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Everything posted by coolmanwow

  1. I can lend my voice if need be PM Me if your interested as Im male and have a blue yeti
  2. Hay guys, I don't really know where else to post this but I work with Tats TopsVideos and I myself am a VA But I also can get the guy with the deep voice to play deep voiced villian characters. WE both own blue yetis and have years of Experience let me know if your interested in a VA such as myself! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWMybbiNZwNOhCXEzROahtw
  3. The hands and Feet arn't textured so you got high rez textures and low rez textures right next to eachother as for that I don't know Im willing to pay next time I get a paycheck as long as it gets uploaded to the nexus for everyone and its a decent texture Compatible with mutiple different body types Id pry pay 100-200 bucks over a period of two months
  4. I see improved Texture mods for female humans Male humans but why can't we get some love for the beast races... ha if your a moder interested in doing this contact me and Ill Commission you personally! Honestly this community needs some more updated player model textures. (Think Cover Khajiit but for the full body.)
  5. The hands and feet need to be retext for coverkhajiit body mod if someone could finally post a hot fix for them... it be great :3 just a request
  6. I got invited to another mod hit me up and IM me on steam if you guys want to talk more at- thekoolman225 - <- thats my steam
  7. sounds good Im interested
  8. How about a witch race A race centered around Wiches and more illiusion magic with some interesting twist
  9. Hay, I own a CAD 32 microphone and I am male if you need a Voice actor I am willing to do this for FREE I want to get myself into the skyrim mod community a bit more so yeah contact me about anything and everything.
  10. YO I would love to help with a voice acting part I got a CAD 32 condenser microphone And I am male
  11. hay do you need help I can help if you need it I have a CAD 32 microphone
  12. Can I help my steam is thekoolman225 I got a studio qauilty mic CAD 32
  13. hay Man I can help you with the mod Im male and I got a studio quailty microphone
  14. Voice acters needed Well I cant say I am the best amazing supper VA EVER MADE but I got my self a CAD 32 USB studio condenser microphone Ill hit you up in a PM
  15. It was a compilation of Mod Ideas I had I wrote it down as I went
  16. I play a beast race and All the time with mods I see clipping Paradise Halls as a recent example Is there a way to hot fix this myself I would love to know
  17. I for one find that The better mods are More adult themed Immersed mods such as paradise halls One if someone could make a hot fix for beast races for the collar on that mod that be great but I digress Mods That would put more immerse elements like lets see here maybe a way for you to cheat on your wife and if you do and she finds out some stuff happens like a mod that adds More weight to your actions Drama if you will Say if you say I hate this guy later in the story they will get mad at you and you could lose out of a great thing to happen like having a follower or money or a weapon In speaking of mods like that how about a house for Solstine WE need houses for that place because To be honest I want to live there I want more quest I want a little more I want solestine to be a viable place to live Just like skyrim is but adding more to do with in the new realm because I perfer ashy lands of morrowind to the Cold tundra of Skyrim any day
  18. now if we had a mod that allowed you to make some improvement to your house rather maken it like a nice fort or into a evil looking place maybe a castle or some just more fun stuff like a bath and shower more options for a shed outside decorations fun stuff like that
  19. is it dovakiin relaxes too :P I know bout that one I am thinking more along the lines of What any couple would do (Along the lines of safe for work)
  20. I would love to have animations for cuddling and holding hands and maybe a date system in the thingy I would love something to spice things up a little
  21. Basically a mod that allows you to play a somewhat weeker character who has to use wits to excape there captures
  22. On one last final note we can all agree that the admery demion is a races menical group in its self. if u gave a fantsy group of kkk nerds in a fantsy setting they might do much the same
  23. I understand your position and I am all for artistic freedom, however I see the potential pitfalls of lazy design and uninformed choices, hence my statement. The best way I can express it is with this video: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/call-of-juarez-the-cartel i understand the consern u have i will make it my prtority to not make a sex mod but more of a quest for u to brake the chains and lead to glory with the exception of the evil side but ill still empisise its not ok. ill do my best to not make a stubid lazy game this is in tes lore of admire demion takeing the beast race from home to work on building mineing and there privet party and im not impliying a strip scean i have the up most respect but its still not some thing to just be remove and forgoten thx for the video it opend my eyes to the problem at hand
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