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About Winterdragon

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    Fallout 4

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  1. New Suggestion to Valve and Bethesda, add paid mods to Fallout 4 AT RELEASE AND NOT 3.5 YEARS LATER so mods that are already installed don't suddenly get a premium version or go paid. Give the modders a little more than 25% so the argument that people could makes mods to earn money makes sense. And, you, Valve and Bethesda, will have to moderate the paid mods section and not the community because if a stolen mod or a mods with stolen assets is sold and you both receive money from it you are both taking stolen money as well and if you don't see the point in that last argument I'm not sure if I even want Fallout 4 or anything else from you guys.
  2. Yup, I don't really like paid mods at all, I would rather see a system where you can opt to donate, though the fact that you can set it so there's a minimum and maximum you can pay for the mod is better than nothing. The problem I really have with this is that neither Valve or Bethesda are taking responsibility that mods don't get stolen and uploaded even though they both take stolen money at that point as well as the pirate author. If they want to take a cut from the pie, they need to work for it by keeping stolen mods out of the workshop, or you get like what youtube has where people just claim other peoples video and take the money untill everything has been resolved.
  3. Listen, just do what you need to. I love this modding site more than anything and yes, the poor stability is annoying. But I can live with it. I know that even though it's annoying I can get the best mods and the easiest to use mod manager here and play Skyrim in a way that console uses consider switching platforms. If setting up those super-mega-special-servers is important then you should do so. We really appreciate all the work you do for us.
  4. I really appreciate your way of thinking and ethics, you as a leader are what makes the Nexus to the grand thing it is now, leaving even Steam Workshop behind in the shadows. I'll go eat my cookie now, thanks for mentioning that. :D
  5. You really caught my attention with this magnifficent idea, and it seems you are pretty far in make it come true as well. Good job, you got my kudos. I wish I could help you but I already promised to help a bit on the Morroskyrim project. (That's where I discovered your project, on a thread you created)
  6. I voted, I don't want fast travel in this mod, or atleast not the way like it is in Skyrim and Oblivion. I would think more of teleporter stones and runes like in Gothic 2 and 3, you know, the good ones.
  7. Thanks, I have spend a day continueing to work on the tunnel and covering it up but at least I know thanks to you that I should avoid things like that. Now I can focus on other things.
  8. Does anyone know how I can get rid of these things, whatever they are http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k610/DieterVV/2012-01-06_00002.jpg?t=1325853220 http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k610/DieterVV/2012-01-06_00001.jpg?t=1325853220 I'm working on my new mod Cleaned up Searchlight Airport For Wasteland Defense and RTS, http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=45103 and I can't upload my work untill I know how I can get rid of this bug. I only see these ingame and not in GECK.
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