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Everything posted by xxfmanxx

  1. I have a weird problem, for some reason i cant edit weapon damage, i can do everything else accept this, as you can see all options are white and editable and this one is gray. did anyone have problem like this? please help :sad: here is the image of the bug: http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/creationkitweapons_zps5217df0c.jpg edit sorry for opening this topic, i didnt mod for a long time, and i forgot to switch to game data to change damage. my bad :)
  2. woooow this is great news, i'm so glad to see that this armor is going to be finished. can't wait to see it uploaded on the nexus :D
  3. i tried this mod, but for some reason its not working, I think it has osmething to do with that dragon script and stuff. I hope someone could make something simple, without additional programs and scripts, just regular skyrim resources. thanks again so much :D
  4. If its possible to make, I would like to have ability to turn on and of my werewolf form at all times after i become werewolf, just like vampires can turn to vampire lord unlimited number of times per day and at any point during normal gameplay, so i dont have to wait the timer to go back to human form, and i dont have to feed to stay in werewolf form, and if possible to be able to loot corpses when in werewolf form. thank you very much in advance.
  5. wow the last one is just to good :) I hope you release it soon. cant wait to see it in game. you are doing great job on your armors. keep up the good work :thumbsup:
  6. Awesome!!! Don't know what else to say :biggrin:
  7. You will probably hate me for reporting another bug lo0l, but this might be happening only to me, anyways, when i don't put on any boots, legs look normal, but when i put on shorter boots they disappear. :rolleyes: it looks like this: http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/ScreenShot521.jpg and there is also just a little cliping when two hand sword is equipped, so when it stays on the back of the player it cliping to the upper back of the armor... please don't hate me :D
  8. Just to let you know patobek we are all still patiently waiting, you take your time to finish it, just don't give up on this armor please :thumbsup:
  9. its weird because i also didn't have this glitch, and then it started showing, so i thought it might be something with my game lol, and also something weird is happening with legs, after that last fix when my character doesn't have any boots it looks normal, but when i put on smaller boots its still missing lower part of the legs.
  10. sorry i don't know how to explain, it looks like his fists are flying in the air, like there are no forearms :) you can see it if you equip for example a dagger and you press block. :)
  11. ActusReus there is just one more little glitch to report for dark coat, i hope you don't mind me being annoying with these things :) in first person you can't see player hands, you can see fists, but hands are invisible.
  12. Wow that was fast fix :) i also noticed one more thing, name of the armor in game is "dark plate of coats", so I am not sure is that OK. http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/ScreenShot447.jpg
  13. i have one glitch with lower parts of the legs, I don't know is this supposed to be like this, but when i put on the armor, lower part of the legs disappears, or if i put on lower boots. http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/ScreenShot446.jpg
  14. This mod will be the best mod of all times if you finish it :)
  15. Looks great! is there any chance that you release these armors before you finish the entire mod. I mean just like one mode for armor and maybe weapons so that we can play with them in skyrirm :biggrin:
  16. I tried to change dagger position using nifscope, when I move weapon position i save it, but it doesn't change in game, its like I didn't do anything. Please can someone right me a step by step tutorial on how to do that. I didnt have any problems doing this for oblivion, but for skyrim its like the game doesn't support these changes i make in nifskope. please help me.
  17. thanks for your suggestions guys, you have my kudos :) i am downloading dawnguard right now, so after i am done i will try one of the things you suggested :thumbsup:
  18. I tried to make Meeko essential using creation kit, so i clicked on the essential box, and later on when i tried it in game i was able to kill him, than i checked unique and essential boxes and still nothing. is there something else i have to do in CK to make him essential. please help. thanks in advance
  19. just refreshing in hope that some talented moder sees this thread :biggrin:
  20. In case someone decides to work with theroadstokers model that i suggest, i have few modification in mind for the armor. If its possible to make tabard longer, and closer to the body, longer belt, remove feet and make calves little thinner so that players can wear any boots they want. so i am kindly asking any 3D modeler to consider these suggestions I am making, because i really think this could turn out to be awesome armor mod, and it could also fit with skyrim lore because it is based on real middle age armor. i make this quick chop of the picture i posted above what i had in mind about tabard and belt. http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/ibelincopy.jpg
  21. I already did one re texture of theRoadstroker armor mod for oblivion, so we basically have good base for this armor that i am suggesting, all we need is roadstokers permition to use it in skyrim, and someone who can work with 3d models to adjust this armor to skyrim body models, and rig it for skyrim. i can do as much re textures as people want, it pretty much takes 10-15 minutes to change tabard color and add insigia. this is the armor made by theRoadstroker that i re textured for oblivion: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=35169&navtag=file/images.php?id=35169&tab=3 http://i399.photobucket.com/albums/pp78/xxfmanxx/ibelin.jpg
  22. hello moding community of Skyrim :biggrin: i would like to suggest this simple but in my opinion good looking armor. it is basic chain mail armor with long tabard on top of it. i would also like to help as much as i can with this mod, it can have any (good or bad quality) chain mail textures and white tabard (or any color you wish and it doesnt have to be actual cloth texture) without any insignia, and i can add more detailed textures, since i am good with Photoshop, but my modeling skills are horrible, actually to be precise i don't have any modeling skills. i can also add it to the game via CK, as long as its in nif. format. in case you want to see what i am talking about, here is one example of such armor. http://www.theknightshop.co.uk/catalog/falworth-tabard-p-1760.html thanks for reading my suggestion/request, and i would also like to thank in advance to any moder who decides to make this armor :biggrin:
  23. This is going to be one kick ass armor. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/554575-wipnew-custom-armor/
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