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  1. Hi There, I have no clue as to where to even start as to what is causing this, but for some odd reason, after loading a save and playing for 5-10 minutes, I'm mysteriously unable to access my Pipboy to do anything - even my items bound to 1-8 keys don't work. When I reload my previous save, it works again but then the problem comes back in roughly the same amount of time. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I've been playing FNV since it came out and this has never happened before. I current use: -Latest Official Patch. -Latest FOMM -Latest NVSE w/ 4GB.exe -All DLCs installed including GRA. -All mods I use are compatible with each other and have not added anything new for many months. Here is my BOSS modlist: −Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins FalloutNV.esm Note: Masterlist Revision: 3336 (Sep 30 , 2011) DeadMoney.esm Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst}} HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm IWS-Core.esm Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}} Note: Loaded early to let other mods override spawn points if needed. WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm DarNifiedUINV.esp IWS-Core-Patrols.esp IWS-Core-Guards.esp IWS-Core-Civilians.esp IWS-AS-HighSpawns.esp Requires: New Vegas Script Extender Note: Only use one of the spawn .esp's IWS-AS-NoInteriorSpawns.esp Faster Running (5.5).esp −Unrecognised Plugins Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility. F3NVProjectRealityMkIv4.1.esp Demolition Expert Perk Fix.esp Execution Complete Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  2. Hello, Just have a few questions that hoping someone can answer: 1) Regarding FOMM and the settings for graphics - I noticed many of them (including things like the View Distance Setting), can be overridden and set beyond the default maximum. Before I start experimenting with these, are there any websites/articles that give detailed info regarding all the settings and how far past the default maximum is considered 'safe'? I have a powerful system and the sub-par max graphics settings just don't do it for me anymore. The view distance, for example, is just terrible. Objects far out, such as terrain, basically look like a bowl full of a solid coloured liquid. 2) I'd like to install some HD Textures for, well, all aspects, including Terrain, Weapons, Armor, everything. After searching around some, all I could find for NV is 4Aces HD Textures, but they seemed a little unstable when I tried them before. I've also downloaded NMC's HD Pack, but that's only for F3 (which I no longer have installed). People seem to praise his work for F3, but can these be adapted to work reliably with FNV? I've read user posts about a lot of textures missing (obviously because I'm sure FNV has some new ones that F3 does not have). I have both 4Aces and NMC's packs on my drive, but which one is typically hailed as the better of the two? Help would be appreciated Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  3. Hi, I'm wondering - is it possible to create a FOMOD from any mod? I've read that running the game with FOMOD ready mods instead of constantly overwriting/editing FNV files is much more stable and performs much better. Any opinions? Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  4. I actually left Kill Cam Mode on the default setting, which is 'Cinematic'. For the mod you mentioned, I actually tried that yesterday and it didn't seem to do anything at all, aside from making the VATS Missile Camera insane beyond words slow, to the point where it took 2-3 minutes to arrive at the target. I'm wondering why the whole thing was changed from the way it was in F3, which to me, was much better in this respect compared to NV. There must be a way to change it...
  5. Don't know if anyone else has this problem, but Projectiles (especially Missiles, which I use VERY often) are virtually never followed by the camera in VATS like they were in F3. In F3, pretty much every shot (Missiles and otherwise) showed the projectile travel all the way to the target in slow motion and display an epic death of the NPC / Creature in question. To me, that was the most entertaining part of combat, being a player that has always used and preferred using VATS. Is there any way to fix this so I can get the F3 VATS Projectile Camera for NV, either through a mod or modding it myself? All I ever see during a VATS sequence is 3rd person "behind the shoulder" view and nothing else, totally destroying a major part of why I play NV. Thanks in advance. Cheers!
  6. Yeah, I'm glad it worked too because crashing every 5 minutes was getting really aggravating. My PC is quite fast - I run an Core i7 920 with 6GB DDR3 and a Velociraptor HDD. The only cause would be the graphics card, which is only a Radeon 4830, though I'm running F3 on 1024x768, which is not exactly a high resolution. I modified my .ini to make use of Multithreading and other tweaks which would help with performance (as posted on Tweakguides).
  7. Well, let me know when you get a moment. Yet another thing Beth got wrong in my opinion.
  8. Well said! Though I do have one more question - are there any 'stable' mods that make it so that nothing an NPC uses degrades? I'm quite fond of the Tesla Cannon, and I thought I'd give it to Cross to wipe the floor with, but not surprising, it degrades when she uses it (and all other NPCs for that matter).
  9. Update: Strangely enough, turning down Texture Quality from High to Medium accomplished the seemingly impossible. I was able to complete the entire Broken Steel DLC without even 1 freeze or crash. I have no idea how that setting could have such a profound impact on stability, but I'm glad it worked.
  10. Lol, I definitely didn't intend to offend anyone, but after playing and loving games with stunning graphics and visual effects such as Crysis (and soon Crysis 2 with DX11), my standards have become pretty high. Fallout 3 uses the same engine as Oblivion from what I can tell, and look how many years old that game is. I agree definitely that back in the day, the graphics were top notch, but I still enjoy Fallout 3 quite a lot regardless.
  11. It's unfortunate that Beth used such an old graphics engine. The graphics, animation and visual effects could be WAY better than what they are now, not to mention the physics are beyond terrible. You'd also think that a company that specializes in RPG games, that they would provide a lot better support for their product.
  12. Thanks for the info, I'll give SCC a shot. What's your take on the 2 Gauss Rifle mods I've installed? I'm a huge fan of Fallout 2 and the GR was one of my favorite weapons, it's unfortunate Beth hadn't bothered to fix its issues. Regarding Visual Settings, which settings have the greatest impact on performance? I like the HD Textures combined with Fellout for sure, but I do notice a lot of visual tearing and stuttering with the settings at Ultra (with AA and AF off). Could that be a cause as well?
  13. It sounds like the Followers mod may be the culprit, but if you could never get it to work, are there any other confirmed stable alternatives? Could the issue be related to the Gauss Rifle mods I have installed?
  14. If I uncheck the follwers mod, is there any other confirmed stable mods that enable multple followers? I didn't think about using Fellout-SOTD, I thought it actually made nights even more dark.
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