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Everything posted by xJaegermeifter

  1. We got some short hair cuts, and we got the mustache. But We need a strong square jawed man preset. Everything is super hot elf and anime proportion features. Id pay someone a shiney nickle for a good lookalike preset.
  2. Would be cool to see a rick grimes mod to replace leon or something.
  3. Armor/Weapon skins. Need a ODST/Halo, and Stormtrooper variants like Xcom did. Would LOVE that, would be like Halo vs the Flood.
  4. Looking for some good male presets, as im horrible at making them. We have thousands of female presets, hundreds of great ones. Wheres some good ole male presets, some that look like Gerad Butler or something.
  5. Tried googling, cant find help, tried uninstalling several mods, and ran boss, couldnt figure it out. So when i started up my game, even new, load in, run around, i can adjust my advskills, add per points via cheat book, spawn in gear, run around and do like 2-3 quests, totally fine. But the moment i save, quit, and load the game back up, load the save file through continue or load, and get into game, you hear the "swoosh" sound like when your werewolf form changes or something, then your health depletes and you die in a few seconds, TGM, Racemenu, etc, doesnt stop this. Any help?
  6. Necroing this, as i have the same issue. Ive went through and uninstalled alot of mods that have scripts, tried it with a new start, save game after i leave alternate start, (any location), exit, reload, load in, and die in two seconds from health drain. I have no idea what it is.
  7. There was quiet a few of this in oldrim. Anyone know of one that does it for SkSE? I cant find one.
  8. Looking for mods that yall can suggest me to. Of course im going to use Frostfall/hypo Campfire(unless its added into frostfall now?) iNeed Realistic diseases/hunger. Wet and Cold What im looking for is- a combat overhaul, probably one that has locational damage/smarter AI. A weather mod that can give me a harsh/gloomy/cold feel through most of skyrim, but sunny when not. So possibly NAT or CoT? And any other mods yall can suggest.
  9. Yes the sever weather is what i want, BUT. It doesnt add any snow to the cities, like on the ground/buildings.
  10. Do i just need to use the BAE converter or whatever? I used that to do racemenu. Note: I have 0 modding experience outside of just downloading/installing lol.
  11. I REALLY want Dovahkiins Vault from oldrim :( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67704
  12. Theres some mods out there that relocate loot. Like random cave chests will only have low tier/nordic weapons. Only the "end of the dung" chests have great loot, or "mini/boss" npcs.
  13. L Let me ask you this. i nearly got what i want but im having one issue. Ive tried moving them around in my load order, and rewritting both ways, doesnt fix it but.... The "No snow under roofs" mod, when i download that, it gives me a SUPER white snow ontop of the darker snow. Its not that bad during the day, but the snow nearly glows in the dark at night. Like youll have all the normal snow on ground/buildings look great, then this stuff is super white snow drifts/dunes/piles.
  14. Yeh man, im after a fully frozen skyrim. Im playing as a werewolf/hunter type character. While using the frostfall and ineed mods to their fullest for a full on survival experience.
  15. A Apologizes. English isnt my first language here :). But yes, THAT is exactly what i want. Snow everywhere. That oldrim mod, but there isnt a SE version for it, or is there a way for me to convert it? I found the CoT winter mod, and im using that with RLO and some snow textures, it gets the job done, gets me the atmosphere. But i would perfer Vivid + True storms and the patch, so you can hear the thunder n such from inside of buildings and the crazy blizzards that comes with it. So if i could use those with that oldrim mod i would be sold. CoT Winter doesnt add snow into the cities sadly.
  16. Looking for one, i seen one before but cant find it on nexus. I know theres the CoT one, but im already using Vivid Weathers and RLO. So wouldnt those two mods clash with CoT? Or is there some witchcraft i can do to run it with no conflicts?
  17. Right, i really dont want to "spend hours just to throw it all away in the end". In my "theory" it would be better to have it all on a SSD for obvious better loading speads. But with Texture mods or even script mods like Frostfall, DSR, and even down to just eye/grass mods, would it be better to put them on my larger HDD with 900gb room to download stuff, or cram it into my SSD.
  18. Title. Im wanting to do SkyrimSE on SSD to help with load times and all that, and im assuming that if i mod the hell out of it, this will help in that case. But i have limited storage on my SSD as its only 500gb while my HDD is 1TB, Is there a way for me to install NMM on the HDD with the mods, but have skyrim on my SSD?
  19. Title, i see the leather backpack, and the knapsack, but im looking for the fur ones, or others that were in the frostfall mod?
  20. Right, and alot of mods that i want are skse dependant, so without that, se isnt really for me then.
  21. Now i know the main selling points. Skyrim Original- Has way more mod options. More unstable compared to SE. Has SKSE. 32 bit. But in the end, can look far far far better, and you can do WAY more in terms of animations, UI, etc. Skyrim Special Edition- Less mods, but WAY more stable game. 64 Bit. Doesnt have SKSE, and can only use an old style of Skyui. The "base" version of it, already has some light and texture upgrades over the original skyrim. To me, it seems like still modding Original is better than SE in nearly every department, especially if you want GAMEPLAY and animation changing mods, especially more so, if there are scripts involved. But if your just wanting to make a vanilla game with textures/models changed, then SE is the way to go. Whats yalls thought on what i should do? Or have i practically answered myself, Which one is better to mod on?
  22. I have used all of those. Let me start at the beginning. I first off, downloaded MANY mods, over the last two years, never cleaned my files, nothing, just a big mess. So a few days ago, i uninstalled all my mods from NMM (DELETED), this includes off skyrim too obviously, and the workshop. I went into my files, and deleted everything. Did a fresh re-install of the game. I went through and redownloaded SKSE, got a few of the basic mods like better map, skyui, quick loot, fnis, etc etc. and life like idles is still there. Ive used TesV and FNIS, still not there, i dont know what gives.
  23. I've done a full wipe, uninstall, and reinstall, unactivated all my mods, redownloaded only the base mods (skyui, skeletons, etc), checked my folders, DELETED lifelike idles from my NMM and cant find it in the folders, but its still in game, what gives?
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