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Everything posted by Inferno0214

  1. I would like to request a low resolution texture mod. Preferably 128x128 or 64x64. Artistic style doesnt realy matter, it can be cellshaded or just a simple resize of the originals. Most importantly it should be compatible with mods. I allready used a 64x64 mod called ULRT but it needs some manual changes so it doesnt crash, have to remove some files from the mod and even then it crashes if used with most mods. I know many players would also use this who dont have high end pc's or play on laptops since in my opinion its a lot better to use low res textures and keep settings at medium playing at nativ resolution with a decent fps. Than lowering settings or resolution or playing at a sub 30 fps. Not sure if this mod has been made allready, I did a few hours of search but couldnt find it. If anyone makes it I would be realy happy!
  2. In response to post #23529854. #23544324, #23544814, #23548199 are all replies on the same post. Unless I can solve such a minor issue I don't think I would qualify for the position. I will have to find a workaround. Confirmation email would be a way to do it, unless that gets bounced back too. I just have to contact them some other way, normally by this time I would be at the door with my resume, but since that isn't an option I will find another way.
  3. In response to post #23529854. #23544324 is also a reply to the same post. I did just that, but even that isn't a sure thing since I got the bounceback message from gmail. Since I didn't get one from the email I used afterwards I considered it sent, I don't want to send it in multiple times because that would be really unprofessional. Maybe I send it in one more time from a brand new email in the next few days unless I get a form of reply. I wouldn't be sad if I don't get it, but missing my dream job on such a mistake would be really frustrating.
  4. Anyone else had problems with emails bouncing back? I got a bounceback message in gmail saying "550 The content of this message looked like spam." but now I am not even sure that the one I sent from my old outlook email got trough. Just because I didn't get a bounceback message it doesn't mean it was delivered for sure.
  5. I like both TES and Fallout universe, so doesnt matter which one they make. What I realy hope for is coop content. That would make the games a ton better.
  6. I had this problem for some time now. I use many body mods like followers, body change and random NPC body. My issue is that I dont know what armor goes for what body. Best case the body morphs when I equip an armor thats not for given body, but sometimes I crash. My first solution was that I rename armors so that they include the body type in their name, but that works only till I have like 50-100 armors and even then it is a lot of work and it cant even be shared with others. I would like a mod that shows a tooltip in crafting and inventory next to armors that indicates what body type it is for. Example: Vanilia armor would have a white male+female symbol. Male only armor would be a white male symbol. Female only would be a colored female sybol where color indicates body type. I did look into this and I was asking around and ppl say it is a hard thing to do becouse the base game does not recognize more body types and so there is no way for the game to recognize what body the given armor is for. I tought maybe a skyproc could create a file that includes this info and then the game can work with that, but since I am a rookie in moding I cant realy figure this out alone. Any help or tips are appreciated!
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