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Everything posted by Levionte

  1. Here you go. It's all about the alpha channel. Black is transparent, white is visible, grey is in between. Edit: I should also mention, you need to enable transparency on the mesh as well if it isn't already.
  2. I'm not sure what you want help with, exactly. A couple of your mods are arguing about where Whiterun is. One of your mods has a door that isn't navmeshed properly. Some are looking for entries they can't find, but based on the name they might have been temporary. Etc., etc.. The way to resolve them is to tell mods where Whiterun actually is, navmesh the door properly, tell them to stop looking for the deleted entries, etc., etc.. If you load the mod itself and it has errors, you should probably report it to the mod author so they can fix it. If it's conflicting with another mod (and I know a ton of mods conflict with Open Cities) then you should report it to the mod author so they can decide if they want to make a patch. If it's not causing you any problems, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Using mods in general carries an assumed risk of sacrificing stability for features, and this could just be an extension of that. If you wanted to actually resolve the errors yourself, you'd need to literally go through the list one by one and fix whatever it says is wrong.
  3. First of all, I should point out that I used the Citrus head and sculpted it to resemble Geralt. If you replace it with a mesh with a different vertex count, the facial animations aren't going to work. You may as well have him equip the helmet. As for your actual question, the way the follower was created doesn't actively use the head mesh in the actor folder, just the associated tri files. It was used, once, to create the original face geometry mesh, which is the only one that really matters at this point. As a result, the preview you get in the CK doesn't represent the actual results. There are a number of "how to make a follower that uses an exported head from RaceMenu" tutorials which use the same principal that may be more salient than general mesh swapping. You should also be aware that the SE CK exports a new face geometry mesh automatically every time you save, effectively erasing the custom one. You can swap the mesh successfully so long as you keep the names the same, don't add bones, don't add or remove faceparts, etc.. Crashing means you probably did something wrong and I can't tell you what without seeing it. The textures won't line up because I used the vanilla UV which is what fits the citrus head and the helmet probably uses TW3 textures. However, as I said, it won't work with the face morphs anyway. His face will just explode every time it's supposed to animate. If I were to do it over again, I'd probably just port and animate the actual head mesh, but I wasn't very good at that yet when I worked on the project.
  4. It is possible to pack textures into a BSA, but it does require a plugin for the game to read it. For me, disk space is essentially the same, and if there is a performance impact in either direction it's not noticeable. The primary advantage is the convenience of all your files being grouped together and separate from all the other game assets. This makes installation and uninstallation easier for most. This might be a moot point depending on your mod manager, but I personally prefer it. In regards to priority, loose files override files packed in a BSA regardless of load order. If they're both packed into BSA's, load order determines override priority.
  5. If the mesh isn't shaped like that, then it's most likely the bone weighting. Why it'd work better in SE, I can only speculate. Animation replacers obviously have a big impact, as does using a different skeleton. I also vaguely remember something about the SE nifs permitting more bones to influence a single vertex than the original limit of 4. I wouldn't think nif optimizer redistributes weights, as that's something that hasn't shown to be automated nearly as effectively as doing it by hand, but I really don't know. Either way, first thing I'd do is look at the bone weights and check for any rogue bones in the troubled area.
  6. Play animation on what? You have to tell it. MyItem.PlayAnimation("MyAnimation")Same idea with the spell. You're referencing CurrentTarget, but I don't think MiscObjects can target things.
  7. Couldn't you use an activator with a script that moves the player instead of a door? You'd be able to name it, at least.
  8. While I still disagree with your approach, the way you get a "blank" BSDismember partition slot is to simply not assign one and use a NiSkinInstance instead like a face part. I suppose you could also change the slot to an invalid one. But I believe the AA requires at least one slot to be selected (I could be wrong). Either way you'd have mismatching slots resulting in nothing being displayed. While that may be the result you're after, it's still easier to simply not point to a mesh in the AA entry to begin with. Unless your outfit is sharing slots with other items being equipped, they should not affect each other.
  9. I am admittedly not an expert on outfits, but I don't think that's the right approach. If you don't want the outfit to ever appear, then just don't point to any meshes in the ArmorAddon entry. If you want the outfit to appear when nothing else is equipped but disappear (while still applying the effects) when another outfit is "over it" you'd probably have to do it via OnEquipped() type scripts. Have the standard outfit on slot 32, and when it's unequipped you swap it out with your slot 52 invisible outfit and vice versa.
  10. If you've already setup your follower, I assume you're familiar with dialogue conditions? Lines or branches of dialogue won't appear unless all the conditions have been met. If you don't want the recruit branch to appear until after a conversation, set a condition that is false until the conversation has been complete. A basic example would be quest stages starting at stage 0, but recruitment dialogue having a condition to only be available at stage 10. Then you put a little script fragment at the end of the intro conversation changing the quest stage to 10, thus making recruitment available. In your case, you could also achieve the same thing without any scripting by taking advantage of the "Blocking" option you can check at the bottom. If you set your intro conversation to "Blocking" then it will be the only dialogue available until it is unavailable. Make your intro conversation "Say Once" so that it becomes unavailable after the first activation, making recruitment and everything else available.
  11. I don't know if things have changed, but I found the Nif plugins for blender to be too out of date to be feasible. Even when I do things in blender, I always send them to 3DS Max and export as Nif from there. As a result, I've shifted to just using Max 90% of the time. The mask needs to be skinned to the head bone. In 3DS Max, you import the vanilla head (or something that has the head bone), add a skin modifier and add the head bone and you're done. I don't know the steps in blender, but you want to do something similar.
  12. Yes, in the SE CK the face geometry data gets overwritten every time you save. It's actually pretty annoying.
  13. So, chracters in Skyrim (aside from beast races) use one of two meshes: the male or the female head. All the elves, orcs, and humans of each gender use the exact same head mesh for all of them. The reason they don't all look identical is because the CK applies morphs found inside the male and female .Tri files, which is essentially instructions on how the face should be reshaped. You can see these instructions yourself when you select facial parts in the character creation screen. When you select "Nose 3," the game applies the instructions and moves the vertices around the nose area to resemble the intended shape. When you select "Eyes 4," it'll move the vertices around the eyes. Etc., etc.. NPCs are created in a similar fashion. The actor entry in the plugin has a set of assigned face parts. And when the face geometry is exported (ctrl + f4), it will create the head mesh with all the applied all the transformation instructions. This file can be found in your (Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\PluginName.esp\000NpcID.NIF). Nifmerge is intended to be used on this face geometry mesh, bypassing the creation kit entirely. If I were you, I would replace the starting head mesh with the vanilla head again, re-export the face geometry through the creation kit, and Nifmerge your custom face onto that face geometry mesh as a target. When taking this approach, the previews in the creation kit will be inaccurate because it doesn't know about your custom modifications. Running your sculpted mesh through the creation kit again will cause it to apply the morphs it's assigned in the actor entry, changing the appearance. The reason the head is at her feet is unrelated and more technically complicated to explain. If you've ever noticed how modded hair meshes are sometimes placed way above or below the head mesh in the Head Preview, it's the same thing. It's not really something that can be "fixed," but it can easily be avoided. If you follow the instructions above, it shouldn't be an issue. If you wanted to recover your current face mesh, I would open it in a 3d editor like 3DS Max and move the head by (-.003, -1.575, 120.3436).
  14. This isn't actually the mod author's forum, but welcome to the club. I like that you used "affect" instead of misusing "effect." That types of skills will get you far in the modding community. Seriously, though, it's hard to tell without knowing exactly how you have it all setup. One thing I can tell you is: I believe different races use different normal maps and you'll have to make sure all of them match. (Data\textures\actors\character\BretonFemale\femalehead_msn.dds, etc.) If that's not it, first thing is to identify which texture is causing the seam. I paint my textures in 3d mode in photoshop, so I usually load the texture sets one at a time and fix any seams. You could also probably tell in something that displays the models with textures applied, like a 3d editor. You basically just need to see the diffuse, normal, specular maps individually and check for seams. Once you identify which one has it, you fix or replace it.
  15. Transparency is handled by the alpha channel. White is visible, black is transparent and grey is in between. DXT1 doesn't support alpha channels, you need to save it in a format that does, like DXT5.
  16. Races don't really own a voice type. The race entries have parameters for individual characters, which hair styles they can use, how tall they are, default voice type, etc.. But all of the above is overwritten by values set in the individual actor entry. The answer to your question depends on what type of character you're trying to voice, which, after reading your post, I'm not really sure of. If you're trying to change the player's voice, I've never personally used it but I'd recommend building off a mod like this one. If you're creating an npc, you can follow a "how to make a follower" guide, but instead of adding in the follower factions/scripts/etc., you can add in merchant stuff, or trainer stuff, or whatever you want. When I first started, I followed the Deck16 guide. It's for followers and I don't agree with all the information, but I still use that method of setting up voice files and it's worked well for me.
  17. Obviously we need a lot more information before we can really pass judgement on this, but I'm cautiously optimistic. It sounds like they essentially just hire the mod author as a third-part developer on a project-by-project basis. You pitch a mod idea, they approve or deny it. You're given a schedule and it sounds like possibly at least some or their resources for development and "polish." Mod authors are paid for their work as a developer and Bethesda (presumably) owns the mod. Everything has to be completely new and original, and no existing mods. And if you're not interested, you can still make mods and release them on the Nexus for free. I might just be sleep deprived, but that sounds good to me. At least about as good as we could expect given the last fiasco. The specific dollar numbers will obviously play a large role in my opinion, and those aren't available yet. I wouldn't even be surprised if they vary depending on circumstances of the project. It kind of sounds like you may have to upload your existing mods to their program just to apply, which I don't love. I have not personally enjoyed the existence of Bethesda.net thus far. But if this creates new content for the game that we wouldn't get otherwise, I'm all for it; especially if it comes with quality control.
  18. It's actually Game.AdvanceSkill. Put the game in front of it and you should be fine. Also, you defined a float called SkillAdvance and your script calls on SkillAdvancement.
  19. I use Archive.exe Then save as a bsa with the same name as your plugin. So, if your plugin was named MyPlugin.esp, you save the archive as MyPlugin.bsa. You can discard the .bsl file.
  20. Hi. I used the Deck16 tutorial when I first started, too. It has a lot of good information, and was a great starting point for me. But there are some things I do differently now, as a result of making my share of followers. For example, especially if you plan on releasing the follower publicly but also in general, I highly recommend making your own quest for the dialogue as opposed to changing the vanilla quests. Making changes to any vanilla assets can lead to big headaches down the road in regards to compatibility with other mods, and even vanilla followers. Making your own quest requires you to make your own scripts, but you can copy and paste generic ones from a guide like this one. I bring this up because the same thing applies to the marriage quest. I would generally recommend making your own quest as opposed to changing the vanilla quest. But, to answer your question, it is possible to stick your follower in the scene. This is the tutorial I used to learn how to make quests. It's not the best tutorial I've ever seen, but it is the best I can recommend for making quests and scenes and stuff. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but should give you an idea of how to make and change scenes. I will warn you, though, this is a little more complicated than the follower stuff and could possibly require a little scripting knowledge. I suspect the main reason why there aren't any tutorials on making custom voiced npcs marriageable is mostly because the ceremony doesn't do all that much on its own. You have to ask yourself as the developer, what exactly do you want to change about the character when they get married? Adding a character to the marriage faction is trivial - just one line, an easier script to write than any of the follower scripts. If you want them to talk differently when married, call the player pet names or that kind of thing, you add marriage faction conditions to your Hello, Goodbye, Idle, etc. One set of dialogue for MarrageFaction == 0, One set of dialogue for MarriageFaction == 1, and probably some overlap. If you want them to act differently, that's probably AI Packages with a marriage faction condition. If you want them to move in with you, again, that's easiest to setup on your own. And it's really not as complicated as it may sound. So, the majority of the "marriage" content is on your end. What you're talking about is the ceremony, which is essentially a big On/Off button to activate the optional behavior you setup. If it was me, I'd work on the functionality first and work my way towards an On button - which could be as complex or simple as you want. You can make your own scene, recreate the vanilla scene, have a literal button in your house you can press, whatever you want. Using the vanilla quest is probably more trouble than it's worth.
  21. As I recall, I believe blabba once recommended setting up (In 3DS Max) a Morpher modifier on the basic, vanilla head to transform it into your sculpted head. Then, you skin wrap the basic, citrus head to the basic, vanilla head so that it mimics its transformation. But, since the citrus head is a slightly different shape than vanilla (mostly round curves instead of sharp edges) the results may vary a little (which you can touch up). I suppose using blender's shrinkwrap would also get the job done, too. You'll have to watch for texture distortions. And you really have to be careful getting the mouth and eyes to line up as well as you can; which can be a little difficult if you've made drastic changes to your sculpt. Even if the eye sockets mostly line up, if they're off even a little, your facial animation morphs are going to start looking goofy with the parts of the eye that are supposed to go down during a blink being next to vertices that don't necessarily go down as much during a blink. It won't be that noticeable unless you're really far off, but it's worth mentioning. Same with the texture distortions. I would also just replace the head mesh in your old face geometry mesh with your new citrus version. Don't worry about all the other faceparts as they should, in theory, be lined up already. Then you just run it through Ousinius' Nif Optimizer to make it ready for SSE. On a side note, I absolutely hate that the SSE CK exports the face geometry automatically every time you save the plugin. But everyone should be aware it does that, as it'll erase these changes each time you do.
  22. Visual effects like flames on an outfit take very, very basic scripting. What you'd want is a tutorial on making spells. You'd want to make a Spell, which consists of a MagicEffect, which has a very, very basic script that says " HumanTorchEffect.Play(JohnnyStorm) ". Then, you add that spell as an enchantment to your piece of armor. And that's it. It probably takes more familiarity with the CK than scripting knowledge. Like the others suggested, I would also recommend starting out small, getting familiar with the CK and adding more features as you go. But, for the record, what you're asking for is not all that difficult to do, if you know how to do it.
  23. The easiest way would be to voice over the video you presumably record, or whatever medium you plan to use to share it with others.. The other way would be to replace the sound files that play in that Scene. If you opened the CK, found the Quest that contains the introduction, and opened up the Scene that plays, you could re-record through the CK. Or, you could just find out which sound files those are and replace them with your recordings. Of course, then you don't get the .lip files for lip-syncing. If you're not comfortable with the CK, I'd definitely recommend the former. The only difficult part about the latter is finding exactly which scene and/or files that is.
  24. You just need a MoveTo script. Put a marker or something down that you can use as a target. Or use the teleport buttons you're talking about. Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() akActionRef.MoveTo(ButtonB) ;You can also add extra instructions if you don't want to be placed directly on top of it. EndIf EndEvent ObjectReference Property ButtonB Auto ;This is the thing you want to teleport to. Don't forget to fill your properties. You probably want to make it prettier. You can play a visual effect, if you want. You can also play a sound, or do a fade to black.
  25. Make sure your selected Race is allowed to wear the AA pieces.
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