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Everything posted by TheDarkReaper

  1. has not set their status!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. naomis8329


      your status isn't set, put it in the fridge lol
    3. TheDarkReaper


      I'd better set it in the fridge!
    4. CheeseyBall


      30 minutes and it'll be done.

      La la la...

  2. fap6000.... Thank You. Sorted it out Thanks. The New Creature's will be seen in my Mod 'Silent Frontline - New Adventures' Thanks
  3. Hello. I have new Textures for a few Creatures that I want to add to my Teams mod but I'm having a few problems adding them. Anyone here know how to add stuff like this to a mod? I have the nif files set up to use the new texture file but when added to the G.E.C.K. then tested out the game CTD. I have never added new Creatures to any of my mods before now so if anyone could talk me through it, I would really appreciate the help. Thank You in advance. Lord of the Dark Reapers
  4. WANTED Script Wrights Interior-designers
  5. Interior Work is always going. If not on the site then i might have other interior work in mind that i haven't listed. Thank you for checking the sites out and thank you for the luck. I hope that i time others will read and can help the new team out :D
  6. If you want to help us out with Silent Frontline, here's what to do. For (new) team members: Place a reply here or at the forum site (Links at Bottom) stating what your abilities are or which you are willing to offer to us. There are a few jobs you can start on right away at Job/Requests. You don't even need to be a member for that, however as a member you can view the Team-Discussions and may have a bigger amount of control within the project. If you choose not to become a member, but do want to contribute and be credited afterwards, feel free to. Just place a reply here and at the Job/Request forum about which job you'd like to perform. http://silentfrontline.net (Forum Site) http://www.fallout3n...le.php?id=11702 (Silent Frontline - New Adventures (The Mod)) (: Thank You for Reading and i hope you can help the Team :)
  7. Hey blue_fox. We have lots of work to do and of course Interior work is always needed in any mod :P With my Teams mod. Lots of work will be going so if your up for it then head over to http://silentfrontline.net (Forum Site) There are info on site.
  8. Great Thanks, And thanks for the PM :)
  9. Hey All. I am working on a Mod that needs help with a few Interiors. Can anyone help us? Its a WIP mod that needs Mothership Zeta. If you think you can Help then please PM or Post here Thank you for Reading :) ~Dark Reaper~ :~)
  10. Im getting the same thing heres My message
  11. Hey all I'm looking for someone who's good at making Meshes? Well its a Truck, GECK ID 'TruckArmy01' I need a brand new truck, no damage at all. Can anyone help me out?
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