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Everything posted by treota

  1. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/97147/Intel-Core-i5-7400-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3-50-GHz- Indeed, it would seem that there is very little W7 support for that particular processor, could always switch to linux ;).
  2. Most clothing with SMP capability will have the link to its xml definition file baked into the .nif file itself. Essentially the downloader does not need to do anything other than install it. A few of SunJeong's latest entries have this: (apologies, they are loverslab links but the content is pretty tame) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8570-heroes-regina-cbbe-se-bodyslide-physics-smp-cloth/ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8560-fox-b&@*$-outfit-cbbe-se-bodyslide-physics-smp-cloth/ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8520-fairy-tale-outfit-cbbe-se-bodyslide-physics-smp-cloth/ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7986-haeun-kimch-outfit-cbbe-se-bodyslide-physics-smp-cloth/ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8518-little-monli-outfits-cbbe-se-bodyslide-physics-smp-clothing/
  3. Setup: 1080ti | Ryzen 7 | ENB enabled (custom) (60fps locked) Have had no crashing issues with either body physics or clothing physics. body: (CBBE non esl, bodyslide CBBE Body Special) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198?tab=files skeleton: (XPMSSE) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1988 You could try checking the general skse log: - **\Users\*\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\skse64.log - should contain a line something like this: plugin hdtSkinnedMeshPhysics.dll (00000001 hdtSkinnedMeshPhysics 00000001) loaded correctly If you are using another mod that uses *dll* injection it may be a source of crashes, a while back the floating damage text mod was causing a crash when using it in combination with SMP. If you are using Mod Organizer then Hydrogen did recommend not installing SMP through MO, rather add it to your root Skyrim directory (have not tested if this actually causes issues or not). By far the easiest way to eliminate your hardware being the source of the problem would be to set up a bare-bones test environment that only has SMP, SKSE, XPMSE, Bodyslide and the armor / body that seems to be causing the issue. Could also try confirming that you have OpenCL capabilities http://www.geeks3d.com/20091221/how-to-enable-opencl-support-on-nvidia-and-amd-platforms/ If all else fails you could try turning down some of the solver options in your hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs/configs.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configs> <solver> <numIterations>16</numIterations> <-- !!! <groupIterations>16</groupIterations> <-- !!! <groupEnableMLCP>false</groupEnableMLCP> <erp>0.2</erp> <min-fps>60</min-fps> </solver> </configs> If none of that resoves anything you could try opening your hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs/cbbe-tbbp.xml (this is what CBBE is linked to in your defaultBBPs.xml, might be different for you). Find the collision entries and comment them out, collision entries are <per-triangle-shape> and <per-vertex-shape>. I have had occasions where the body collisions in particular get a bit freaked out and start chomping frames. <system> <!-- <per-triangle-shape name="CBBE"> <margin>0.05</margin> <prenetration>1</prenetration> <tag>hands</tag> <no-collide-with-tag>hands</no-collide-with-tag> </per-triangle-shape> --> </system>
  4. If the two meshes have different names for their mesh then yes you most likely will need to add both.
  5. Nice, I'll add a link in the troubleshooting section.
  6. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28566/Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-10?product=80939 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28567/Intel-Graphics-Windows-10-DCH-Drivers Assuming you are on windows 10 the above might be what you are looking for, depends on the hardware you have though. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/80939/Graphics-Drivers Supposedly the OpenCL runtime comes with the graphics drivers. If you are running a Radeon / AMD graphics card you probably don't need to bother with the intel drivers. If you are running SMP on Skyrim special edition you probably don't need to worry about the intel drivers either.
  7. Please help me understand this, because unless SMP is inventing its own axes, it's wrong. Angular Left/Right is Yaw, not Pitch. Yaw is movement about the vertical axis of an object- in aircraft, primarily controlled by rudders. Angular Up/Down is Pitch, not Yaw. Pitch is movement about the lateral axis of an object- in aircraft, primarily controlled by elevators. Linear Forward/Back is Fore/Aft, not Twist/Roll. Fore & Aft are actually bipolar longitudinal vectors, not really an axis per se, while Roll is angular movement about the longitudinal axis of an object- in airplanes, primarily controlled by ailerons. It is not conceptually possible for "Z" (or any other single label) to represent both fore/aft linear movement AND twist/roll angular movement at the same time. Yes, an object can move fore/aft and twist/roll at the same time, but it can't legitimately use the same descriptor or label ("Z") for both of those movements because then the label becomes ambiguous and functionally meaningless. Therefore, "Z" must be one or the other- either it is Fore/Aft (linear) movement or it is Roll/Twist (angular) movement. In the case of Skyrim physics systems, it seems that it would have to be exclusively fore/aft because there are no roll controls in Skyrim physics systems. Also, please advise where I can find a definition (with examples) of "proxy object," which is mentioned and used to define or "clarify" other concepts but not themselves clearly explained or defined that I could see. Maybe I've just gone blind- it's late. :wallbash: Thanks. Apologies, I somehow managed to miss this post entirely. Some info: - SMP uses Bullet, not HAVOK (if that is what you mean by Skyrim physics systems) - The attributes described here are acting on rotation and translation matrices The axis description there is from trial & error observation of changing values and seeing what they influenced in game. The list there is probably cramming too much information together, it is a merge of both translation and rotation and could probably be split into two different lists. I'll update the guide with two lists split into rotation axis and translation axis. Proxy objects This would probably be a whole guide in itself, the idea is to attach mesh to the skeleton that is invisible but can collide with other objects. This is done to both optimize collision performance and narrow the collision to the exact area you actually want to be affected by objects colliding. example (for a static collision object that does not move its attached bone around): Hair with physics applied to it. I don't want the hair to clip through my characters body, while I could define the whole body as a collision object this would both be unperformant and may cause collisions I don't want. (e.g. hand colliding with legs) So instead I make a simple piece of geometry that is attached to the appropriate part of the skeleton and just provides something for my hair to collide with, this is invisible in game so it just looks like the hair is colliding with the body. I'll look at removing leading info on these from the guide as they are a bit complex for this particular document (also added a section with a brief overview).
  8. I have not found the vanilla hairs in my travels. At the moment it is probably a case of DIY unfortunately, you might be able to adapt an oldrim project that adds physics to vanilla hairs if one exists, that, however, is another kettle of fish. HDT-SMP is just a physics engine that plugs into Skyrim, it adds nothing on its own, the actual physics bodies are defined using various .xml files that are linked to game objects. Having an out of date SSE will make your life harder, you would have to find a compatible version of SKSE & SMP that were built for that particular version if any exist.
  9. Unfortunately, nothing is super easy with SMP. You will need: http://skse.silverlock.org/ - The script extender SE version, this gets installed to your Skyrim folder directly, put everything other than src in *:/.../Skyrim/ wherever that may be for youA hair physics mod that is built for SMP (there are a couple on the nexus if I recall)https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18566(Caution, this site has explicit content, however, the post in question is pretty tame) https://www.loverslab.com/topic/68070-tutorial-how-to-make-hdt-meshes-work-with-hdt-smp/?tab=comments#comment-1709741, this is physics configs for KS hairsSMP itself which just needs you to sign up for an account on http://www.9damao.com/thread-61878-1-1.html and post a comment saying anything really, install this to the same place as SKSE (google translate sortof works)SMP does require the linked hdt framework on the above post to work as well, hdt heels is not required thoughNot 100% sure if you need a skeleton for hair to work, but for good measure install XPMSE as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1988I would highly recommend using a mod manager to save headaches with reverting changes and backing up game files, I personally use Mod Organizer, however, Nexus Mod Manager will also do the job.
  10. You will need in this order (use mod organizer for less headaches): - Bodyslide - HDT SMP - SMP UUNP Body - Run bodyslide making sure to pick the physics enabled version of UUNP - XPMSE Skeleton (Nothing should override this) Bodyslide will only change the body shape of the 'outfit/body' that you run it on, to change your body shape for all outfits you will need to either get or create bodyslide data for them and run a batch task (bottom left of bodyslide). edit: If you are not getting physics after running bodyslide you may need to open the body mesh file (femalebody_0.nif) and check that the name of the base shape has not changed, if so it will need to be changed in the defaultBBPs.xml config (Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs)
  11. Apologies I pointed you to the CPU version, the GPU version will just have a field under graphics card that tells you if your card supports OpenCL. https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-gpu-z/ However you are right I would expect a 1050 to support it fine. Have you tried a clean profile, just installing the required mods for SMP and whichever SMP based mod you want to use?
  12. @rasser80 https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html - This has a field which tells you if your card supports OpenCL Though if you have body mods working with SMP then you are fine and it should work for anything. I did a quick test of Cloaks and Capes with Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim, everything works as expected. You are required to install both the original mod and then Artesian Cloaks after EDIT: On further reading of the requirements, it looks like you don't need the original mod, EDIT2: Actually the mod requires Cloaks and Capes as a master so I guess you do need the original as well. The new mesh from Artesian Cloaks has the node which links the cloak to its physics definition file.
  13. @rasser80 Which mods are you having issues with? SMP will only work out of the box with armor/hair that has been specifically created for it (commonly referred to as a SMP patch), the mesh in question needs an extra flag set that points to the physics declaration file. If you are wanting to get a mod working that does not have this you either need to add the mesh that you want physics applied to in the 'registry' (defaultBBPs.xml) or add the flag in the nif file.
  14. @BlueGunk I do not claim to be particularly good at vector math so take what I say with a 'research and confirmation required' mindset. The w has something to do with assisting in transforming vectors in 3D space (in this case a position or point), 1 represents a position where 0 represents a direction. As we are describing the center of mass which is a position, w should be 1.
  15. @DarkFireTim Apologies, time is not friendly to me these days. I was thinking of using: <centerOfMassTransform><frameInB>To offset the center of mass for the bone & where its constraint is connected, though on further thought that would not really solve the problem. The tail only really has issues at fairly extreme rotations, if you stick to mostly translation it's alright.
  16. @DarkFireTim Succubus, I like your style :yes: . There are several problems here: My guide was missing some key information (updated most of it) Did not have a reference for translations x,y,z Did not have a reference for rotations y,p,r Did not have units for rotations (radians) Do not have units for translations (working on it) Description of inertia was pretty vague Could do with some example reasonable values The bones for the tail are not situated inside the mesh, as such we get undesirable mesh distortion when allowing the bones to rotate (can probaly use offsets to compensate). Our bones needed way more inertia to do anything with their constraints, around 100* We had some triangle on triangle collisions, pretty taxing Our proxy objects are a little on the complex side, they don't really need as much geometry as they have & have some interesting edges / holes that might cause issues. We have a bunch of excess definition that didn't need to be there (tidy code mostly, wasn't breaking anything) :psyduck: Warning subjective opinion incoming. As tails are commonly a balancing mechanism I have kept the range of motion fairly rigid, the tail will bend / sway but will fairly swiftly return to a neutral position. However, all power to you if you would rather have a sleek flexible tail, this probably makes just as much sense being used for allure or displays (distraction, attraction etc). Should be able to achieve something reasonable by tweaking the angular limits & potentially reducing the inertia a little bit. :psyduck: end The collision with the leg proxies perplexes me... I see no real reason why they don't behave nicely, or at all for the most part (though with a more rigid tail it doesn't really matter). Could possibly be getting confused with the nocollide on the body, could try letting the tail collide with the body mesh and see if it causes any major issues. We could try the MLCP solver instead or increasing the number of iterations calculated, these can both be found in configs.xml.
  17. @Noobiv Running two different physics sims is probably going to end up being less efficient than using one but still I would expect that to cause pretty consistent frame drop rather than stuttering. Skyrim in general has issues with micro stuttering regardless of what mods you use, unfortunately this can come from any number of sources. Personally even on a decent rig I have to use things like the speed hack from ENB, tweaks to ini files to play around with shadow rendering, mesh optimization mods etc and so on. While SSE does run much better for me in that regard it still can have issues. The only advice I can really give is to try out some of the optimization options available, if you are confident that the source of the stuttering is from the physics then it's probably related to collision simulation. Only thing to do there is reduce the number of collision simulations.
  18. There is no particular reason not to fix all of the xml files. Particularly if you have a tool that lets you mass refactor everything in a directory, something like VSCode. The nodes I am referring to are part the the nif file for the hair, looks like when the hair was made the author copied the entire skeleton. I'm not by any means an expert on skyrim modding but removing the unused skeleton nodes on my file didn't appear to break anything, will have to look into it at some later date (probably never :D). HDTHair.xml is fine really other than the prenetration tag.
  19. @DarkFireTim That it does yes. If you are getting an unsupported vertex format it would suggest that the mesh has not converted properly to BSTriShapes from NiTriShapes. You can confirm that the mesh converted properly with Nifskope by checking if the object is a BSTrishape. I have done the following: Get oldrim SMP wig Run the nif through SSE NIF Optimizer Update the esp with CKThis still resulted in no collisions with the body, however replacing the previously typoed <prenetration> elements with the correct <penetration> elements and adding a <margin> of 0.1 resulted in the desired collision. To achieve this open CBBE.xml and replace all occurances of "prenetration" with "penetration". Tweak the line: <per-triangle-shape name="CBBE"> <margin>0.1</margin> <!-- This one here --> ... </per-triangle-shape> Without any margin I get weird collision behavior, acts like a sticky non solid material. Might as well fix the HDTHair.xml as well and replace the <prenetration> tags. Note: The hair has some ~500 nodes that are unused, won't break anything but its still messy :P
  20. @DarkFireTim You most likely do not have a collision object set up that represents your characters 'body'. There are a few ways to set up a collision object to represent your character. One is to add an entry to your defaultBBPs.xml which creates an object like so (this is the easier one): <!-- defaultBBPs.xml --> <default-bbps> <map shape="MyBodyShapesName" file="SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs\body-collision.xml" /> </default-bbps> <!-- New xml file (e.g. body-collision.xml) --> <per-triangle-shape name="MyBodyShapesName"> <margin>0</margin> <penetration>0.25</penetration> <tag>body</tag> <no-collide-with-tag>body</no-collide-with-tag> </per-triangle-shape> Linking this xml file to the name of your chosen body mod (CBBE in the case of CBBE for SSE). Advantages: EasyDisadvantages: You are making your entire body a collision object, and in CBBE's case that is a lot of geometry (Performance)This will not work if the body object with the name CBBE is not present (As will be the case for most armor)While you could go through all your armor files and add a collision definition for each entry, this will most likely end up in hideous tedium. The second option is to create a proxy objects that approximate your characters body that the hair is likely to interact with, these objects can be built as a part of the hair nif itself. These proxies would be skinned / mapped to the appropriate skeleton nodes so they move properly and interact with the hair, our proxy objects only need to be as complex as desired for the accuracy of simulation intended (these end up being invisible in game). Advantages: Lower object complexity (Performance)No need to re-declare every armor you use as a collision objectCan tailor these proxies to get a collision simulation that works well enough for all use cases or that works specifically for your use caseCan add the proxy objects definition to the file that comes with the hair (HDTHair.xml), no need to mess around with linking files through defaultBBPs.xmlDisadvantages: Learning curve for the creation of mesh & skinning in the context of nif files, 3D modeling and weight mapping are not something I cover in this guide.This technique is employed by the above wedding dress file for interactions with the players legs / ground etc.
  21. It's certianly not what I would call the cleanest simulation no. Not totally awful though. https://imgur.com/a/cbEf3 (higher quality version) If you are having trouble with physics simulations make sure that your framerate is locked to 60fps. Many people have reported that higher frames than 60 causes weird issues, though I cant say that I have ever run into them. Skyrim's animation system does not help either, physics simulation is going to get a bit confused when a character insta warps 180°
  22. Looks like your system is expecting different decimal notation for starters. You will need to open your xml files and convert "." to "," or vice versa, depending on your locale. (Should be able to do a search & replace to make this more tolerable) SMP is definitely functioning as its trying to parse the xml files, so you are good to go in that regard. The physics files for the dress are declaring a bunch of unused bones, that should not be an issue though, as it indicates in the log it just skips those bones. Can't say I have seen the memory address warning before, though I do usually run with ENB & with other tweaks that may remove Skyrim's memory cap.
  23. Config looks fine really. What do your SMP / mem patch log files say? (skse/plugins/) Unfortunately I am stabbing in the dark a little really, I no longer have a rig that can run SMP for Legendary Edition. Never mind apparently I'm talking out my arse, works fine on my rig with LE :happy: . - 1080ti - ryzen 7 1800 So I successfully ran the dress with physics with this setup: <!-- Probably not relevant - Unofficial LE patch - OneTweak <!-- Should be all that is required - All in one setup (or the SMP dll files if you prefer) - HDT High Heels (required master by the dress) - Haku dress - Haku SMP patch This is without any tweaking or fiddling at all, note that the install order is relevant. If you happen to have the floating healthbars mod, try turning it off.
  24. If you want the dress on LE (old skyrim): Install this: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3285-all-in-one-hdtskinnedmeshphysics-setup-20b-fomod/ Install the first file from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87476/?tab=files Install the optional SMP patch from the same location (Overwrite files) (Use mod organizer for less headaches)If your rig can run LE SMP then you should be good to go at this point, the dress comes with xml physics files linked via the dress object itself. Try with both true & false set in your configs.xml for openCL. (skse/plugins/hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs) <configs> <opencl> <enable>false</enable> </opencl> </configs> <!-- OR --> <configs> <opencl> <enable>true</enable> </opencl> </configs> If your rig can not run SMP then you will most likey get a complaint about memory access violation in your hdtSkyrimMemPatch.log (skse/plugins/). If you want the dress on SSE: Get the dress: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13094?tab=files Figure out a way to convert the objects from the SMP patch to SSE format: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87476/?tab=files. These objects contain collision proxies and the link to the physics xml files. NIF Optimizer has promise, a really basic test sortof worked. the dress was in the wrong location). Get the beta SSE version of SMP: http://www.9damao.com/thread-61878-1-1.html (need to post a reply to the topic to get to the download) Should be good to goPretty much drop & go for LE, but for us Nvidia users LE is basically a bust (intel CPU might save you there). Note that all you need for this to work is: HDT SMPHDT High HeelsHaku Wedding dressThe body you use is only really relevant if you wanted to have physics applied to your characters body when you are not wearing chest slot armor (cuirasse).
  25. You might find this topic useful. A caution.. this is lovers lab so if you have trouble with sexual content then it might be best not to follow this one. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/89576-10-minutes-or-less-guide-to-making-your-entire-hdt-pe-armor-library-jiggle-with-smp/ The absolute basics: Verify that your card supports at least OpenCL 1.2 (https://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ if you don't already have a way to do this) Get the smp plugin & the base physics library from here: http://www.9damao.com/thread-61878-1-1.html (you will need to sign up for an account & post something on the topic to get access) Note that there is also the high heels system here: http://www.9damao.com/thread-39231-1-1.htmlhttp:// (this is super beta though, the mcm menu has no text. have to trial & error a bit) Install the HDT plugins with whatever mod management technique you preferNow comes the fun part. You will need to find the name of the mesh that you want the physics to apply to & either add it to your default-bbps.xml or add a string entry to the file using the technique covered in the first part of this guide. Be very cautious here, you can and will destroy your framerate by applying smp to large amounts of mesh. If you can live without collisions I would recommend disabling them as I suggested in a previous post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3800385-a-guide-to-hdt-smp-usersmodders/page-2&do=findComment&comment=56803756. Also note that last I used it the mod "Floating damage text" breaks SMP, not really sure why as of yet.
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