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Everything posted by DragonRose11

  1. Nevermind I figured it out. For those who want to know, here's what I did: Create a tiny room in a cell, and place him in it. Create an xmarker and create a forced reference to it in the quest Create an xmarker to where you want him in stage 10 Papyrus snippet for stage 10 Alias_Zaru.getReference().moveto(Alias_ZaruStage10.getReference()) Alias_Zaru.getReference().enable() Papyrus snippet for stage 20 Alias_Zaru.getReference().moveto(Alias_ZaruCell.getReference()) Alias_Zaru.getReference().disable()
  2. Main: Dragon Rose SP: ~90m Corp: Macabre Votum Alliance: Against ALL Authorities Races: Gallente and Minmatar Commonly Flown Ships: Nyx, Thanny, Panther, Oneiros, Scimitar, Sabre, Dramiel, Jaguar, Hound It's funny; looking at me listing common ships... I only JUST recently cross-trained into Matar, and now I constantly fly them. As for Sader325's comment, they have made some big promises recently on FIXING the game instead of horsing around and they have been doing well at it. I'm excited to see the next year's changes. Alts too many to list. Been playing since release on and off. I love it.
  3. I would like to change an NPC's location based on the stage of a quest. Here's an example of what I would like to do. Quest stage 10: My custom NPC sandboxes in Markarth Silver Blood Inn Quest Stage 30: My custom NPC sandboxes in The Bannered Mare Is this possible? If so, how could I accomplish this? Thanks in advance for your time.
  4. Incursions are the best way to make ISK, and by far the safest in high sec. You can generally make about 70m ISK per hour on there, especially if you have the ability to fly logistics people will love you. Personally, though, I use other means of making ISK but it's sick. char: Dragon Rose
  5. Jody is the jerk civilian that knocks up your wife when you're deployed. -.-
  6. Hopefully you like the new jody call better. :)
  7. C'mon son, your shadowbuddy made me put more work in my profile.
  8. LOL C'mon son, you made me work and edit my page! Enjoy.
  9. Got plenty more where this came from, but it's definitely the best!
  10. C'mon son... you know I was talkin bout my IED, but I updated it just for you.
  11. C'mon son, you know I love power between my legs.
  12. C'mon son, less borderlands moar awesomeness.
  13. Oh Hai Lewk! I updated my profile picture. I finally has one!
  14. Once you log in and confirm it is working properly in vanilla, no missing textures etc. then you can delete the old folder. I'd suggest keeping it for a while just in case.
  15. I don't think there is a good measure for how distant places are in the world, however there is one way to consider the distance. You can time how long it takes for you to get from one point to another. If you do so on a horse, keep note that a walk is about 2-3 MPH, trot is about 8-10 MPH, a canter or lope is 10-15 MPH and a gallop depending on the horse can range from 15 to 50 MPH. So the first thing is to figure out how fast your horse moves, if it's a gallop or whatever... I guess you could walk with the horse to get a more exact figure. Also, one in-game minute is much shorter than a real minute, so that would have to go into calculations. I'm not sure what the ratio for time is in-game. I don't know how the difference between in-game time and real time will affect the distance traveled, though I suspect it is a great deal. Just something interesting to think about.
  16. I like the idea, barring two things listed below I think that perhaps these may be a bit overboard. Perhaps something based on the mage quests. Once you become the Arch Mage, why couldn't you be able to create grand spells? If you're the top of the totem pole in the way of magics, I don't think that you should be limited to scrolls and lower quality spells. Instead, I would theorize requiring items hidden deep in dungeons as a requirement to build these magnificent spells, from the mundane to near overpowered with the requirement of more rare ingredients, but not limit them to lower quality. I love the idea overall though.
  17. Dragon Rose Corp: Cursed Vanguard (Chained Reactions Alliance, Wormhole Alliance) SP 43.8m SP Active: As much as I can, Corp CEO.
  18. There are a few tutorials here, http://tesnexus.com/downloads/cat.php?id=82 as well as YouTube as an excellent resource, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer..._type=&aq=f I'm afraid I couldn't find anything about clutter specifically, however, I think a grasp of those objects will come with creating weapons. I haven't done a lot of that yet unfortunately. It's a good thought for a new tutorial though!
  19. KRV: I wouldn't mind being retired. Wanna switch?
  20. Don't cheat! I know it sounds simple, but it's so easy to hit ~ player.advlevel... I know it sucks to be at a lower level and the level-based drops don't help all that much, but in the long run you'll have more fun and more play time leveling legit. Use a companion. I know it's been mentioned before but they make things much more interesting, and the hard parts a little bit easier instead of turning down the difficulty. Always carry potions, you don't know when you'll need them, and the one time you decide not to pick some up is precisely when you'll need them. Take your time. Explore the game, side quests, do everything you can. Rushing to the end of the main storyline is fun the first time, but Oblivion is all about replay ability. Have fun. Getting bored? Add a mod, do new quests, create a mod! Take some time away from the game. It will be there when you get back, I promise.
  21. In the construction set, you dress an NPC by simply adding those items to inventory. If attempting to do so ingame, I would suggest trying that first. I haven't tested it ingame, I'll get back to you tomorrow when I try just adding items to inventory ingame.
  22. God... I'm older than 64.51% of those who have voted thus far... 24 Years Young baby By the by, what do you guys think of the new sig?
  23. I attempted both with actual voice acting and silence; and any attempt to use the create lip file failed to actually create a file. I have just used TES4Gecko with success. This worked both with and without the .lip files in folder, I wonder if the previous attempts were malformed audio files? It's something I suppose I'll have to work on at a later point, since voice acting will be implemented in the mod. Thank you for your help, and you're right. With the silent .mp3 files, the lip synch is a bit creepy.
  24. I am currently working on a mod, and having issues with the NPC audio/voices playing. I currently have a quest response with a 'Voice Filename' of 'DR11Nonakk01_DR11NonakkTopic01_00000CEA_1' The path listed below that is, 'Data\Sound\Voice\DragonRose11v0.01.esp\Argonian\M\DR11Nonakk01_DR11NonakkTopic01_00000CEA_1.mp3' In that folder I placed an mp3 file for this response named precisely that. I have attempted both MP3 and WAV formats. I currently do not have a .lip file for these, will that create the issue I'm having? The objective is to, at this point, lengthen the time the text is on the screen to a readable time without requiring the user to have OBSE (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16622) I'm wondering if there is something I'm missing to activate these beyond just inserting the audio file. Thank you in advance for your time in helping to resolve the issue!
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