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  1. Basically I'm requesting a set of melee weapons(multiple types, with different set of enchantments but the player can only get one of them) that will have: Power to gain exp by absorbing souls of the victims, or by eating souls from soul gems. (when a target dies by this, soul will be absorbed by the weapon, regardless of whether or not the target is soul-trapped) The quality of the soul will determine the amount of exp gained Once the weapon gains enough experience the enchantment of the item will become stronger. When the weapon becomes a set level, the player may choose to add another option to the enchantment of the weapon. When the weapon is used to attack, the exp will lower by set amount of points per hit per level.(0.5 at level 1, 0.75 at level 2, 1 at level 3, etc at modder's discretion) once the exp hits 0 it'll make the enchantment weaker. Just by holding the sword your magicka will be drained, perks(in chosen magical skill tree novice, adept etc) and magicka-regen will lower the amount of magicka drained, Once the player runs out of magicka health will start being drained by half as much magicka would be drained.To obtain this weapon the player must obtain hint by fulfilling a certain requirement, and chase the legends and rumors around this weapon, until he/she comes in contact with a group of cultists, then by either cooperating with them or killing them(this choice will have a heavy impact on the path in which the player obtains the weapon) gain clues and follow an epic quest-line to finally obtain a weapon that's not even worth the trouble in the beginning. Of course the weapon should become very over powered at final level.
  2. if someone could make an .esp file or something to make beastform's effect turn back the player back to the race the player was instead of the base race would be great Ex. My char's a Nord vampire with console added werewolf bonuses(beast blood and beast form), when i transform and it comes off, the default turns me back into a nord race, making me unable to feed my vampire side to subdue the vampirism's stage progression.
  3. pretty cool ideas, though i'd have to say a hybrid should not be able to turn into a full wolf, seeing as in most lores wolf blood and vampire blood generally dont mix causing the transformation to be different if not impossible, making the hybrid unique, not just having both curses but a combination and have the perk tree for hybrids have its own builds, like if i were to categorize in 3 ways that will have the mid-level perk that will let you transform, one to favor vampire side of the blood(transformation looks like a succubus or a great devil making the player sprout bat-like wings from their backs allowing them to fly consuming stamina, constant night vision, and short range life detect) one to mix the two curses and have little bit of both(humanoid werewolf with smaller wings than vampire side's transformation allowing it to jump higher and to glide with the cost of stamina where it can wield weapons and cast magics with boosted effects from werewolf and vampire with constant night vision and short range aura whisper effects, running speed at around horse level~werewolf level, jumping improved more than the werewolf version), one to favor the werewolf side(complete werewolf form maybe making it a bit bigger and have a different color fur, mid range aura whisper effect, regeneration of stamina and health vastly multiplied, running and jumping improved more than a normal werewolf) and maybe add a curse that's specifically for warriors(maybe taking the dragonborn thing further and have something like a dragonknight) and for those sneaky ones(perhaps improve upon nightingale storyline more intuning the player deeper into the realm of darkness) seeing as though werewolves do seem more warrior-like and vampire does seem more thief/assassin-oriented neither of them are really fit to be "pure" since warriors generally would have techniques rather than just swinging their weapons or claws around(werewolf seems to fit more of a berserker profile than a proper warrior path) and vampires are basically any of the 3 that you want to go with. just adding my little ideas since it fits the title :P though it could be possibly off-topic.
  4. well.... i think aldmari dominion isn't exactly a worthy threat to a dovahkin... i mean really........ neither imperial forces or storm cloaks could do anything about dragons and dovahkin kills 2~3 dragons alone... and can call a dragon, an ancient hero back from the dead, and even become ethreal... as well as blow someone like a mile away using a shout. the idea itself is interesting, but it needs a better enemy than aldmari dominion as for riding dragons, i think it's entirely possible and bethesda really should have just gone and let you ride odahving when you can call him after defeating alduin Edit: how about having the aldmari dominion create a shade(using skins like dragon priests perhaps while the creating process can follow something like the potema summoning in solitude) out of fear of the dovahkin, and have the dragons that followed alduin make an alliance with the aldmari dominion after feeling the disruption in the realm, trying to use it to get their revenge for their fallen, and have either odahving or parthurnax deliver this news telling him/her to bond with either of them using the elder scrolls. that seems more lore-friendly with skyrim's own lore with eragon elements mixed in.
  5. too bad no modders seemed to care about this, because it could be an interesting mod in my opinion.
  6. then in a flash you wake up in your bed in your skingrad rosethorn hall, and it's january first 2013, and all this 2012 hoax was all but a dream. j/k but really that would be interesting... but instead of making your char get the spell, it should be some kind of major quest, like to stop the apocalypse, like renegade magisters who didn't get to become the arch mage, teams up with mannimarco's minions and with the help of the mythic dawn create a powerful spell to end the world, just to kill their object of hatred, being... you. and YOU must become the hero who stops the creation/casting of this spell.
  7. video card isn't that bad, it's the processor, ram, and my windows vista that needs replacing really, because videocard i updated a year or 2 a go.
  8. yeah but i dont know if my crappy comp can handle skyrim >.< I REALLY need to upgrade
  9. oh and also, if someone were to make this change, I'd be grateful if a path of iron quest was do-able after doing molag bal, like a quest to redeem yourself after ruining a man's soul by taking his place as holy paladin or something :P
  10. i never expected it to be easy or short, it was a suggestion for the future for any time in the future, in a way to keep a mod alive, cause most of the mods and modders are starting to die out from what i can tell, and well, it'd be nice to have a really big mod to cover the gap that no new updates on older mods starts to create in our gameplay, but then it's a selfish request really :P
  11. well no offense, but from what i read, you build stuff and you rule from a throne but can't raid other parts of cyrodil? i mean really it's in human nature to want more once they had a taste of it, So in my opinion it's more of a.... expansion of this mod rather than another mod by itself.
  12. okay I searched raid and i didn't find anything that i was thinking of(at least from what i saw), which is that from your island you should be able to raid the vanilla oblivion cities and take them over and eventually become the emperor/empress of all of cyrodil, where you can make the world become more peaceful by being a benevolent ruler or more chaotic by being a tyrant, the choices you make will change the path in which you take and whether or not there will be assassination plots to dethrone you(from npcs of great strength, like their stats will be the same as the player's stats, with different specializations(like if player has 100 in blade an archer in the assassination group will have 100 in marksman) which will make it more interesting, and rebellions happening every so often(depending on player's benevolence/tyranny or i suppose you could use fame/infamy for this same with rate of assassination) basically, what i'm suggesting is, why not take it farther than an island, make oblivion become a whole new game, that's what mods in diablo 2 usually aim to do, why not here on oblivion where the possibilities are even more limitless? P.S. I'm korean so english isn't my native tongue, excuse my grammar and spelling errors if i have any, which i do believe there are quite few, if not cool, but just a fair warning :P
  13. is there a way to make a mod that makes helmets load your character's face(like pathing for the .nif would be a face file of the currently loaded char), basically making the helm invisible without script problems that erases items and whatnot?
  14. if any of you out there use black soul gems, it kind of gets crowded, and since i like to collect souls, i tend to have to scroll down quite far to get down to where i want in order to make midas spells and whatnot, so uhmm if any of your modders could make something like keychain mod for soul gems or make Azura's Star be able to collect more than 1 set of soul, and make it able to collect human souls as well, it'd be much appreciated >.< and if it's not possible or has already been requested please let me know. Thank you for taking time to read this in advance.
  15. basically a Light of dawn(from OOO) that's usable by vampires, because of the years of taint it has gathered, becoming a sword that can go 2 paths, path of darkness(usable by vamps), and a path of light(Normal), I figure, i mean if that old ancient vampire could taint the blade and draw it's powers out for himself, shouldn't the vampire that defeated him be able to do the same? Edit: To power it up on the path of darkness the player has to kill citizens, and those who protect them
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