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Everything posted by AshSparkle

  1. I finally narrow down the problematic mod. It was RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp from Groovtama's XPMS Extended. But it doesn't seem like it was that straightforward. After cleaning my DLCs and deactivating all the mods, I activated the mods batches by batches. that particular .esp played nice in the beginning until a point where CTD started at launch. But by then I kinda lost track of which mods clashes with that .esp AND the cleaned .esm's. After deactivating that problematic .esp. The game launched flawlessly with bashed patch,. Thank goodness Papyrus log was helpful.
  2. Hi, I'm running the latest Skyrim LE with mods installed through MO (the folder is separated from Skyrim's own game folder, both are in an SSD). I used LOOT to sort out my mods and wrye bash to build bash patch, TES5edit to clean mods, all done through MO. So I followed Gopher's guide in cleaning the Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, hearthfire.esm, and dragonborn.esm. After that, I rebuilt my bash patch and launched the game, the game CTDed to desktop at launch. I tried to restore the dirty .ems's and rebuilt the patch, the game launched fine and save game was fine loading. Next, I tried to clean update.esm only, and launch the game without bash patch, it loaded fine. I tried to rebuild bash patch next by merging levelled list, stats and names. And the game CTD again at launch. So it seems like there's something in my bash patch that's messing with the cleaned Update.esm? Seems like my bash patch only works with the dirty .esm's. Anyone experienced it?
  3. Yay for the lighter teaching load :) I tried playing FONV but somehow I just got bored after a few days. (And I've been play FO3 a lot in the past) I don't know. Maybe the wasteland just got a tad too boring for me. Maybe I will play FONV again some day, but at the moment, Tamriel beckons me!
  4. Hello! Haven't been around lately! How have you been? I am back playing Oblivion again after my study load decreased and determined to finish it!
  5. Hi there, I am having some weird issues with the camera lately. When I sit down or sleep in beds (using see you sleep mod). After standing up, my camera seems to permanantly shift to the left of my character's body. I can see my character's left arm on my view's right whenever I walk. I totally have no idea how to fix it! Help please? The recent updates I did to Oblivion were updating wyre bash, installing nifSE, Deadly reflexes 6. This has to something to do with the skeleton.nif file right? Anyone has any idea how to fix it?
  6. Thank you! =D Hope you are in good health now
  7. hey there! Just dropping by to say hi. Been busy with college and life =P Still playing Oblivion, trying to finish up The Lost Spire.

    Hope you are doing good. I like the display pic!

  8. I forgot to mention that the first script needs the 2nd script to work. 2nd script adds the potion and 1st uses it.
  9. Okay, I tried. It's definitely the first script, the one I posted. The other two only adds potions and the potions are not deleted or missing after being bashed patched.
  10. bgOrcRageScript bgOrcRageScript2 bgOrcRageScript3 2 and 3 add some kind of Orc Rage potion bgOrcPotion and bgOrcPotion2 I am not sure about the first. If I were to guess, I would say the first one's responsible for the crash. I think the other race powers might have scripts too...though I haven't encounter problems with them yet.
  11. Okay, i think the CTD is gone! I loaded RBP in the CS and deleted 3 scripts from berserker's rage. They add something called bgOrcPotion. I reloaded the save after deleting them and the Orc was casting without any CTDs. Hopefully this will be the last of my CTDs. Now to try out whether imps cause any problems for me. Thanks all! You were of great help :D
  12. I fear for the same too....I guess one way to counter that would be removing every racial powers from RBP. Berserker's rage has a "berserker's rage" script attached to it. =I Sure hope I don't need to disable it permanantly >.< since I am using Integration: The Stranded Light and somehow RBP was made a requirement. I will try to disable RBP when I get back home.
  13. Unfortunately, it didn't work. It wasn't Duke's mod. I noticed something else, The cutthroat had some active magical effects on that were granted by her racial powers when I disabled her ai and checked her stats. I then use the kill command and resurrected her, this time, there aren't any active effects anymore. A possibility that it was Racial Balancing Project that's causing it?? the weird thing is that the berserker's rage and ice fist has a "+" in front of their names in the bashed patch, when there isn't any "+" before "berserker" and "ice fist" in RBP I am currently bash patching again, this time, putting BP after RBP to override RBP's changes. Hopefully this works, or I might just have to try deleting the racial powers from RBP. Okay, so the override didn't work and bashed patch still used the powers from RBP. The + was added because of the power exhaustion feature in bashed patch. However, I tried changing my race into an Orc and used the Berserker's Rage. It has the EXACT same shader as the one the Orc used which caused my CTDs! But I don't get any CTD from using it though. So what's my next move? Would it be wise to try and delete said berserker's rage in RBP through CS or tes4edit??
  14. Nope, at least it doesn't show in tes4edit. So I tried that out and found two spells on that orc. "Duke Patrick's Combat Archert Correction Spell Ability" D5000ED8 "Mart's Monster Mod.esm CSNPC OnLoad" 06000D20 I have no idea what those two spells do and why they are on the npc. Both of them are from the school of alteration in tes4edit, which is odd, considering the shader I saw was pink (mysticism). Unless the shader for powers are different >.<
  15. Her formID is 000191c0 an orc cutthroat. I am not sure if it will help though, since it happens with other npcs/creatures too, at random. I will try the actor details thingy and see whether it will show me the spell list :) Thanks -I didn't check her inventory...should I check it? -For this particular cutthroat, there's only MMM, so nothing overrides it, at least that's what's shown on Tes4edit at the moment. @Axel There are a few racial powers added to Orc by Racial Balancing Project Berserker's Rage Green Heart Strong Endurance Troll Heart +Ice Fist (destruction)
  16. Umm...I did left a comment on the file on tesnexus. I assumed that it was a bad spawn from the comments in the file upload area and some past thread. However, as I said after that, it seems like it was some spells that the npc/creatures used that were causing the CTDs, So I think it isn't some bad spawns or bad AI. The NPC that used the spell was not supposed to have any, so it's another mod that adds the spells to the creatures/npc from MMM and OOO, and the casting of those spells are causing the CTD. (So far, it seems like it's only a Mysticism spell, not sure which though) I have a save game where the CTD would happen near a bandit camp, and I tried checking the CS and Tes4edit for that particular cutthroat that was causing the CTD when she casts a spell (the only orc cutthroat), her spell list was clean, so I am willing to bet that it is something else that's adding the spell to her, or as Axel said, a racial power. (I am currently trying to find that out) -I will try dropping Addition Enemy NPC vars and see how it goes :) Will report back later. -Which FormID do you want me to post?
  17. Okay, i did what you said and found her. But everything's in order! There's only mmm and bashed patch. The only difference is that it uses mayu's for the model. The spell list is empty for both! Is it possible that the spell was added by a script to random npc/creatures and thus, i cant find any changes in tes4edit?
  18. Whoops, it was a Cutthroat, not outlaw >.< anyway, that particular cutthroat was easy to find in the CS because she was the only orc cutthroat added by either mmm or ooo. Her spell list was empty. So it means she isnt supposed to use any spells and another mod added the spells to the creatures and npc?
  19. Thank you for the headsup Visman, I just downloaded the newest version of raddon for shield of back and will be replacing it. :)
  20. are you talking about that ultima dragon? that really shiny dark blue one? that pack has an ugly red dragon in it but that other one i haven't been able to find. i doubt it would be released and it would mess up your fps pretty bad anyway lol Well yeah, that one too. But no the files I'm looking for have like three or four dragons on it or may even be separated into individual mods. These are four legged variants he has, all seem "element" themed. Like theres a red one for fire, a blue one for ice, a black one for shadow, etc. I think I may have the red one you're talking about. It's a two legged variety. the red one is nazagear (or however it is spelt) right? I never tried it after looking at some screenshots and not liking it =( I am looking for the others too >.< Do inform me if you find any leads. :(
  21. I had a save file near a bandit camp of 5 bandits (1 outlaw, 2 cutthroats, 1 outlaw bowman, 1 ringleader, 1 guard dog) that causes CTD whenever I approach it. Okay, I am sorry, there has been a misinformation. I tried what you suggested, toggling combat ai and ai off and then activating them one by one. I didn't have any CTDs at all!. Then I tried deactivating all the ai processes, stand in the middle of the camp and activate it, no CTDs too. I reloaded the game, deactivate the combat ai ONLY and approached the camp, then I noticed something! One of the Outlaw was wandering around and casting a Mysticism spell (pink shader) and then the game crashed. I reloaded and this time, dactivated all the ai processes, approach the camp and when I could see the outlaw that casted the spell earlier, I ONlY activated her ai processes, she started wandering and again, cast the same spell with the pink shader (school of Mysticism), the game CTD shortly. I recalled the few times that I was able to see the creatures/npcs before CTDs occured, there were indeed pink shaders, sometimes, numerous shaders (different schools of magic). So I guess it has something to do with spells, instead of the creatures themselves?? Is there a way to check what spell the AI are casting? At least we now know that it's a spell (or numerous spells) that is causing the CTD. I am definitely sure it isn't Fearsome Magicka because I disabled the AI from casting any spells from that mod in the ,ini and the problem was already there before I started using it. That left us with vanilla spells, Supreme Magicka and LAME, probably some other mods which I might have missed out too. I recalled LAME having a plugin that gives LAME's new spells to AI, but I removed that before I started a new game this time, so I guess that narrows it down further. Any suggestion of my next move?
  22. Okay, I got the conflict report from Tes4edit and OBMM....I am having a hard time understanding them though. >.< KuerteeCleanUp, Duke's Combat Archery and Duke's script effect thingy mods, come before Streamline and after Bashed Patch on the masterlist, while Brucevayne suggested that Fearsome Magicka to be placed at the end after streamline to avoid problems. So that explains the differences =) I placed Vilja and Neeshka after bashed patch so that Mayu's Animation Overhaul would not override her animations and cause them to use vanilla animations, since I am using a combination of different animations from a few mods. :wink: Display stats was not in the masterlist from the 06-06 update. Thanks for reminding me to get the update! I just moved it to the appropriate place. Though it isn't causing those CTD >.< since I started using it just two weeks ago or so.
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