago, a few days before the deadline for a research proposal I was supposed to write. Changed my cpu and motherboard.
  12. Hahahaha...I actually haven't been around Nexus for awhile now. Was busy with university and zomg Mass Effect 2! Oblivion kept crashing on me too so I stopped playing too, until this week! Finally done with the busy period of study and I started playing again :D Oblivion finally work with minimum stutters and crashes. So yep, I am back playing again XD SO how have you been? :)
  13. just dropping by to say hi :)
  14. hey there, just thought I should drop by and give an update here as to not clutter the mod detective thread. I downloaded the vampire revise thingy but somehow that armor I wanted wouldn't show in the cs, I see a naked body with pauldron, book, ribbon but not the cuirass. I noticed that the cuirassmain_gnd was missing from the mesh, which might be the problem
  15. Hey there! Thanks for the add :)
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