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Everything posted by UndeadangelX

  1. Well I suppose this turned from a question of "Why does no one seem to care for large scale guilds" too "I guess I'll make a large scale guild" Something like the scale of Oblivions Dark Brotherhood or other guilds. If anyone could point me to people who have Art assests (Such as able to create some custom meshes and textures) Writers (For large scale plots that will semlessly merge with Vanilla assets) Voice actors (If your going to go big, go big.) Generally that's it, any scrpts, advanced AI behavoir, and so forth is well within my field. Hard to believe guilds are so neglected.
  2. Exactly. As I'm in my fourth year of design, and have taken multiple courses of programming, any technical aspect is pretty trivial. I'm actually working on a mod for a Guild, obviously something Stealth-ish, as most players are attracted to theif-assassin-shadow warrior type of gameplay. Only problem is theme, story and any art assets that would be needed, I'm not creative. Not the point. I'd like to see more modders focus on story based mods such as the guild aspects of it such as guilds and quests. It'd bring a lot more immersion and depth to the gameplay. Look at the Oblivion guilds such as Dark Brotherhood, which had real depth, or the theif guild where there was a tangable storyline.
  3. Hi, Idon't usually post here, but have been on Nexus for years. I'm in my fourth year of school and an intern for Game Desgin. Back to the question Why is there a lack of actual Guild mods on he nexus. While there are a few "true" guilds, and perhaps some improvments (Such as to the theif guilde and Brotherhood.) There are hardly any true original guilds. From what I seen there are perhaps three. The scope of more guilds seems simple. Have the scipt (Events, NPC actions, dialog, choices, etc) Characters, a theme, quests, and so on. So why are there so few? I remember in Obivion the guids were truely deep, even vanilla. And there were definitally a higher quality of mods for it.
  4. I have indeed seen them, and I do like all of the effort that was put into making the weapons. However, the design is to sleek, and reminds me of standard weaponry (Such as the re-textured .22's or cannons that are considered "Energy weapons" ) Traditional style of weapons, such as the Wattzz laser pistol and rifle to actually fit the theme is the goal.
  5. I have a simple request to anyone with the knowledge to do it. More energy weapons. In the weapon section for mods, we have a ridiculous amount of high textured killing machines which look amazing. Well, they look appealing if you enjoy bullets. The amount of actual energy weapon mods (That aren't simply re-purposed textures such as a .22 pistol that shoots lasers, or a new color on the Tesla canon.) is sad. I cannot be the only one who enjoys laser and plasma weapons to that of any conventional weapons. Millenia and others are more or less strictly guns, which leaves little for other choices. Before this turns into a rant, let me get to the point. I would greatly appreciate anyone who could create one or two energy weapons for the game. I'm sure others would love them as well. I have knowledge in nifskope, blender, and so on, but weapons aren't my forte, so if no one can actually create them, I would love to see tutorials on it to try my own hand (Seen Millenia's video's. More or less copy and paste, and obviously the amount of renders for EW are limited.)
  6. Firstly, if you play, or plan on playing, Fallout 3, Oblivion, or Skyrim, then I suggest the NMM. It can be buggy as all hell, can be, but the download with manager function makes your life much easier. So, so so much easier. It installs it's own folders, ogranizes the mods it's self, and sub catagorizes them, which is neat because finding mods in a big list on FOMM is irritating. But some people like FOMM better. NOW THEN. I suggest watching youtube video's on how to do this, as the visual aid is much better then what I can describe through text. They're easy to find, and easy to follow. Watch GopherVideo's channel as he goes very very very in depth. (Mostly NMM though) Once you have downloaded a mod, extract the files whereever you please. If there are multiple plugins, options or extra's, creat a new file and pick and chose what you want in that particular mod. Next, use the packet manager from FOMM and use "Add FOMod" And select that file you created (Or extracted) It'll do the rest. Once it pops up in the list, make sure to check it. All done! I highly suggest getting BOSS and FNVEdit (FNEdit?) BOSS is from Oblivion and sorts your load order for you, making sure nothing is conflicting. But make sure to manually check that order yourself, because you'll have read each and every READ ME and know the conflicts, load order, and instructions. FNVEdit checks all your active mods for conflicts. It goes through the list and tells you what mod has made the game crash, or what mod WILL make the game crash. It also allows you to create Merged Patches, which helps smooth all the mods over in the load order so no missing textures occure, objects aren't replaced, and the game doesn't break it's self. I'll be here if you have any other questions (I'm sure others can answer this with more clearity than I, though.)
  7. I had a glitch with one mod, I think an armor mod, so I deactivated it and reactivated it with my type 3 mod as well. Putting them back in However, when I did so, my Pipboy (Original pipboy, Readius, and 2500) Any pipboy at all, has dissappeared. Sure, I can hear the sounds, but the textures and meshes are not there, regardless of what I try. Allow me to narrow this down some, I've already read alot of options. Short deactivating every single mod I have and starting a new game, I've done everything. I deactivated and even deleted the readius (My last used pip and has a history of this crap) I tried two other pipboy mods and pip removers. I deactivated any mod I had that would effect meshes or textures. And yes. I even did: Player.additem 00015038 1 So I am really stuck here. Anything I can do to get any pipboy back? I can deal with a few crashes from some mods, sure, what auto save is for. I can deal with texture glitches like rocks and buildings glowing yellow and having a seizure. BUT I CANNOT PLAY WITHOUT A PIPBOY I'd really appreciate any help.
  8. I was actually just about to reply saying I resolved the issue. Haha. Yes, the only file I had was the core ESM. I restared my computer, and it got farther then it did before, but still crashed. I renamed the files, and was about to do a reinstall, but I remembered I had a problem like this with Skyrim. Steam Verify did the trick ( as far as I can tell) And replaced two files. So now it works. Though I found it on google and not from here. These forums are pretty dead if my thread is the only thing really up. Anyways. I appreciate all the help you've given me and your time. Thank you. (Still want to know what the hell happened. All I did was run the game when I had a broken mod. Disabled everything and it was still crashing. How strange.)
  9. I just ran FNVEdit with my single core ESM file. It loaded fine. Buttttttttttttttttt.... I used "Check for Errors" And it has a long list of "Errors" Very long, infact. It appears my ESM file is royally boned. Something I noticed is that throughout the entire list (Of very longness) It said "Found NULL Reference" Expected: Something here. What caused this...?
  10. Load Order: FalloutNV.Esm = 1 DeadMoney.Esm=0 HonestHearts.Esm=0 OldWorldBlues.Esm=0 LonesomeRoad.esm=0 GunRunnersArsenal.Esm=0 ClassicPack.Esm=0 MercenaryPack.esm=0 TribalPack.esm=0 CaravanPack.esm=0 As I said, I deactivated each and every mod I had, and then even deselected the DLC. The only active file is the Core Esm. Also, I did as you said, renaming the menus. No such luck.
  11. Thanks, and I did figure out what the problem was. It showed me that EVE was having trouble loading, so I messed with it and apparently an Eve GRA compatability patch was wonking everything up. So I just removed it after I failed to fix it. Not a huge deal. HOWEVER Now that I have my load order all nice and clean, everything is where it should be. NVSEdit runs perfectly fine and doesn't detect anything wrong, did a merged patch with it, used Archiveinvalidation and what not. My game is crashing upon start up. Now mind you, I did run the game with my broken load order to see if NVSEdit was just acting up, but it crashed on start up. When I fixed my load order and mods, it's still doing it, I've disabled all plugins aside from the core ESM file, (FalloutNV.esm and the DLC Esm files are the only things active) and it still crashes. Any help?
  12. Not sure if this will go here, or in the mod troubleshooting, but oh well. I've recently installed two or three new mods for the game, ran BOSS and FNVEdit to see conflicts. When I run FNVEdit I get the "An Error has occured. Editing disabled" Message. Sure enough, New Vegas crashes on start up. Honestly, I wasn't too suprised, I'm using a Type 3 body mod with Type 3 Armors and such, along with Fallout: Vegas Redesigned 2 (Also using EVE and Animation Replacer, such and such) I kinda expected Redesigned to conflict with some other meshes and textures, be even after I disable them, I get the message. So I'm not quite sure where it's getting a conflict. I can post the load order and Edit's command line to help. Asking here seemed much faster then disabling each mod and reactivating them one by one until I know where it died.
  13. This issue has been going on for over a week now, on and off. It doesn't appear to be on the users end, so it must be Nexus screwing the files. Unfortunately the only option we have appears to be this; wait. The downloads will come back up eventually (Hopefully) But until they can resolve the issues, it doesn't look like there's any other choice. Though you would think that they would be quicker to fix such an enormous problem. From what I've heard, the issues should be gone come Monday. But that's quite a ways away.
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