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  1. Since I don't think CDPR is going to do it, I feel like we need someone in the modding community to fix adam smasher. My guy is SUPER underwhelming. Especially if you get to him at max level. And even compared to other bosses or even certain cyber psychos it's kind of underwhelming. I feel like he needs a bit of a rework. It was a complete immersion break when I fought him tbh. Like bro... this is the dude who split Johnny Silverhand in half? The dude who crushed my hopes and dreams in edgerunners? smh...
  2. yup... it was number 3 for me. Thanks a lot. That and I had to add the "iMinMemoryPageSize" Thanks a lot.. seriously lol Edit: Try this people This Basically fixed almost every problem I had with all my mods lol.... most of them at least.
  3. Actually that is a pretty good idea but its still not as easy as it sounds. But I might look in to that too see if i can do it that way.
  4. So as far as I know. No one has successfully completed a mod that adds a completely new origin in to the game. I had an idea in mind for one but I would like to hear some of your ideas. Also i want to know how do i plug in a new origin in to the character creator part of the game where you have to choose your origin? Already began and am almost finished with the script just need some dialogue and stuff but still would like some help and ideas. The origin can be played by any race. In the beginning you wake up on the floor with three people looming over you 1 girl is just starring at you,one is looking off in to the distance and the other is shouting out orders at the guy looking off. Then you here sounds of a huge battle going on. Somewhere is getting over run by Darkspawn and you are knocked down on your back and you Don't remember anything. the girl sees your eyes open and she tells the others that you have awoken. Girl who was shouting orders tells you something like "about time softy" or something mocking like that and she helps you to your feet. Before you can ask any questions An arrow flies past you and you are rushed in to battle. That is the first part. Wondering what would be a good idea for the place. Small town,campsite etc. That's were you guys come in. Need ideas for character names,areas,and so on. Also if you want you can maybe continue the story i placed above and see what you come up with.
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