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About cabraxusb

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  1. Hiya all! I hope someone can help me... I got a saved game file off of the Nexus, and would really like to use the face again for a new char... the problem is that I have no idea what the slider settings were for the character (since it isn't mine). So, I figured, maybe I could somehow import the char into the toolset & then export it for use as a preset. It works in theory, but I'm such a newbie to the toolset that I have absolutely no idea how to do it. Is there a tutorial out there for how I can do this, or could someone walk me through it? I would really appreciate any help I could get. Thanks a million in advance. Cabraxusb
  2. Val's mod has several different shapeshifting "schools"; one of them grants a werewolf form. It's a pretty sweet mod... you should definitely check it out! http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35 Hope this helps.
  3. Just saw Flash432's post. What I'd like to see would be a hooded cape/cloak with a hood just like this one. Not sure if anyone would be willing to do it, since it would probably require modifying a model rather than just a straight retexture, but it would still be pretty sweet! Thanks for the idea, Flash432!!
  4. Hiya all! I confess, I'm a total newbie, but I figured I would try to give modding a shot. I have checked out several tutorials both on the Toolset wiki and elsewhere (thanks to everybody that takes the time to write them! :thanks: ) But, I was wondering... how do you load mods someone else has made into the toolset so that you can make changes to it? I have seen a few similar requests here on the forums, but I haven't seen anything by way of a "how-to". I will admit, I have little experience (read that as none) with scripting, but I am willing to learn if anyone's willing to give me a brief walk-through. Besides, I figured by dissecting some of my fav mods out there, I could learn a thing or to. Just figured I would give you fair warning, so you won't be surprised if I come back with a " 'scratches head', wtf?!?" reply. :thanks:
  5. Just a quick question. I don't think it can be done, but I just wanted to confirm - is it possible to create a new item that belongs to more than one class? What I mean by that is: Is it possible to create, say, a gift (or some other type of plot item) that could then be equipped by the recipient as a usable item? (e.g. - Giving a sword to Alistair as a gift) Any ideas?
  6. Quick question... Is it possible to delete a posted endorsement, and if so, how do I do it? Thanks.
  7. Hey all! This will be my very first mod, so if my question seems to be a "no-brainer", my apologies - I am, after all, a TOTAL newbie. With that having been said, I want to create a new spell to create a "ghost armor"; that is, a conjured set of armor that would be semi-transparent (like the ghost effect in game) and worn over existing armor in game. I want it to appear like a creature overlaid over the PC, moving like he moves. (Picture a Pride Demon, semi-transparent, exactly copying the movements of the PC over the course of the spell). So, my question then is two-fold. First, would such an effect even be possible? Second, assuming the first answer is "yes", would be how to do it? Any ideas? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance. Cabraxusb
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