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  1. I don't like the new design. On mod pages (specifically Skyrim SE) there's not enough contrast and a lot of relevant information is sized too small, like endorsements, download #s, etc. Easy to just skim passed it. It feels like there's too much information in a small space and with the color scheme your eye doesn't naturally wander to anything specific, so you end up just glancing around the entire page looking for relevant info. Obviously anything new requires an adjustment period, but my initial reactions are that I'd rather just stick to the old format.
  2. That's great to hear, I was using the old version which was 3.1.3, and the new version is still 3.1.3 so I never thought to update it.
  3. Thanks for your transparency throughout this matter, and for the swift update.
  4. All you have to do is change the setting in your fallout.ini Vanilla is fPipboy1stPersonFOV=47.0 Lower number = closer to screen... so a value of 30 might work well, just play around with it until you find something to your liking. Good luck.
  5. Hi, I'm looking to convert a single Skyrim Hair mod to Fallout New Vegas. I wasn't able to find any information on how to do it, so I'm kindly asking if anyone can help me? http://i.imgur.com/i2JXH.jpg LongDreads.7z
  6. Huh? Isn't the one on the right almost 90% the same as the one you want? Looks like a few textures could be colored to match (pants, sleeves). Looks very similar.
  7. Have you tried disabling the horse in console?
  8. I know that Leveler's Tower has a mount that you can summon. You might get that mod and try to dissect the script for that function.
  9. Hi guys, I'm using a custom skeleton.nif fitted for a smaller race, but whoever rigged it forgot to properly rig the weapon nodes for a closer fit to the body. As it is right now, these weapons hover over my character's back by around 6-8 inches, which is a little immersion breaking. In NifSkope, I've located the WeaponBow and QUIVER nodes and Right Click -> Transform -> Edit -> and adjusted properly, but when I Right Click -> Transform -> Apply, nothing happens. Usually the Translation position is set to 0,0,0 and the object/node's current position is set, but it's not saving the new values. Even when I save the Skeleton.nif and test in game, everything's still the same as before. I'm really hoping this is possible to fix in NifSkope, rather than having to import & export through 3DS Max (I've already tried & failed - exported .nif causes a CTD). Does anyone know what else I could try to get this to work? EDIT: I managed to get a hold of Metal-Gear-REX, the creator of Skyrim Weapon Positioning, who was able to explain how to fix my issue. Copy/Pasted the information in the case of someone else having a similar problem.
  10. That's a nice EnB, but be warned: you'll need a pretty decent/new computer to run it well. My slightly older computer was crippled by that EnB. It looks good though :)
  11. Just speaking from my experience: I ran into a part of the world that would always cause a CTD. Started the testing process of removing individual mods to find out which one was the cause. Ended up that W.A.T.E.R was problem. Possibly because of an incompatibility with another mod (hi-res texture packs), or another mod overwrote some files for W.A.T.E.R. I don't know. In any case, I removed W.A.T.E.R, tested successfully (no CTD) and reinstalled W.A.T.E.R. After the reinstall, everything worked fine. I was able to load the cell that had previously caused me to CTD.
  12. Skyrim -Community- Uncapper by Elys
  13. Please elaborate on the problem. Do you have any other mods? Do they work for you? Is this mod working, but not fitting properly on your character? Explain exactly what's not working.
  14. Okay, I've spent several more hours doing what those tutorials mention and trying everything I can to get the wings to work. No luck. The problem I seem to run into (Besides now CTD when Skyrim tries to load my .NIF and same for the Creation Kit) is the step within 3DS Max where all the vertices are linked to a single bone. In the Angel Wings example, they are all linked to Spine2. I've tried to duplicate this and to the best of my knowledge, duplicated everything exactly like how it is in the Angel Wing.NIF, including following the tutorials for NifSkope clean-up, but yet my .NIF causes a CTD in Skyrim/Creation Kit when trying to view it. I know it's hard to help when you can't see exactly what I'm doing, but I can guarantee it's all exactly based on the tutorials and knowledge gained from here. :( I really can't figure out what I'm missing or doing wrong. :confused: Edit: Okay... so it looks like my problem is the AlphaProperty in NifSkope. Purely copying it from the original nif doesn't work. If I remove the Alpha Property all together, I can open the file in Creation Kit (But it's invisible due to missing alpha) Edit 2: Wow! Super stoked right now! I found the elusive problem that caused the crash. Copying the original AlphaProperty worked good, but in NiTriShape, under properties... I had the Shader and Alpha in the wrong order! Shader property loads first, then alpha = fixed the issue = Awesome Alduin Wings in-game. I'll post some screenshots when I get the positioning fixed. Alduin's Wings Front Alduin's Wings Back Alduin's Wings Sneak This one is solved. :D Thank you to Ghosu for pointing me in the right direction. With enough time and effort I was able to figure out how to do this from scratch with no previous experience.
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