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About coco146

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  1. a few years back i believe someone going by the name aycan or sumit like that was making an RTS like mod for oblivion which i believe is now dead are there any others or would someone be willing to make one? wtf i just realised my ap rank is 666
  2. does any body know if there is a way to have multiple romances without them finishing you know having to choose
  3. i recently installed ooo however many things are missing meshes this is realy affecting the game can any one help
  4. I was wondering if any body was familiar with the Real Time settler mod from FO3. I enjoy this mod and i wondered if there was a version for oblivion or if anyone would make one. i think oblivion would be a better platform as it has less ''fatal'' erors yours sicerely c146
  5. magic mods btw does any body know if there are any mods that enhance illusion
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