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Everything posted by Maclimes

  1. Great find! That definitely knocked a few seconds from my load time (and at least one error popup).
  2. So, I'm trying my hand at mesh editing for enemies. I thought I would start small, and make simple edit to a Chryssalid mesh. In the UDK, I exported the skeletal mesh as a FBX, imported it into Blender, and then re-exported it. I didn't even make any changes yet, I just wanted to test the Import/Export feature. But when I attempt to import, I get the error in the UDK "Import Failed", with no further information. I then tried Importing/Exporting through Maya instead of Blender, and got the same error. If I export from the UDK and then immediately re-import, it works fine. So passing the mesh through Maya or Blender is breaking it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I tried to follow tutorials online, and I'm not real sure what I'm missing here. Thanks!
  3. I am looking for where, exactly, the game performs the actual tint update (for armor, hair, eyes, etc). I've been chasing this down for quite some time, but I seem to hit a dead-end. I've found a ton of relevant and interesting code, but not what I need. I don't see where, exactly, it says "Change the value of X PROPERTY on Y MATERIAL to Z VALUE". Anyone know where to find this? Thanks a bunch!
  4. Certain enemies, such as ADVENT Troopers and ADVENT MECs can show up in different colors. I noticed that the MEC uses the exact same texture, material, and mesh for both models, so the ArmorTint color must be called from somewhere within the code. I have been unable to locate this, however. Does anyone know where enemy tints are set? Thanks. EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. It's in the Materials (Constant), if anyone else is looking.
  5. IT WORKED! Thank you so much, Solariz! Note: I got a red screen error: "Rejected template name already in use: Sectoid", but it worked. This tells me that it loaded my mod FIRST, established the Sectoid, then attempted to load the base game template. So yeah, LOTS of potential for incompatibility.
  6. I'm assuming (and fearing) that this same line of conversation applies to enemy template declarations? I want to change which Archetype a Sectoid uses when it spawns, but I seem to be hitting a brick wall...
  7. I was missing them completely. I'm very new to this, and didn't understand what was needed. However, when I added in those lines, it failed to Build. It seems to be this part: static function array<X2DataTemplate> CreateTemplates() { // ... Templates.AddItem(CreateTemplate_Sectoid()); // ... return Templates; }Without this, it builds successfully (although it doesn't actually work...).
  8. Here's what I have so far: First real mod, I'm attempting to re-skin the Sectoid (NOT create a NEW enemy; only change the existing Sectoid skin). My mod is named Villainous Visual Variety (or VVV). In the UDE, I created a new package called "VVV_Package". Inside is a group named "Sectoid" (I intend to later do other enemies in the same mod). Inside that group are the relevant textures, materials, mesh, and archetype, all properly linked together. (The Sectoid skin has been made vibrant blue with yellow spots, just for bug-testing purposes). The Archetype's name is "ARC_GameUnit_Sectoid" (just like the base game). The built-in model viewer shows the Sectoid mesh correctly with the correct skin and material, so I know everything at this stage is correct. I save this file into my Content folder for the mod. In ModBuddy, I add the UPK to my mod. Then I make the following edits: In Config, I add this to XComEngine.INI: [Engine.Engine] +ModClassOverrides=(BaseGameClass="X2Character_DefaultCharacters", ModClass="X2Character_VVVCharacters") In my SRC >VVV > Classes, I add the following file: "X2Characteer_VVVCharacters.uc", with the following content: class X2Character_VVVCharacters extends X2Character config(GameData_CharacterStats); static function X2CharacterTemplate CreateTemplate_Sectoid() { local X2CharacterTemplate CharTemplate; CharTemplate.strPawnArchetypes.AddItem("VVV_Package.Sectoid.ARC_GameUnit_Sectoid"); return CharTemplate; } Everything I've read seems to tell me that these two files, written this way, should redefine that one variable for the Sectoid's Archetype definition (to match the one I created). But in game, the Sectoid is still his usual pinky-grey self. (I also made a minor edit to force all Gatecrasher enemies to be Sectoids, so it's easy to test). The UPK package appears to be linking correctly internally, so I know the problem isn't *within* the package. My thinking is it's one of these three: The mod doesn't actually know "VVV_Package" exists. So when it's referenced (in CharTemplate.strPawnArchetypes.AddItem), it doesn't find it. Although I would think this would throw out an error...? The ClassOverrides in XComEngine.ini is incorrect. (So it's not even really processing X2Characteer_VVVCharacters.uc). The declaration in X2Characteer_VVVCharacters.uc is incorrect, so it's not applying the new Archetype. I'm wondering if I need to "declare" the VVV_Package at some point? Tell the game to look for that UPK? It is added to the Content folder in ModBuddy. Is that all I need to do? My big suspicion is that it's actually the third bullet, the X2Characteer_VVVCharacters.uc that is the problem, but I don't know enough about classes and templates at this stage to determine. I appreciate any help you might have. Thanks!
  9. Hm. I think giving them bonus Health or Armor would be a mistake. They should be trying to avoid damage, not soak it. They're melee focused, so give them some tools to survive that mad dash at the enemy. The ability to ignore at least one Overwatch per turn (or possibly just gain a +X Defense against reaction fire). Increased Mobility is of course an option (possibly at multiple stages), as is Dodge and Defense. Offensively, they should gain the ability to add a standard Poison effect to their attacks (like Venom Rounds). Perhaps even a Rupture effect? Perhaps a bonus to Hit% or Damage if they used a full dash? Instead of a traditional Burrow, how about "Tunneling Terror". 4-turn cooldown. Target an enemy within dashing range (but can be outside vision). The Lid burrows down, and then pops up next to the enemy, with a massive bonus to Critical Chance. (This also has the bonus of basically being a "teleport", skipping Overwatch altogether)
  10. The Advanced Psi-Amp, perhaps? (Currently comes bundled with the Psionics research anyway). Perhaps tie-in the "Second Cell" Upgrade of the Psi Lab into Psionics as well.
  11. I'd make them glass cannons. Since they can't take advantage of cover, and they're melee-only, they need a focus. I'd say they should have low health and/or defense, with their main stats being Damage and Mobility. They stay in your BACK lines (which sounds counter-intuitive for a melee unit), and when you've located your enemy, they come just barreling out of the backfield for massive surprise single-target damage, with poison. Also, if not already planned, they should have Burrow. While burrowed, they are invisible, but move very slowly (as they tunnel under the ground). Implacable would be fantastic as well, allowing them to retreat after a successful kill. Basically, the main role of a Chryssalid should be, "SURPRISE! Here comes a face full of talons! OH GOD PLEASE DON'T KILL ME."
  12. First off, let me just say: This mod is AMAZING. You guys have done an awesome job, and I am so excited to see this as it goes forward. A few things: Perhaps instead of "cloning", the Proving Ground project represents sending a team to capture an existing one, and then reprogramming the chip in their heads? (It would of course all occur "off camera") Instead of needing corpses, perhaps it costs Intel (to locate a likely isolated target). Just a thought. Also, I was wondering about the possibilities of customizing our alien units. Like, custom colors and the like. Is that "in the cards", so to speak?
  13. lol Nevermind. You can edit that by opening the .mao file in a text editor (such as Notepad), and changing the maps it points to. Cheers!
  14. I'm sure I just missed a step somewhere... I have successfully created a custom robe in my game, with it's own texture, not overwriting other textures. I followed Krayzie_3334's tutorial, and it worked like a charm... except for one minor issue. I appear to still have the specular maps (or something, hard to tell) from the previous texture of this model. In short, I modified Noble 2 Clothing. Now, looking at my character, I see both my texture and the original overlapping. I assumed I needed to edit the _0s.dds, _0n.dds, and _0t.dds files, just like I did with the _0d.dds. So I did... but now what? I placed them in the module's texture folder, right with the _0d, but it seems to have made no effect. Maybe I need to link them up somehow? I'm not real clear on this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! FYI, Krayzie's Tutorial here: http://social.bioware.com/11689/blog/1120/
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