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Posts posted by DarkeWolf

  1. alpalia banned.



    This one suddenly thinks that they can say whatever they want, and that they do not need to consider what fires through their brain to their fingers.

    This mess started with an imageshare criticism that could have been worded better, and blew up into a fight with the author of the image and others that attempted to defend him.

    The criticism I would have let go.


    But the "I am authorized to say everything I think" regardless of the rules of these sites? Nope, sorry... guess again. You're entitled to your opinions but don't sit there and start up trouble.

    And don't do it in the image uploads where we ban without notice or warning without strikes.


    Reference post

  2. Osiris80 banned.


    Banned for multiple reasons.

    Reported comment made to the staff. I thought that this was a new user who might not have had a chance to familiarize themselves with the rules yet, and was willing to give this one a chance.

    After sending a warning via PM the response was that this user had been banned from the the site previously. By his own admission, on numerous occassions.

    Member then proceeded to go off about the site, the staff, and it's general membership.


    I gave him a chance, and he completely blew it.


    Out you go again Osiris.




    Reference post

  3. To you both- if you do the "replacer" keep in mind LOD (level of distance) with the textures. You will need a folder that is named Medium and a folder that is named High. If you're extracting the artwork with DATOOL, you can use that one set of textures, just have a copy of them in both folders.


    Tho I don't know for sure, if you add an axe model to a mace model, you "might" get some issues with the animations. And possibly with graphics if you are using runes or elemental properties on the items. They "might" not display correctly on the new models. I don't know for sure, but it's something that I thought of, so wanted to go ahead and forewarn.

    I'm pretty sure that it would not show correctly on a greatsword model for a longsword.


    Also, don't use the warden sword (w_lsw_ls03a_0) as your dual wield replacer item. (the one you're going to replace the model on). The dual wield animations on that weapon are messed up already. You'll end up stabbing yourself during combat. I've got screenies of me shoving my own blade through my legs, through my chest, and even splitting my own skull with that particular sword in the left hand. :yucky:


    TS- totally agree... the mace models for the game aren't all that.... ummmmm appealing. Even some of the axe models could have been better, IMO.


    Tenken- glad to hear that you know how to do all of that already. Yeah, sometimes I forget to add things, but usually I try to give as much info as I can, just in case the person who I'm talking to, doesn't know about it ;)

    Wouldnt mind seeing some screenies of how things go with this project. I'm tempted to try it out myself, but I'd need to uninstall and reinstall the game to do it. And I've already used up 4/5 of my reinstalls. :confused:

  4. Hello Cameron :) As Micalov has explained, the Nexus sites do not deal with, nor discuss console modding. Please read the link that he provided in his post so that you can have an understanding of why we have this policy.

    I am sorry to have to close down your thread, but as stated, it's not a subject that we are able to support here on this site.

    -DarkeWolf Nexus Staff

  5. There's a couple of methods that you could use to make sten dual wield. One, is to use the no follower autolevel mod. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4 this mod allows you to set their skills yourself, rather than them going off the presets they use, when they level up.

    Very nice if you want to customize your character's skillsets, or make it more like other games, when it comes to their skills.


    Another option is to use a mod called Beguiler - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=205 this mod has the potential for ENORMOUS cheating tho. But very nice if you play in extremely hard difficulty mode. Allows you to add points to them whenever you want, so that you can add skills, attributes, loyalty, etc to them anytime you want.

    I have noticed one bug tho, which is that the game keeps track of their points. So if for example you throw 25 points of STR on a character, sometimes when they level up, the game sees they have too many Attribute points, so it doesn't give them any when they level, until their level equals the number of attribute points that they've got.


    I've used both of these methods in the past, most of the time running them both. I've had sten so that he could master out the 2h weapon skills AND the Dual Wield skills. (That, combined with the 2h wield mod I mentioned before, so that he wields a pair of "asala style" blades.)


    Yeah, I really do wish that it was easy as just saying "ok game, use this model for this, and this model for this". THe game's files all contain abbreviations in them. For example a greatsword contains the abbreviation "gsw" and a longsword contains the abbrev "lsw" in the filenames. So when making a longsword, the game will only use artwork with the "lsw" abbrev.

    Not too hard to change the filenames, once you have the toolset, or the DATOOL. But like I said, I havent figured out how to get the new models into the game yet :(


    Niiice input TS :thumbsup: (Tho I miss your old avatar :( ) If you wanted to, by either the toolset, or with DA tool, you could make him use a larger axe to DW. Using the same extract, rename, and then drop in override folder that I mentioned before. This would be doing a "replacer" model on a weapon that you didn't like.

  6. Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that some of the vanilla characters are 2handers. I use a mod that lets me always set their skillsets, so I usually have them as dual wielders. :facepalm:

    Tho jojjo's greatswords still go 2h, even with the mod that I mentioned before (the sheath takes up the 2hand slot) so those characters still work with their existing skillsets, and his weapons. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1430

    But not everybody is fond of that style of swords.

    I pretty much always use the 2h to 1h mod, and as you can see here, my Cauthrien Clone in the background is still using the 2h skill with one of jojjo's greatswords.



    I wish that it were as simple as just telling the game to use a 2h model for a longsword. Unfortunately... that's not how it works. You have to take the 2h sword model, rename it to a 1h model, and then add the new model to the toolset.

    Something that I myself am not familiar with how to do (the latter part of it, I mean). Tho tis something that I need to learn.


    An easier method if you wanted to use say... the vanilla textures, would be to download and install DATOOL http://social.bioware.com/project/41/ extract the model and textures for the summer sword. Then find out the filename for the textures and model used in the mod that you mentioned (tho that will require either having the dragon age toolset, to open up the files, OR contacting the author to find out the names of the files from them) and then just rename the files you extracted with DATOOL to match the ones from the mod, and drop those into your override folder.



    BTW- I know that it's off topic, but since you said that you liked Bleed's weapon pack, I thought that I should let you know this. I've been talking with him recently, and he intends to update the pack soon. To include katanas, and possibly a few other new weapons. So you might bookmark that page, and check back on it periodically ;)

  7. Heyas DaiTenken- InBleedingRapture's "Rapture's Weapons" has a one handed summer sword. Tho it's not as a greatsword anymore. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1621 Very nice mod, I've been using it for a while now.


    Alternatively, if you're still looking to get the greatsword damage from it, you can try out this mod- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11 which allows you to use 2h weapons 1 handed. Tho if you go that route, I also recommend this mod- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=348 to increase the swing speed of the weapon.


    Hope this helps :)

  8. Yup, but in a way, its easier too. Since you can edit .mrh files to make the character look more like how you want them to, without having to TRY to get them the way you want, completely from a blank slate. :D

    When I was doing my search for the Zev morphs, I used the toolset, and set it to search for creatures. Then just typed in zev and found all of his creature (.utc) files. Those told me the names of the morphs his other files used, so I just simply renamed my copies using those.

    May be easier using windows to search the files, or it might not. Just thought I'd offer that up ;)


    Well... the information about extracting the mop and mor files was something that I just threw in as extra information. Trying to provide as much help as I can. I should have remembered that you had already been working with .mop files before :facepalm:


    Good luck, and hope you like how they turn out :)


  9. Benbone, No problem at all :) Glad to help out when I can :)


    Ah yeah, I remember now... I had forgotten. When I redid a Zevran morph, there was several different files for his head/face. Even tho they all looked the same, they had different names, for different areas of the game that he showed up in. I think there were.... 3 different files? Anyway, I had to track down each and every one of them, and make a copy of the file, and then rename the copies to match the 2-3 different morph files that the game had for him.

    Anora may be the same way.

    Eamon might be as well. I know that his son has several different ones, because he has several different .utc files for the different armors that he wears in the game, and different cut scenes.


    .mrh files are the editable files that .mor and .mop files are created from.

    You could say that .mrh files are the "master files" that can be opened up in the toolset, and look exactly like the characters do.

    From there, when you extract the file from the toolset, you can choose to create a .mor (which is what characters in game use) or a .mop file (which is used by the character creator as a Preset character face). .mor and .mop files are text only files, and won't show the character's head/face inside the toolset.


    how to extract .mop files... just make sure to follow the opposite for .more files- http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/index/1833919


    I had a problem getting some of those file from that download to open. Others have not. If you do, just redownload and try again. ;)


    Hope this helps :)


  10. Heyas Benbone :)


    Here's a really great pack of files that contains a huge assortment of the files from the game.



    in one of those packs is the headmorphs from all the npcs. Once you've downloaded and extracted the folder, you can then just do a windows search thru the folder to find the right name for their file. Most of them DO follow the "racegender"_genfl_"charactername".mor style, but I know that there's a few characters in there that don't. Mostly those that are just "filler" characters tho.


    Now, one thing that I REALLY want to mention, is that even with your new morphs, there is going to be some cutscenes where the new morphs DON'T show up. Especially with these particular characters.

    This is because some of the cutscenes are not regular scenes like the others are. Where the game reads files such as the .mor files to create the character.

    Some of them are undeditable movie scenes. They were premade for the game, and they run just like a regular movie does. Those will not show the new morphs, because when the movie was made, those characters weren't using the custom morphs.


    Hope that this helps you out :)


  11. That mod that you linked to has a mod at the bottom of the description which increases the stack size for arrows. It wouldnt be infinite, but it would be close.

    I'll try to look around some more when I get a chance ;)


    Nope you did what I told you to do, the first time around. That was my fault, not yours ;)


    Ok, I was a little worried about that happening. It telling you that it did, when it didn't. Thats happened to me on a couple of occassions with my own custom made items.


    K, what you want to do, is to go into your documents/bioware/dragon age/addins/hels_armory/core/data/hels_armory_modcore.erf

    Open that file in the toolset. You should see a list of "name".uti files.


    start at the very top (hels_arrows.uti) click ONCE on that first entry to highlight it. Now hold down the shift key, and use your down arrow key to highlight more of the entries. Do this until ALL the .uti files are highlighted. (hels_arrows.uti through hels_tears.uti) Once you've got all the .uti files highlighted, RIGHT click and choose Extract Resource/Extract without dependent resources.


    Choose to extract those to your bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override folder.


    Then try the console command in game again. It should work now. :D


    Leaving for work in just a few minutes. But let me know how it went. I'll check back in again either very early tomorrow morning (after 16:00 CST) or around 1:00-ish PM CST.


    Hope that this time we've got it going correctly! :)



  12. Ugh, definitely NOT the effect that I was looking for. :( :( :(

    Yeah, the intent was to kill the autospawn, and then make it so that it would spawn manually.

    I'll have to do a bit more work on that and see what I can figure out. :(

    Most likely we will have to kill the event script in the .erf file. Or maybe just kill the .erf file entirely and leave the files inside the folder as standalone. I'm hoping that will work. It would be my scripts and then the manifest file contained within.


    I had today off, so had some time to work on it. I dunno if they'll be calling me in for work today or not tho. If so, I probly won't have a chance to work on it again until tomorrow. 10 hour shift on my feet on hot concrete floors. Then my gf stays here overnight til the next morning. Doesn't give me much personal time, or a lot of energy after :(


    No problem with the tip about editing the savegame. :thumbsup:

    You're getting lucky then. Tho it still holds true of larger savegames. Once you get about the late-middle of the game, if you try to open a savegame it will throw out an "out of memory" error code and just crash. :mad:

    Thats really cool tho that it actually reduced the file size of the savegame! Nobody has reported the TS doing that!


    Unlimited arrrows. I've seen a mod or two that have tried to compensate for the limit on arrows, by automatically respawning them. But for the life of me, I can't recall which mods those were :(

  13. Make sure to check the actual PM, I edited it twice, an that won't show up in your email notifications. ;)


    And also- I cant recommend using the bag of holding, since it's buggy, and can lose items.

    So here's instructions on how to edit your savegame on how to give your player a larger inventory. Just don't buy any backpacks after doing that, or it will change it back to what it would be for the backpack ;)

    Don't set it for more than 999 it will bug your game. And the more items you have in your inventory, the bigger your savegame file will be and take longer for it to load, in game.


    Keep in mind tho that you can only do this on some savegames. The TS won't open a savegame that is around 1 megabyte in size :(

    But I hope that this helps too :)



    Ok, to edit your savegame to expand your inventory-


    Open up the toolcrap, and choose



    documents/bioware/dragon age/characters/charactername/saves/

    choose the most recent savegame slot (will have the highest number)

    choose savegamename.das (not .das.met)


    give it a minute or two to open the file. Pray it doesn't crash :wink:


    go to savegame_partylist

    savegame_max_items and change it to 999

    save and when you load the save you can now carry 999 items


    just don't buy any backpack after that or it will reset to 125


    Included a pic to show you each area :smile:



  14. Heyas Prindacerk :)


    Yeah, I hear you on that one. I've had a couple of mods that do that too. They get very annoying after a while. Especially at the start of the game where you don't have any merchants, or any storage. So your only alternative is to just drop them.


    Edit- 4:00 9/9/11 - We actually got the kinks worked out to take care of the spawning issue. I'll post back on how to do that here in just a minute. However, I'm not going to post the actual files, until I have permission to do so from the mod author, GamerEssexSteve.

  15. Hiyas prindacerk :)

    Sorry to hear that you're having troubles with that mod. You've got the toolset, so changing the mod is something that you might be able to do. I've downloaded the mod, and am in the process of looking through it's files.

    I don't know how to fix that particular issue with the script, but I can provide you with one that will work thru the console instead. That way you can manually add as many of them to your character as you want. ;)


    I'll get back to you again with that script, and where to look for the files you need to alter, as soon as I find them. ;)

    I'll post it in your thread, just to save somebody else time, in case they wanted to help out. ;)





    Edit: 4:30 am 9/9/11 Ok we've found a viable solution for the multiple spawns of the items. I'm going to include instructions on how to do this, to make it work thru the console. And, after gaining permission from the mod author, GamerEssexSteve http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/user/2651500-essexgamersteve/


    I will include a link to the files necessary to do this, for those that don't have the toolset, can't get it to work, or just want to take the short method. ;)


    Easy method-

    Download the following file- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6SKSW0OF

    I will not ever willingly send something bad, but always be sure by virus scanning the file with an updated virus scanner.


    Once you have scanned the file, extract the hels_army_dw folder to your override. documents/bioware/packages/core/override.


    now skip down to the section of this post, underneath the ========= divider.

    A very special thanks to GamerEssexSteve for his permission to let me distribute his files, and post them here in this thread! *kudos given!*




    Toolset method-

    Read below for what to do. You WILL need the toolset in order to do this.



    First, open up the toolset, and click on File, New, Script.

    Choose to name the script hels_script

    once that is open, copy and paste the following into the script page-


                                   #include "utility_h"
    void main()
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_arrows.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_band.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_bolts.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_crossbow.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_death.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_heart.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_longbow.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_longsword.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_soultaker.uti", 1);
       UT_AddItemToInventory(R"hels_tears.uti", 1);


    then save the script (File, save) and then go to Tools, compile script. Give it a minute or two to compile it.

    Once it's finished compiling, click on the scripts icon, and type in a search for hels. Once it finds hels_script, right click on the file, and choose Export without dependant resources and export them from your

    documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override/toolsetexport folder

    to your override folder.

    Documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override.

    the two files you will need to move are hels_script.ncs and hels_script.nss


    You can choose to export them to a custom made folder there in override if you choose to.


    Now, go to documents/bioware/dragon age/addins/hels_armory/core/data/hels_armorymodcore.erf

    and open that file in the toolset.


    Once that file is open, you will see the contents of the file listed in the toolset. It will be 10 .uti files, a .nss file, and a .plo file.


    The .uti files are the only ones that we need. You can left click on the one at the top (hels_arrows.uti) hold down the SHIFT key, and use the Down Arrow key to highlight them all the way down to the last .uti file (hels_tears.uti). Once you've got them all highlighted, right click, and choose export without dependant resources.


    Either export those directly to your override folder, or to your custom made folder in the override.




    Uninstall the Hels_armory mod. Once you have done that, start up the Dragon Age came, and you will get a message saying that the mod is missing. Tell it to force load the game, and click on "yes" "ok" or whatever, twice.

    Once the game loads, Create an all new savegame, and name it something like CleanSave1 or whatever. Exit the game.


    Restart the game, and load your new clean save. Open up the console, and type in runscript hels_script and tap the ENTER key on your keyboard. You should get a message that the items have been added, and checking your player's inventory, they should now be added to the inventory. :D


    You can now add as many of each of the sets to your inventory as you want, manually.


    Special thanks goes to Prindacerk for his extensive trial and error testing, and his patience throughout the process. Special thanks also goes out to GamerEssexSteve for his hels Armory and Weapons Mod. :D



  16. Hrm... yeah, I can't get their site to work now either :(

    I did find a link for following them on twitter, perhaps you can contact them thru there, and see if they can send you the instructions on how to do it.




    I also found this, but it includes link to the page that we can't get to work :( http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=15&ved=0CC8QFjAEOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sorcerers.net%2Fforums%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D51307&ei=YlhmTsqUK4GmsAKDq7WKCg&usg=AFQjCNEFuDALreRAqS1ZcMHPlkOYLWsMvA


    sorry that I can't be more help on this one, but google wasn't turning up much on how to do this :(

  17. ginnyfizz banned.


    This is a case that is difficult for me to define.

    We have a case where one member replies to another member and then 3 minutes later reports that member before they've even replied.

    And then after reporting that member, continues to heatedly debate with said member, adding in comments that can be considered to be vigilantism. This is clearly baiting, and feeding the trolls.

    But... when that member then reports that member again as they continue on with their debate, with comments that you instigate, I see this as trying to bait that person into getting themselves banned.


    This, I will not tolerate.

    There's been tons of this going on in the chatroom, and to a lesser degree in the forums. Let this be a lesson to you, and all the others that are doing it. This will NOT be tolerated, and it can seriously backfire on you.


    Reference post

  18. Aurielius http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/user/50430-aurielius/ 1 strike issued for feeding the trolls.


    If you are going to report somebody for their comments, stop talking to them. And when you do so, don't do so with a parting gift of a last poke in the ribs for them to respond to.

    Just leave the conversation, and let the staff handle the matter, since you've already reported it.


    While I do realize that you were trying to leave the conversation, the added commentary was out of line, and seen as continuing to provoke the member as you leave the convo.

    This kind of behavior really needs to stop.



    reference post- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/422330-why-are-some-people-cruel-to-animals/page__view__findpost__p__3561472

  19. Ok enough of this.

    Yes, this thread is now officially closed. It has strayed entirely off topic, and is turning into a flamefest.

    And yes... as was mentioned, it IS up to the staff to decide things about flaming and trolling and that is exactly what we are going to do. Some of you can expect to get private messages from us.

    -DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff

  20. nick00743 banned.


    A bit of a short stay for this member, but apparently does not realize that calling an author foul names is not the way to get results around here, other than being shown the door.


    i can get the armour and everything works fine except the people i get the armour of have a big yellow lite around them, its hard to see.

    patch it up f@&#!t!

    And this kind of abuse to our modders will not be tolerated. Out you go!




    Reference post

  21. Hey DW;


    The most recent version of StF gives you a new response to Sloth when you first encounter him in the Tower. If you say "Why don't you just kill yourself?"... he does! You get all the attribute pts, exp, and codex entries that you could have gotten from doing the actual quest, and can continue with "The Broken Circle". :thumbsup:


    Ahhhh I see! Cool, thanks for the update Thandal, it's most appreciated :) :thumbsup:

  22. All eyes are being affected. Are they all black? If so check your game "Options -> Video -> Graphics Details" settings to make sure that you have all of them set to at least medium in order for the eye colors to show up.


    Hope this helps :)


  23. How far into the fade are you going with that mod active? Using that mod, you have to do each of your team member's nightmares, and then it will let you leave.

    If you're trying the mod out, and think it's not working because it's still sending you to the fade, play it through a lil bit and see if it still makes you go the full course, or just the nightmares ;)


    Edit, its been almost a year since I played. I can't remember if you still have to kill the demon at the end or not. Kinda thinking you do, but not sure.

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