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About TriggerNgo

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3

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  1. I've been scouring the internet for this information but I can't find it anywhere so far. Is there a version of Max 3Ds that can successfully import and export a .nif and .kf file? Please kindly point me in the right way. Thank you! -Kai
  2. There is a search function for a reason. There are many mods like this now. Requesting lock.
  3. This, this is a work of art. I would love to help, my modding is HORRIBLE, but I am very creative and am willing to supply you with endless Ideas... Though you may not like some.
  4. *Bump* I'll set out to modeling this. I'm no good at modeling, but I have a basic grasp and am willing to try, someone just has to make the animations and rig him to fold up right, and someone will have to cut his sounds from the movie, then we can rig him to a preset companion set from the vanilla game and tweak it. What do you think?
  5. True, they sadly cannot be cured. Ghoufication prevention was being worked on by the friendlies in The Pitt add-on, called "The Cure".
  6. To bring up the console you need to use the tilde (~) Key, located just below the escape key.
  7. It would be, though it'd require some super advanced scripting.
  8. Have you checked out Project Beauty HD yet? Very nice face and skin tone editing.
  9. Wow, I have to say, thats a very nice mod you have going on there. Very nice job, what inspired you?
  10. Thank you very much for the quick reply. I noticed the font in there differs from this person's font, is that custom or can you choose from the Darnified UI mod? EDIT: Never mind, it works great, thanks for your kind help.
  11. I was wondering how people manage to do this to their HUD: http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/5053/1205621270943462.jpg I'm really new to modding for this game engine, so I need some help with it, thanks for any help. -Trigger PS. Sorry if it's been posted, I can't find a search function.
  12. Hah, there wouldn't be anything left of Optimus after the kind of an air-strike, Liberty Prime all the way! Yay for anti-communist phrases!
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