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  1. I don't know how many of you have seen the Hobbit, but I think the dwarven song that is sung near the beginning would make such epic and excellent menu music (or even possible in-game music, but the tone is perfect for the menu imo). I have zero knowledge of modding so I would really appreciate it if someone were able to do this, kind of like the Malukah mod for "The Dragonborn Comes". This song is epic as all hell and seeing in theaters immediately made me want to play Skyrim so my apologies if this has already been requested. Anyway, the song is "Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold" - Howard Shore. Cheers.
  2. It would be great if food and drink were more than just mini-potions. Just venturing ideas: - there's a "hunger" meter around where the stamina meter is... it depletes slowly over the course of a day...you'd be required to eat substantial meals once or twice daily - different foods regenerate the meter to varying amounts - ex. venison chops > a grilled leek. (more incentive to pay attention to all the food in the game, learn how to cook, hunt and forage for materials on your travels) - an empty hunger meter doesn't directly result in a deteriorating health bar, but: - stamina depletes faster when sprinting/attacking/blocking, etc. - all attacks do less damage - efficiency with bows deteriorates (kind of like in MGS when your stamina bar is empty and you can't aim straight) After fast travelling anywhere or sleeping, your first stop would likely be to hit the inn for food... or if you're a homeowner to mosey on downstairs to cook up some breakfast. Thoughts? Ideas? Refinements? Imo this would add a lot more depth/immersion to the game... as it is right now food is pretty much just for aesthetics.
  3. This is an idea more towards the purposes of the immersive or role-playing aspect of the game. Also, I haven't the slightest clue how to create mods, so I'm not sure how hard this would be to create otherwise I'd have a go at it myself. But I would love to see a mod where the player would be able to 'write' notes and/or even books. So many NPC's have their own journals (why can't I have my own?), and there appear to be blank rolls of paper, parchment, etc. as well as quills and inkwells all over the place so I'm amazed that the usefulness of these items is limited to "aesthetic clutter". To be able to scribble down quest notes, locations to explore or check out in an in-game journal, alchemy recipes that you discover, etc... that would be incredible. It'd also be really cool - in a shameless nerdy way - to be able to place your custom forged, enchanted (and named), unique weapon in a display case, along with your own written book describing the gruesome history and ancient legend behind the weapon (or armour). Thoughts? Ideas? Post. edit: found a previous post with a similar idea (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/487244-writing-your-own-books/page__p__3986535__hl__notes__fromsearch__1#entry3986535) so I'll just consider this a reiteration of what would be an awesome feature to add via a mod or (if Bethesda reads these forums) a patch.
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