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About Sdub12

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    United States

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  1. Any chance somebody can make the Ranger Bear companion into the Polar bear? Kinda like how ive seen the lion into panther mods
  2. Well I tried that also and still no luck, im guessing you cant get anything from the DLC.
  3. well i got the first one and for some reason its not finding austrans might. I get no Results. I guess my only option is the very confusing Winter Forge?
  4. Hey guys ive always been a fan of the Austirians Might sword from the Wardens keep DLC, is there anyway it can be modded so i can acquire two of them to dual weild? And possibly make them dragonbone.
  5. or what would be even cooler is change it to the skin of the helmet for the Griffon's Beak set
  6. Since im not about to run the tool set on my computer i had a request for you modders if you could change the helm of honnaleath from The stone prisoner DLC. I would prefer silverite. but a cool idea would be to give options instead of just the standard gray iron.
  7. Is anybody able to make this upgradeable to dragonbone? Its one of my favorite skins of armor and i kinda want it to be more useful endgame.
  8. Hey guys i just had a request for somebody to change the need for helmets for certain set items, mainly the Effort/Duty set. I tried doing this myself but my computer has issues with running the toolset. Anybody able to whip up a mod?
  9. could anybody let me know if it is at least possible to match the colors of the warden commander armor to this helmet? My computer really cant run the tool set so its its possible i would like to try if nobody else will.
  10. So could anybody be willing to reskin the executioner helmet to match the wardens commander armor? or is this not possible? As in the same colors and possibly putting the same logo but smaller on the helmet?
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