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Everything posted by dennisj

  1. Thank god you made this post. Its always the stupidest f*#@ing mods that do so little that causes the biggest issues. I was about to go in and spend hours removing and reinstalling one by one every single script mod
  2. I don't get what im doing wrong. Ive set up the weapon and replaced all the place holder stuff but its not firing Scriptname AceCastOnPowerAttackScript extends activemagiceffect Spell Property AAAFire Auto Weapon Property AAA1 Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5) akCaster.DrawWeapon() akCaster.EquipItem(AAA1, True, True) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() bool PowerAttack = Game.GetPlayer().GetAnimationVariableBool("bAllowRotation") RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5) If PowerAttack == True UnRegisterForUpdate() Utility.Wait(0.4) AAAFire.cast(Game.GetPlayer()) EndIf EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) UnRegisterForUpdate() akCaster.UnEquipItem(AAA1, False, True) akCaster.RemoveItem(AAA1, 1, True) EndEvent
  3. Im trying to learn how to make a custom weapon in Skyrim that will fire off a spell when you power attack depending on the direction. Power attack forward casts fireball side casts chain lightning ect. From what ive looked up I just can't get my head around doing this but from what ive seen its almost always done using a custom script. Does anyone know how to do this in a script?
  4. Im doing the quest right before getting into the institute where you need to build all the stuff to teleport. I get the part where sturges tells me to build all the parts but they aren't showing up in the workshop menu. I can only get the platform you stand on and not the beam emitter, the console, or the satellite. Building the platform does nothing and the quest wont advance. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. I knew I couldn't have been the only person who thought this cool down this was stupid. It got me to stop playing once I got to the Ice planet and started getting more than 3 powers.
  6. Can someone please remove this ass backwards restriction? I just can't believe Mass Effect has all these dozens of powers but you can only use 3 at a time. Id be ok with the switching load outs feature if not for the fact that it puts all your powers on a cool down making combat slow down. Alternatively if someone could make a mod where you can use all 10 of your number keys to assign skills that would also be great.
  7. Im trying to edit the local leader perk so i can either have it only be level 1 to get or just have it at the start of the game. Im using FO4 edit and I have no idea what any of these values do.
  8. So am I the only person who can't load into a save? I can't even start a new game I even have all my plug ins turned off and as soon as I load into a game it crashes to desktop. I reverted back to the normal version of fallout and the game works fine now but as soon as I went back into beta it crashes again.
  9. Can't even start the game, game crashes when I load into anything including new game
  10. That reminded me. Lock objects mod. For what ever reason when I place some items on tables or counters and leave and come back they are clipping into the table or they fall though. I put toasters and photo frames in my house but they are never in the same spot when I come back
  11. A solution I thought would be good for this would be to make the "Shops" just a cash register the NPC's could stand at. That way you could put it at a table or a counter or something and create better counters and more advanced looking shops. Another solution would be to have prefab shop BUILDINGS, so you could lay it down and assign someone to building, and it's a more advanced shop than the lemonade stands. Also a great idea
  12. 1. Better shops. Instead of the wooden lemonade stands the game has we should get some other modules like maybe a chair the npc will sit on during the day to act as the shop or a mat they can stand on. So that you can make a custom shop with some indoor assets instead of just pure stands 2. Structure clipping. There are so many times I can't build something the way I want because two objects are touching. We should have it so you push a button and objects can clip into each other like if any of you used the forge tools in the halo games it would be like that. This would help with things like closing gaps and what not 3. Hot zones, An object like a mat or light that acts as a tag to tell npcs what a building is. For example a mat that will create a bar, Put it down and NPCs will visit the area at night after work and start drinking. Another that will be a place for dinner NPC's will go and eat their before and after work. Even one that will make it so npcs can't enter that area 4. Better pathing, The pathing in this game sucks some buildings I built NPCs wont enter for what ever reason Anyone else want to add something?
  13. At first I thought it was impossible without the CK but now im starting to see some amazing mods come out. We already have mods that let you recruit anyone take off the limits for the settlement strictures AND how many people can move in. Hell people are already adding craftables So where is the no follower limit mod? Just wondering if something is messed up or if its just a coincidence that its not coming out. If its possible at this stage can someone please make it? If not can someone explain why it can't be done?
  14. Yes I do Have any of you used halo forges map editor? Its kind of like the fallout one but you can have a feature that allows for objects to clip into each other allowing you to easily connect some things. This needs to be a mod
  15. Really no ones said it yet? A hard core mode! This is the first fallout game where I actually feel like a scavenger They made all the junk in the game useful so why did they take a step back and make the water and food worthless? It really needs to happen and soon
  16. Im sure it is possible but you do know the voice acting took them 3 years to finish and there are thousands of lines. So that would be a gigantic under taking
  17. I want to use the dog and a human. Just wondering if this is a script heavy thing or is it possible at this time
  18. No, ok what im asking is lets ssay this guy Exciter_GB made a mod for NV http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39561/? Can Exciter_GB just port that same asset module wise in to this game so we can see some early gun mods from NV or will every modder have to start all over
  19. It is likely that it's possible but it's not allowed. Why is it not allowed? Im talking about the original creator re uploading or someone re packing after asking the creator first
  20. Will it be possible for old moders to just take old gun models from NV and re pack them for this game? This game is great but is in despite needs for some more guns in game If so will we have to wait for the creation kit or is it currently possible?
  21. Hmm thanks ill try but ive had people tell me the patch goes above. I didn't run the patch because I kept getting errors when running the patch besides all the spells and perks are in my game now so I don't see the issue
  22. Yes I have the AFT compatibility patch for INPC. Im trying to get two followers included with the interesting npcs mod. Right now I have swamp knight following me around and im trying to get Lajjan to follow me. I also have indigo and illa following me but since INPC followers have their own system you can only have 1 from the mod. What happens is I ask Lajjan to follow me she says yes but swamp knight leaves my service I go to talk to swamp knight to get her back then Lajjan leaves. Also im not getting the "now managing with AFT" in the top right as I do with normal followers so that must mean AFT isn't working for them right. I have told everyone to leave then restarted AFT and even started a new game trying to get swamp knight and jade but it still dose not work. Here is my load order http://modwat.ch/dennisj#/plugins
  23. So I notice when I started up skyrim all my animations are delayed for about half a second. When I press W it takes almost a full second before my character takes the step and when I swing my sword and block it takes about half a second making combat very very hard. Its not my frame rate its locked at 30 so anyone know what it could be?
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