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  1. I can confirm that this command still works (In this case for the Mechanist Lair), in case someone is looking for it.
  2. Redirect for those stumbling on this question like i did: https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/1319961868328457760/
  3. I defer to your expertise in this, however when I was mucking about with animations in installing and uninstalling I did in fact end up with the exact same situation. In each case I ran FNIS after doing so and before I ran the game (one time). I also found confirmation online as to this situation, not that FNIS was at all involved. Sorry if that was implied. As they say: Modding happens.
  4. This is a known issue. It usually results from installing a character animation, then uninstalling it. Even running FNIS after the fact may not put the original animation back. You would think the default would be put back, but that has not been the case in my experience. I torced my Skyrim install and restarted the modding process, but you may be able to solve the issue by installing another animation of the same type, or by running the Steam check of the game cache integrity. I should see the missing files and re-add them. WARNING: If you have modified the vanilla game directory this will also be reverted.
  5. I liked Wet and cold, but my system would get laggy and crashy with holidays. Now this could be because it simply over populated the area, so lots of textures in one place skipping about, or that person was not where he was supposed to be. Could be the party script conflicted with whatever quest was going on. I dunno. In the end I disabled the mod and the problems went away. I'm fine with no celebrations though. There is a war on, dammit! :)
  6. In no particular order: Frostfall should be at the top of the load order. It is very script intensive. Wearable lanterns has the possibility to conflict with Convenient Horses. If your followers get stuck on their horse, that is why. Dual Sheath Redux: I am leery of any mods which also requires Java during the game. If it is running it before for compiling and such I'm fine with that. I could be mistaken about the implementation. I stopped considering it when I decided to use Equipping Overhaul to avoid possible conflicts. Wet & Cold should be towards the top after any environmental mods. SkiUI should go after the official and unofficial patches. Civil War Overhaul is known to be problematic. Convenient Horses should be as close to the top as possible. For the most part put follower mods below your environment and texture mods. In the end I axed them all and went with one Dragonborn bodyguard mod and Interesting NPCs which is huge in and of itself. Fewer random NPC mods fewer sources of conflict. I believe reading about possible issues with the Jarl of Ivertead mod, but it could be resolved now. As always read the mod description AND the forum comments section for at least a few pages to avoid headaches on any mod you choose to use.
  7. Disable the water patch for Falkaar...you do not have that mod. IF you download TES5Edit, run it , it will give you an error for a missing master such as this. Also look up the UNofficial patches , they really are necessary. In addition Serana is a rather unique follower and does not follow the general follower rules. If you must marry her, then make sure you finish her main quest line first to avoid any possible hiccups. Not sure the crab, is a good choice as a follower, but he has to be better than an animated lamp. Just read the mod description carefully. I chose to leave him out.
  8. I just started re-modding Skyrim and am going from 100 to 250 mods. The unreachable servers definitely prompted me to contribute. For how long depends on a number of factors, but primarily on whether this actually fixes the problem. BlueGunk, I found that manual installation is the way to go anyways with some mods being taken down or files becoming unavailable due to modders being banned. But that is a subject for another thread. In addition large-scale modding of Skyrim rarely works smoothly the first time. I am on my second Skyrim reinstall and my second mod "clean wipe" reinstall.
  9. I encountered CTD with just Breezhome as well. I just have the Breezehome Crafting Room mod from the Steam Workshop installed. I removed the three unofficial patched and the problem was resolved.
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