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Everything posted by inculus

  1. 1. Give NPC Shipyards unlimited resources. I can't build any more construction ships to create shipyards to create goods to sell to create more ships, so I'm stuck atm until I manually trade every-single-resource needed to the shipyard from other NPC stations. 2. Never target/display any information on civilian craft. Anything that doesn't have a gun or can't be boarded should not have a higher targeting priority than the cap ship just behind it! 3. More descriptive mission objectives. "Shore up defences in DeVries"... wow that tells you how to get your station A) Built B) Building Drones... 4. Name ships when created at a shipyard, or have a trader to do it for you for a fee. 5. Add a "Sell to [station]" command for freighters so they will hunt out the best buying price in sector etc and sell to the station you select. (Kind of helping with point 1.) 6. The ability to name fleets. I can't remember which of my 3 Arawn captains is in charge of the mining defence/shipyard defence/offensive fleets. 7. Make side missions harder and reward more money. I had a "Cartel Raid Incoming" mission this morning listed as "Very Hard" and all I had to do was kill 2 tiny fighters for 134k... 8. Make resources that you can gather yourself worth more. (See this post for more information: http://steamcommunity.com/app/2870/discussions/0/648811852485135570/) If anyone can do any of the above then for lack of anything else to give... I salute you! (And endorse ofc!)
  2. Something that really bugs me when I jump into a new system is I'm overwhelmed by the amount of enemy signatures on the UI. I get attacked by a couple Fighters near the gate, launch off a few missiles and next thing I know the police are all over me because I've been shooting civilians without really knowing it. :nuke: All I want is for them to not be marked in the UI, even when I hover over them, friendly or hostile. (Only ships like Consumer Craft etc.) If anyone could create a mod like this I'd be VERY appreciative!
  3. Ahh that sucks. Thanks anyway for the reply. Damn Square Enix! Wheres my FF7 remake! >:(
  4. I was having my daily thoughts as to what game I want to play but its always the same answer, FF7 or Oblivion. Then it came to me, why not merge aspects of both together? Keep the typical Oblivion style of exploring but when a battle comes up, switch to a Final Fantasy style of fighting. Time/turn based fighting. So you'd be exploring as usual. You'd see a wolf or something. Run up to it. When the fight triggers you'd get the typical FF7 screen shatter effect. Then your character would be facing the Wolf(s) and the camera angle is now 3rd person and at a different angle. I was thinking that perhaps when the fight starts the camera angle could change (via script effect) and you'd lose your typical control over your character. Then the animations would be controlled via scripts linked to the menu choices. Something like what the Estrus mod does with the camera minus the control over camera location. <"Estrus" is an adult mod so minors don't bother.> (Sorry for the terrible example but I don't know any other mods which do it). You'd have the typical FF7 screen UI with: Name HP Mana Time-Till-Turn bar Also the menu with: Attack Defend Magic Items Combine this with some armour mods and the materia mod and you've got an Oblivion graphics quality, not-quite-but-is-almost-believable FF7 beginning of a re-make. Throw in mods for boss fights, FF7 music, perhaps some areas of the FF7 world (Midgar etc), possibly some quests for FF7 storyline and Bobs your uncle! Of course there are a massive number of issues to contend with. Would the game world pause while the battle is taking place? What if you attack a mob before entering a battle? (Pre-emptive attack? * What about one-shotting things? What then?) How to get the mob/player to stay where they are and only move during an attack and then move back. Companion mods are all the rage. Would it be possible to get them into the battle too? (Keep them AI controlled or give control to the player?) Escaping from a fight. (Despawn the mob? -> Could lead to abuse of the system. * Move the mob away? * Make it friendly for a set time?) Which poor sod has the skills and patience to do a massive mod like this? FEAR MY AWESOME PAINT SKILLZ! http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb111/Inculus/FF7_Screen_Idea-1.jpg But yeah basic idea. No need for barrier really as they tend to have too low durations in Oblivion, so thought maybe a list of icons with on-hover tooltips for current active effects? Buffs, debuffs, racials etc. I have little experience with modding Oblivion as I prefer to mod Dragon Age:Origins so I don't really know if its possible or not. Hope is the food of foolish people but right now I'm full up! Any constructive discussion is greatly appreciated. ~Peace~ P.S. Willing to provide cookies and eternal love for anyone who can do this!
  5. Thank you for the great advice. I don't know why but I've been using the nexus sites for my mods for years but only today I've started getting these trojan warnings from my anti-virus. Literally 6 warnings in the last hour. I've never had a warning before. I'm getting both the "Scan your HD" pop-up c**p and the "Abort Connection" screen from my avast warning me about trojans. Whether this is a recent development to the Tesnexus site or somehow related to the old mods I'm viewing I don't know but its worrying all the same. Running Malwarebytes now and getting a mate to get me a linux boot CD today. If I get more warnings I'll try to SS the page or at least write down the site I get re-directed to.
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