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Everything posted by BuggyBugHug

  1. I have CBBE, loremonger with collision, female running and walking animation bbp and 360 walk and run plus. Everything is working except the jigglies, how do i get the jiggly bits to work?
  2. I very much want to make a character that looks like ff x Yuna, but the sliders just won't go my way, I can't get any likeness, can anyone help?
  3. YAY! its working! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hadn't installed the patches or compatibility mods. :blush:
  4. I don't think I have any. I have Karmas Companions and an extra dog slot this is what it looks like. It appears on the party and creation screen. I have been through every mod on nexus and cannot find it. Its a huge issue because I can't select dog or Oghren from the party screen. Plus, everyone is in half. http://oi67.tinypic.com/24474n5.jpg
  5. I have a mod that sets the party screen in like a castle with steps and a green carpet. Its not working properly and cuts all of my characters in half. I can't find it to get rid of it. Any ideas?
  6. Anyone know of a mod that will allow me to view my characters from the front when running? Please.
  7. sorry. Its just people on here helped me create Erin so I was sharing the result. should have posted it in that thread.
  8. People on here helped me create my Yuna character who is named Erin in my game so I thought I would show her off. http://oi62.tinypic.com/2vlmc00.jpg Also my boy Elie, yes he is a boy. He is a vampire and where Erin is good, Elie is an evil little bugger. http://oi60.tinypic.com/64f2pd.jpg
  9. Thanks everyone. I ran LOOT which helped a lot. I lost a lot of mods though, for some reason Alternate start kept cdting. It seems stable now but I lost a mod that allowed my character to sit crossed legged and on a ledge and I cant remember what it was called. Any idea? Also I cant get Character editor and race menu to work together no matter what I do.
  10. OK. I installed a bunch of mods after newly installing Skyrim after trouble with mods and its a mess again. I don't know what I am doing at this stage. Please, someone help. Its CDTIng, lagging and the Enhanced character editor and race menu wont work together like they were before Please, take pity on me and help These are the mods http://oi59.tinypic.com/15qrv3p.jpghttp://oi57.tinypic.com/zv1sf7.jpghttp://oi61.tinypic.com/16a15oj.jpghttp://oi57.tinypic.com/2wgatdd.jpg I am running a 6 core processor, 16GB of DDR3 ram and a 4GB memory card. I don't even know what I have installed anymore :psyduck: I am running the Steam version of the game not from disc
  11. I had to reinstall my Skyrim and all my mods. I install enhanced character editor and then race menu and have ECD before race menu in the load order but it isnt loading EDC's extra sliders like it did before. What am I doing wrong?
  12. OMG! thank you, I couldn't find the eyes anywhere!
  13. Does anyone know where I can find, are willing to make a preset or have any tips on making a skyrim character that looks like Final fantasy Yuna? I keep trying but am getting nowhere.Thank you.
  14. What are the best mods to make an Anime styled character? I have seen people make really good ones but what mods are used?
  15. Ah, I completed Redcliffe - Circle of Magi - Orzammar - Urn of Sacred Ashes and an now with the Dalish, could that be the issue?
  16. I am no longer receiving quests from the chanters board or the mages collective. I have no current chanters board quests and only the scrolls of Banistor for the mages. I don't have many mods installed. Any ideas, any console commands that might help?
  17. I am having the issue, every Dazip installer doesn't work. I have DAOU through Steam, recently my computer went down and I am using a back up, I copy and pasted my game files from my old hardrive so as not to loose my playthrough, now none of the installers work.
  18. Can anyone help me out? or maybe give me some tips or point me in the direction of mods that might help?
  19. Can someone please make a preset for me?
  20. Hi Bugg, I had to remove the link as it likes to a site with adult content. We may not have issues with a particular mod but the page linked to a nude screenshot and that is not allowed on a forum post. Thanks~Lisnpuppy I'm sorry, I didn't realise it would be classed as adult content because it wasn't naughty. I apologise. I think I have it sorted now but my character for some reason is not unsheathing or sheathing there weapon T_T
  21. So I wanted to take impressive pictures of my character in Skyrim so I decided to download a poser mod, I had issues finding one but found this one <Link Removed by moderator due to site content-Lisnpuppy> Halo mod from a link on Nexus but I cannot get it to work. I installed it using NMM because I thought that would be easiest, I updated Finis and Finis loaded all the animations and the spells are there but when I press the power button, nothing happens I tried installing manually but then it doesn't appear in the game at all What am I doing wrong?
  22. I saw one on Devient but I'm not sure if it was real but I would really like a preset of Kokoro from DOA, is that possible? I have no idea how to make on myself. A follower is OK to but I would prefer a preset please. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/111/8/6/kokoro___win_pose_2_by_snowthewinterkitsune-d62k6kw.png
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