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About Fallout3playerz

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout New Vegas,Oblivion,Civ 5
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    Fallout 3

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  1. there's this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9557 I think it make the main quest optional I have had that mod from the start and it dosn't add dragons from the start unless I'm doing something wrong. So if there is another mod which makes Dragons appear at the start of the game so I wont have to do greybeards AT ALL then please link,
  2. Is there a mod which makes dragons appear from the start so I don't have to visit the Greybeards at all ?
  3. Well you have a lot of work to do but that would be very nice in the end tho. Will you be giving us the options of selecting what we want as I would only be intrested in the World,Population and the Factions parts?
  4. This would be epic if you can do it all well! Good luck!
  5. Small idea:When eating food can you make it take time as you can eat 10 bits of food in what 1 second?
  6. On the thirst topic are you going to have bottled(vial whatever) water or drinking from lakes,streams and such?
  7. http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n496/VitoScaletta/2012-02-08_00003.jpgHe should be easy to recreate I don't have the save anymore but I have a screenshot) Name: Razak Skills:One Handed 80,Sneak 50,Rest are rubbish Level:38 Items:Blades Sword,roughspun tunic,300 Gold, Razak is a mystery, he wanders the lands of Skyrim looking poor to the common eye of the races in Skyrim. The only thing he has which people notice is the Blades Katana hanging from his waist. Even tho Razak looks like nothing he will swifly remove a head in the blink of an eye. The people who do know him do not question him and just leave him to his peace as he wanders to inns at night. He got the silver sword from his child hood when he lived in Cyrodiil which was not long ago. One day Razak was by a sewer just outside of the Imperial city when he heard footsteps rushing out of it then the iron gate flinged open and a lone figure appeared. Razak looked at him shocked to see this man holding this fine detailed blade stained with blood at the point. The man looked down at Razak and dropped the sword in front of him and headed off. Razak stared at the sword for quite a while thinking of the punishments he would get from his Dark Elf Parents, so he picked it up and headed to the lands of Skyrim looking for a decent future and not to be controlled by the Imperials.
  8. Name Desired:Shogun Description:Some sort of Japan katana a mark of some sort? Japan,chinease letters(any) Kind of weapon:The Blades sword I think it was some Katana cant remember
  9. Hope you can do real well with this mod when the ck comes out.
  10. How is it going at the moment? Have you started to develop anything without the Kit?
  11. Are you going to change the timescale? I would love it if 1 min in the game would be 1 min in real life.
  12. Well every time i try to save it,Quick save,Auto save it crashes.So it is impossible to get out of a building seeing if i go threw a door it will crash.
  13. Just read threw the whole thing and i cant wait :D I think this could become 1 of the most popular mods on Oblivion nexus.
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