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Everything posted by chibi020

  1. Curious - I haven't looked into the FB engine at all. How hard would it be to swap textures e.g. Jaal's pink to another white/blue/black form? I heard it was very challenging for DAI initially...
  2. I don't think telling modders, a very talented group of coders and artists, to stop doing their art is a way to go. For many of them, it's a hobby they enjoy and it can inspire many young people to enter the gaming industry with appropriate experience. I'm a coder (not in the gaming industry) and if I saw a "less than perfect" output from another coder, I wouldn't throw it into the fire - maybe improve what I can? I actually suspect that some of the Bioware coders are modders in the communities, maybe even doing personal projects long after the game is out, but they are worked pretty hard haha... Lashing out at Bioware by saying ''let their game rot!'' just makes us the losers, Bioware loses nothing. I think the game is alright - it has issues - I understand your frustration but I think it's misplaced.
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